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// Unit tests for NSString
// Authors:
// Sebastien Pouliot <sebastien@xamarin.com>
// Copyright 2011-2012 Xamarin Inc. All rights reserved.
using System;
using CoreGraphics;
#if !__WATCHOS__
using System.Drawing;
using Foundation;
using ObjCRuntime;
using AppKit;
using UIFont = AppKit.NSFont;
using UIStringAttributes = AppKit.NSStringAttributes;
using UIKit;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace MonoTouchFixtures.Foundation {
[Preserve (AllMembers = true)]
public class StringTest {
[ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentNullException))]
public void Compare_Null ()
using (NSString s = new NSString ("s")) {
s.Compare (null);
public void Compare ()
using (NSString s1 = new NSString ("Sebastien"))
using (NSString s2 = new NSString ("Sébastien"))
Assert.That (s1.Compare (s1), Is.EqualTo (NSComparisonResult.Same), "Same");
Assert.That (s1.Compare (s2), Is.EqualTo (NSComparisonResult.Ascending), "Ascending");
Assert.That (s2.Compare (s1), Is.EqualTo (NSComparisonResult.Descending), "Descending");
public void Compare_Options ()
using (NSString s1 = new NSString ("Sebastien"))
using (NSString s2 = new NSString ("Sébastien"))
Assert.That (s1.Compare (s2, NSStringCompareOptions.DiacriticInsensitiveSearch),
Is.EqualTo (NSComparisonResult.Same), "DiacriticInsensitiveSearch");
public void Compare_Range ()
using (NSString s1 = new NSString ("Bastien"))
using (NSString s2 = new NSString ("Sébastien"))
NSRange r = new NSRange (2, s2.Length - 2);
Assert.That (s2.Compare (s1, NSStringCompareOptions.CaseInsensitiveSearch, r),
Is.EqualTo (NSComparisonResult.Same), "skip accent");
public void Compare_Locale ()
using (NSString s1 = new NSString ("sebastien"))
using (NSString s2 = new NSString ("Sébastien"))
NSStringCompareOptions options = NSStringCompareOptions.DiacriticInsensitiveSearch | NSStringCompareOptions.CaseInsensitiveSearch;
NSRange r = new NSRange (0, s2.Length);
Assert.That (s1.Compare (s2, options, r, null),
Is.EqualTo (NSComparisonResult.Same), "null");
Assert.That (s1.Compare (s2, options, r, NSLocale.SystemLocale),
Is.EqualTo (NSComparisonResult.Same), "SystemLocale");
// requested in http://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1870
public void Replace_Range ()
using (NSString s1 = new NSString ("Sebastien"))
using (NSString s2 = new NSString ("é"))
using (NSString s3 = new NSString ("sébastien"))
using (NSString result = s1.Replace (new NSRange (1, 1), s2))
NSStringCompareOptions options = NSStringCompareOptions.CaseInsensitiveSearch;
Assert.That (result.Compare (s3, options),
Is.EqualTo (NSComparisonResult.Same), "Replace");
//No Mac version of DrawString with those parameters
#if !__TVOS__ && !__WATCHOS__ && !MONOMAC
[Culture ("en")] // fails for some cultures, e.g. ar-AE
public void DrawString_7 ()
nfloat actualFontSize = 12;
var f = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize (actualFontSize);
try {
using (NSString s = new NSString ("s")) {
var size = s.DrawString (CGPoint.Empty, 20, f, 6, ref actualFontSize, UILineBreakMode.MiddleTruncation, UIBaselineAdjustment.None);
Assert.That (actualFontSize, Is.EqualTo ((nfloat) 12), "actualFontSize");
Assert.That (size.Width, Is.InRange ((nfloat) 6f, (nfloat) 7f), "Width");
Assert.That (size.Height, Is.InRange ((nfloat) 14f, (nfloat) 15f), "Height");
using (NSString s = new NSString ("saterlipopette")) {
var size = s.DrawString (CGPoint.Empty, 20, f, 6, ref actualFontSize, UILineBreakMode.MiddleTruncation, UIBaselineAdjustment.None);
Assert.That (actualFontSize, Is.EqualTo ((nfloat) 6), "actualFontSize-2");
Assert.That (size.Width, Is.InRange ((nfloat) 17f, (nfloat) 19f), "Width-2");
Assert.That (size.Height, Is.InRange ((nfloat) 7f, (nfloat) 8f), "Height-2");
} catch {
Console.WriteLine ("DrawString_7: actualFontSize: {0} font: {1}", actualFontSize, f);
//No Mac ersion of StringSize with those parmaters
[Culture ("en")] // fails for some cultures, e.g. ar-AE
public void StringSize_5 ()
nfloat actualFontSize = 12;
