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#nullable enable
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.DotNet.XHarness.iOS.Shared.Execution;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Microsoft.DotNet.XHarness.iOS.Shared.Logging;
namespace Xharness.Jenkins {
/// <summary>
/// Allows to select the tests to be ran depending on certain conditions such as labels of modified files.
/// </summary>
class TestSelector {
#region private vars
readonly Jenkins jenkins;
readonly IProcessManager processManager;
readonly IVersionControlSystem vcs;
ILog MainLog => jenkins.MainLog;
IHarness Harness => jenkins.Harness;
// We select tests based on a prefix of the modified files.
// Add entries here to check for more prefixes.
static readonly string [] mtouchPrefixes = {
static readonly string[] mmpPrefixes = {
static readonly string[] bclPrefixes = {
static readonly string [] btouchPrefixes = {
static readonly string [] macBindingProject = new [] {
}.Intersect (btouchPrefixes).ToArray ();
static readonly string [] xtroPrefixes = {
static readonly string [] cecilPrefixes = {
static readonly string [] dotnetFilenames = {
static readonly string [] msbuildFilenames = {
public TestSelector (Jenkins jenkins, IProcessManager processManager, IVersionControlSystem versionControlSystem)
this.jenkins = jenkins;
this.processManager = processManager;
this.vcs = versionControlSystem;
void DisableKnownFailingDeviceTests ()
// https://github.com/xamarin/maccore/issues/1008
jenkins.ForceExtensionBuildOnly = true;
// 'filenames' is a list of filename prefixes, unless the name has a star character, in which case it's interpreted as a regex expression.
void SetEnabled (IEnumerable<string> files, string [] filenames, string testname, ref bool value)
MainLog.WriteLine ($"Checking if test {testname} should be enabled according to the modified files.");
// Compute any regexes we might need out of the loop.
var regexes = new Regex [filenames.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < filenames.Length; i++) {
// If the prefix contains a star, treat it is as a regex.
if (filenames [i].IndexOf ('*') == -1)
var regex = new Regex (filenames [i]);
regexes [i] = regex;
foreach (var file in files) {
MainLog.WriteLine ($"Checking for file {file}");
for (var i = 0; i < filenames.Length; i++) {
var prefix = filenames [i];
if (file.StartsWith (prefix, StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
value = true;
MainLog.WriteLine ("Enabled '{0}' tests because the modified file '{1}' matches prefix '{2}'", testname, file, prefix);
} else if (regexes [i]?.IsMatch (file) == true) {
value = true;
MainLog.WriteLine ("Enabled '{0}' tests because the modified file '{1}' matches regex '{2}'", testname, file, prefix);
// Returns true if the value was changed.
bool SetEnabled (HashSet<string> labels, string testname, ref bool value)
if (labels.Contains ("skip-" + testname + "-tests")) {
MainLog.WriteLine ("Disabled '{0}' tests because the label 'skip-{0}-tests' is set.", testname);
if (testname == "ios")
jenkins.IncludeiOS32 = jenkins.IncludeiOS64 = false;
value = false;
return true;
} else if (labels.Contains ("run-" + testname + "-tests")) {
MainLog.WriteLine ("Enabled '{0}' tests because the label 'run-{0}-tests' is set.", testname);
if (testname == "ios")
jenkins.IncludeiOS32 = jenkins.IncludeiOS64 = true;
value = true;
return true;
} else if (labels.Contains ("skip-all-tests")) {
MainLog.WriteLine ("Disabled '{0}' tests because the label 'skip-all-tests' is set.", testname);
value = false;
return true;
} else if (labels.Contains ("run-all-tests")) {
MainLog.WriteLine ("Enabled '{0}' tests because the label 'run-all-tests' is set.", testname);
value = true;
return true;
// respect any default value
return false;
void SelectTestsByModifiedFiles (int pullRequest)
// toArray so that we do not always enumerate all the time.
