
158 строки
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using NUnit.Framework;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
using Xamarin.Tests;
namespace Xamarin.Linker {
public static partial class Extensions {
// note: direct check, no inheritance
public static bool Is (this TypeReference type, string @namespace, string name)
return ((type is not null) && (type.Name == name) && (type.Namespace == @namespace));
public abstract class InlinerTest {
// note: not every candidate should be handled by the linker
// most of them are _naturally_ eliminated by not being used/marked
static bool DisplayCandidates = false;
protected abstract string Assembly { get; }
AssemblyDefinition assembly;
protected virtual AssemblyDefinition AssemblyDefinition {
get {
if (assembly is null)
assembly = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly (Assembly);
return assembly;
protected string ListMethods (HashSet<string> h)
string result = Path.GetFileName (Assembly);
if (h.Count == 0)
return $" {result}: success";
return result + "\n" + h.Aggregate ((arg1, arg2) => arg1 + "\n" + arg2);
bool IsCandidateForInlining (MethodDefinition m)
// candidates must be methods
if (m.IsConstructor)
return false;
// must have a body (IL)
if (!m.HasBody)
return false;
// must be static or not virtual (can't be overrriden)
if (!m.IsStatic && m.IsVirtual)
return false;
// the body must not have exception handlers or variables
var b = m.Body;
return !(b.HasExceptionHandlers || b.HasVariables || b.InitLocals);
/// <summary>
/// We look for candidates, without parameters, that only do `return true;`.
/// E.g. Such a static method can be inlined by replacing the `call` with a `ldc.i4.1` instruction
/// We must ensure that the list of methods we inline remains unchanged in the BCL we ship.
/// </summary>
protected void NoParameterReturnOnlyConstant (Code code, HashSet<string> list)
if (DisplayCandidates)
Console.WriteLine ($"### NoParameterReturnOnlyConstant {code}: {Path.GetFileName (Assembly)}");
var ad = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly (Assembly);
foreach (var t in ad.MainModule.Types) {
if (!t.HasMethods)
foreach (var m in t.Methods) {
if (!IsCandidateForInlining (m))
if (m.HasParameters)
var b = m.Body;
if (b.Instructions.Count != 2)
var ins = b.Instructions [0];
if (code == ins.OpCode.Code) {
var s = m.ToString ();
list.Remove (s);
if (DisplayCandidates)
Console.WriteLine ($"* `{s}`");
/// <summary>
/// We look for candidates, without parameters and return value, that does nothing (only `ret`).
/// E.g. Such a static method can be inlined by replacing the `call` with a nop` instruction.
/// We must ensure that the list of methods we inline remains unchanged in the BCL we ship.
/// </summary>
protected void NoParameterNoReturnNoCode (HashSet<string> list)
if (DisplayCandidates)
Console.WriteLine ($"### ReturnOnly: {Path.GetFileName (Assembly)}");
foreach (var t in AssemblyDefinition.MainModule.Types) {
if (!t.HasMethods)
foreach (var m in t.Methods) {
if (!IsCandidateForInlining (m))
if (m.HasParameters)
if (!m.ReturnType.Is ("System", "Void"))
var b = m.Body;
if (b.Instructions.Count == 1) {
var s = m.ToString ();
list.Remove (s);
if (DisplayCandidates)
Console.WriteLine ($"* `{s}`");
public class MscorlibInlinerTest : InlinerTest {
protected override string Assembly {
get { return Path.Combine (Configuration.MonoTouchRootDirectory, "lib", "mono", "Xamarin.iOS", "mscorlib.dll"); }
public void True ()
// list MUST be kept in sync with InlinerSubStep.cs
var h = new HashSet<string> {
"System.Boolean System.Security.SecurityManager::CheckElevatedPermissions()",
NoParameterReturnOnlyConstant (Code.Ldc_I4_1, h);
Assert.That (h, Is.Empty, ListMethods (h));
public void Nop ()
// this list MUST be kept in sync with InlinerSubStep.cs
var h = new HashSet<string> {
"System.Void System.Security.SecurityManager::EnsureElevatedPermissions()",
NoParameterNoReturnNoCode (h);
Assert.That (h, Is.Empty, ListMethods (h));