var f = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize (actualFontSize);
try {
using (NSString s = new NSString ("s")) {
var size = s.StringSize (f, 6, ref actualFontSize, 10, UILineBreakMode.MiddleTruncation);
Assert.That (actualFontSize, Is.EqualTo ((nfloat) 12), "actualFontSize");
Assert.That (size.Width, Is.InRange ((nfloat) 6f, (nfloat) 7f), "Width");
Assert.That (size.Height, Is.InRange ((nfloat) 14f, (nfloat) 15f), "Height");
using (NSString s = new NSString ("saterlipopette")) {
var size = s.StringSize (f, 6, ref actualFontSize, 10, UILineBreakMode.MiddleTruncation);
Assert.That (actualFontSize, Is.EqualTo ((nfloat) 6), "actualFontSize-2");
Assert.That (size.Width, Is.InRange ((nfloat) 5f, (nfloat) 10f), "Width-2");
Assert.That (size.Height, Is.InRange ((nfloat) 14f, (nfloat) 15f), "Height-2");
} catch {
Console.WriteLine ("StringSize_5: actualFontSize: {0} font: {1}", actualFontSize, f);
#endif // !__TVOS__ && !__WATCHOS__ && !MONOMAC
public void PathExtensions ()
using (NSString s = new NSString ("/dir/file.ext")) {
Assert.That (s.PathExtension.ToString (), Is.EqualTo ("ext"), "PathExtension");
var components = s.PathComponents;
Assert.That (components.Length, Is.EqualTo (3), "PathComponents");
Assert.That (components [0], Is.EqualTo ("/"), "PathComponents-0");
Assert.That (components [1], Is.EqualTo ("dir"), "PathComponents-1");
Assert.That (components [2], Is.EqualTo ("file.ext"), "PathComponents-2");
Assert.That (s.LastPathComponent.ToString (), Is.EqualTo (components [2]), "LastPathComponent");
public void DrawingExtensions ()
TestRuntime.AssertXcodeVersion (5, 0);
TestRuntime.AssertSystemVersion (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 11, throwIfOtherPlatform: false);
using (var s = new NSString ("foo")) {
NSStringDrawingOptions options = NSStringDrawingOptions.OneShot;
var attrib = new UIStringAttributes ();
using (var dict = new NSDictionary ()) {
Assert.DoesNotThrow (() => s.GetBoundingRect (new CGSize (5, 5), options, attrib, null), "GetBoundingRect 1");
Assert.DoesNotThrow (() => s.WeakGetBoundingRect (new CGSize (5, 5), options, dict, null), "WeakGetBoundingRect 1");
Assert.DoesNotThrow (() => s.DrawString (new CGRect (0, 0, 10, 10), options, attrib, null), "DrawString 1");
Assert.DoesNotThrow (() => s.WeakDrawString (new CGRect (0, 0, 10, 10), options, dict, null), "WeakDrawString 1");
#if !MONOMAC //WeakDrawString on mac doesn't have versions with these parameters
Assert.DoesNotThrow (() => s.WeakDrawString (new CGRect (0, 0, 10, 10), dict), "WeakDrawString 2");
Assert.DoesNotThrow (() => s.WeakDrawString (new CGPoint (0, 0), dict), "WeakDrawString 3");
public void ReleaseEmptyString ()
NSString.Empty.DangerousRelease ();
NSString.Empty.DangerousRelease ();
NSString.Empty.DangerousRelease ();
NSString.Empty.DangerousRelease ();
NSString.Empty.DangerousRelease ();
Assert.That (NSString.Empty.RetainCount, Is.EqualTo (nuint.MaxValue), "RetainCount");
Assert.That (NSString.Empty.Compare (new NSString (string.Empty)), Is.EqualTo (NSComparisonResult.Same), "Same");
public void Equality ()
using (var s1 = new NSString ("\u00f6")) // o-umlaut
using (var s2 = new NSString ("o\u0308")) { // o + combining diaeresis
// since ObjC thinks it's different
Assert.That (s1.GetHashCode (), Is.Not.EqualTo (s2.GetHashCode ()), "GetHashCode");
// then it's "correct" to return false for equality
Assert.False (s1.Equals ((object) s2), "Equal(object)");
Assert.False (s1.Equals ((NSObject) s2), "Equal(NSObject)");
Assert.False (s1.Equals ((NSString) s2), "Equal(NSString)");
Assert.False (NSString.Equals (s1, s2), "static");
// and people need to call compare
Assert.That (s1.Compare (s2), Is.EqualTo (NSComparisonResult.Same), "Same");
#if !MONOMAC // NSImage uses different methods
public void FromData ()
UIImage img = UIImage.FromFile ("basn3p08.png");
using (NSData imageData = img.AsPNG ()) {
using (var str = NSString.FromData (imageData, NSStringEncoding.UTF8)) {
Assert.IsNull (str, "NSDataFromImage");
Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => {
NSString.FromData (null, NSStringEncoding.UTF8);
}, "NSDataNull");