var files = vcs.GetModifiedFiles (pullRequest).ToArray ();
MainLog.WriteLine ("Found {0} modified file(s) in the pull request #{1}.", files.Count (), pullRequest);
foreach (var f in files)
MainLog.WriteLine (" {0}", f);
SetEnabled (files, mtouchPrefixes, "mtouch", ref jenkins.IncludeMtouch);
SetEnabled (files, mmpPrefixes, "mmp", ref jenkins.IncludeMmpTest);
SetEnabled (files, bclPrefixes, "bcl", ref jenkins.IncludeBcl);
SetEnabled (files, btouchPrefixes, "btouch", ref jenkins.IncludeBtouch);
SetEnabled (files, macBindingProject, "mac-binding-project", ref jenkins.IncludeMacBindingProject);
SetEnabled (files, xtroPrefixes, "xtro", ref jenkins.IncludeXtro);
SetEnabled (files, cecilPrefixes, "cecil", ref jenkins.IncludeCecil);
SetEnabled (files, dotnetFilenames, "dotnet", ref jenkins.IncludeDotNet);
SetEnabled (files, msbuildFilenames, "ios-msbuild", ref jenkins.IncludeiOSMSBuild);
void SelectTestsByLabel (int pullRequest)
var labels = new HashSet<string> ();
if (Harness.Labels.Any ()) {
labels.UnionWith (Harness.Labels);
MainLog.WriteLine ($"{Harness.Labels.Count} label(s) were passed on the command line.");
} else {
MainLog.WriteLine ($"No labels were passed on the command line.");
if (pullRequest > 0) {
var lbls = vcs.GetLabels (pullRequest);
if (lbls.Any ()) {
labels.UnionWith (lbls);
MainLog.WriteLine ($"Found {lbls.Count ()} label(s) in the pull request #{pullRequest}: {string.Join (", ", lbls)}");
} else {
MainLog.WriteLine ($"No labels were found in the pull request #{pullRequest}.");
var env_labels = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("XHARNESS_LABELS");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (env_labels)) {
var lbls = env_labels.Split (new char [] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
labels.UnionWith (lbls);
MainLog.WriteLine ($"Found {lbls.Count ()} label(s) in the environment variable XHARNESS_LABELS: {string.Join (", ", lbls)}");
} else {
MainLog.WriteLine ($"No labels were in the environment variable XHARNESS_LABELS.");
var custom_labels_file = Path.Combine (HarnessConfiguration.RootDirectory, "..", "jenkins", "custom-labels.txt");
if (File.Exists (custom_labels_file)) {
var custom_labels = File.ReadAllLines (custom_labels_file).Select ((v) => v.Trim ()).Where (v => v.Length > 0 && v [0] != '#');
if (custom_labels.Count () > 0) {
labels.UnionWith (custom_labels);
MainLog.WriteLine ($"Found {custom_labels.Count ()} label(s) in {custom_labels_file}: {string.Join (", ", custom_labels)}");
} else {
MainLog.WriteLine ($"No labels were in {custom_labels_file}.");
} else {
MainLog.WriteLine ($"The custom labels file {custom_labels_file} does not exist.");
MainLog.WriteLine ($"In total found {labels.Count ()} label(s): {string.Join (", ", labels.ToArray ())}");
// disabled by default
SetEnabled (labels, "mtouch", ref jenkins.IncludeMtouch);
SetEnabled (labels, "mmp", ref jenkins.IncludeMmpTest);
SetEnabled (labels, "bcl", ref jenkins.IncludeBcl);
SetEnabled (labels, "bcl-xunit", ref jenkins.IncludeBCLxUnit);
SetEnabled (labels, "bcl-nunit", ref jenkins.IncludeBCLNUnit);
SetEnabled (labels, "mscorlib", ref jenkins.IncludeMscorlib);
SetEnabled (labels, "btouch", ref jenkins.IncludeBtouch);
SetEnabled (labels, "mac-binding-project", ref jenkins.IncludeMacBindingProject);
SetEnabled (labels, "ios-extensions", ref jenkins.IncludeiOSExtensions);
SetEnabled (labels, "device", ref jenkins.IncludeDevice);
SetEnabled (labels, "xtro", ref jenkins.IncludeXtro);
SetEnabled (labels, "cecil", ref jenkins.IncludeCecil);
SetEnabled (labels, "old-simulator", ref jenkins.IncludeOldSimulatorTests);
SetEnabled (labels, "dotnet", ref jenkins.IncludeDotNet);
SetEnabled (labels, "all", ref jenkins.IncludeAll);
// enabled by default
SetEnabled (labels, "ios-32", ref jenkins.IncludeiOS32);
SetEnabled (labels, "ios-64", ref jenkins.IncludeiOS64);
SetEnabled (labels, "ios", ref jenkins.IncludeiOS); // Needs to be set after `ios-32` and `ios-64` (because it can reset them)
SetEnabled (labels, "tvos", ref jenkins.IncludetvOS);
SetEnabled (labels, "watchos", ref jenkins.IncludewatchOS);
SetEnabled (labels, "mac", ref jenkins.IncludeMac);
SetEnabled (labels, "ios-msbuild", ref jenkins.IncludeiOSMSBuild);
SetEnabled (labels, "ios-simulator", ref jenkins.IncludeSimulator);
SetEnabled (labels, "non-monotouch", ref jenkins.IncludeNonMonotouch);
SetEnabled (labels, "monotouch", ref jenkins.IncludeMonotouch);
bool inc_permission_tests = false;
if (SetEnabled (labels, "system-permission", ref inc_permission_tests))
Harness.IncludeSystemPermissionTests = inc_permission_tests;
// docs is a bit special:
// - can only be executed if the Xamarin-specific parts of the build is enabled
// - enabled by default if the current branch is main (or, for a pull request, if the target branch is main)
var changed = SetEnabled (labels, "docs", ref jenkins.IncludeDocs);
if (Harness.ENABLE_XAMARIN) {
if (!changed) { // don't override any value set using labels
var branchName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("BRANCH_NAME");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (branchName)) {
jenkins.IncludeDocs = branchName == "main";
if (jenkins.IncludeDocs)
MainLog.WriteLine ("Enabled 'docs' tests because the current branch is 'main'.");
} else if (pullRequest > 0) {
jenkins.IncludeDocs = vcs.GetPullRequestTargetBranch (pullRequest) == "main";
if (jenkins.IncludeDocs)
MainLog.WriteLine ("Enabled 'docs' tests because the target branch is 'main'.");
} else {
if (jenkins.IncludeDocs) {
jenkins.IncludeDocs = false; // could have been enabled by 'run-all-tests', so disable it if we can't run it.
MainLog.WriteLine ("Disabled 'docs' tests because the Xamarin-specific parts of the build are not enabled.");
// old simulator tests is also a bit special:
// - enabled by default if using a beta Xcode, otherwise disabled by default
changed = SetEnabled (labels, "old-simulator", ref jenkins.IncludeOldSimulatorTests);
if (!changed && jenkins.IsBetaXcode) {
jenkins.IncludeOldSimulatorTests = true;
MainLog.WriteLine ("Enabled 'old-simulator' tests because we're using a beta Xcode.");
public void SelectTests ()
if (!int.TryParse (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("ghprbPullId"), out int pullRequest))
MainLog.WriteLine ("The environment variable 'ghprbPullId' was not found, so no pull requests will be checked for test selection.");
// First check if can auto-select any tests based on which files were modified.
// This will only enable additional tests, never disable tests.
if (pullRequest > 0)
SelectTestsByModifiedFiles (pullRequest);
// Then we check for labels. Labels are manually set, so those override
// whatever we did automatically.
SelectTestsByLabel (pullRequest);
DisableKnownFailingDeviceTests ();
if (!Harness.INCLUDE_IOS) {
MainLog.WriteLine ("The iOS build is disabled, so any iOS tests will be disabled as well.");
jenkins.IncludeiOS = false;
jenkins.IncludeiOS64 = false;
jenkins.IncludeiOS32 = false;
if (!Harness.INCLUDE_WATCH) {
MainLog.WriteLine ("The watchOS build is disabled, so any watchOS tests will be disabled as well.");
jenkins.IncludewatchOS = false;
if (!Harness.INCLUDE_TVOS) {
MainLog.WriteLine ("The tvOS build is disabled, so any tvOS tests will be disabled as well.");
jenkins.IncludetvOS = false;
if (!Harness.INCLUDE_MAC) {
MainLog.WriteLine ("The macOS build is disabled, so any macOS tests will be disabled as well.");
jenkins.IncludeMac = false;