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// Copyright 2017 Xamarin Inc.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
using Mono.Linker;
using Mono.Tuner;
using MonoTouch.Tuner;
using Xamarin.Bundler;
namespace Xamarin.Linker.Steps
public class PreserveSmartEnumConversionsSubStep : ExceptionalSubStep
Dictionary<TypeDefinition, Tuple<MethodDefinition, MethodDefinition>> cache;
protected override string Name { get; } = "Smart Enum Conversion Preserver";
protected override int ErrorCode { get; } = 2100;
public override SubStepTargets Targets {
get {
return SubStepTargets.Method | SubStepTargets.Property;
public override bool IsActiveFor (AssemblyDefinition assembly)
if (Profile.IsProductAssembly (assembly))
return true;
// We don't need to process assemblies that don't reference ObjCRuntime.BindAsAttribute.
foreach (var tr in assembly.MainModule.GetTypeReferences ()) {
if (tr.IsPlatformType ("ObjCRuntime", "BindAsAttribute"))
return true;
return false;
void Preserve (Tuple<MethodDefinition, MethodDefinition> pair, MethodDefinition conditionA, MethodDefinition conditionB = null)
if (conditionA != null) {
context.Annotations.AddPreservedMethod (conditionA, pair.Item1);
context.Annotations.AddPreservedMethod (conditionA, pair.Item2);
if (conditionB != null) {
context.Annotations.AddPreservedMethod (conditionB, pair.Item1);
context.Annotations.AddPreservedMethod (conditionB, pair.Item2);
static string ProviderToString (ICustomAttributeProvider provider)
if (provider is MemberReference member)
return member.DeclaringType.FullName + "." + member.Name;
if (provider is MethodReturnType returnType)
return ProviderToString ((ICustomAttributeProvider) returnType.Method);
return provider.ToString ();
void ProcessAttributeProvider (ICustomAttributeProvider provider, MethodDefinition conditionA, MethodDefinition conditionB = null)
if (provider?.HasCustomAttributes != true)
foreach (var ca in provider.CustomAttributes) {
var tr = ca.Constructor.DeclaringType;
if (!tr.IsPlatformType ("ObjCRuntime", "BindAsAttribute"))
if (ca.ConstructorArguments.Count != 1) {
ErrorHelper.Show (ErrorHelper.CreateWarning (LinkContext.Target.App, 4124, provider, "Invalid BindAsAttribute found on '{0}': should have 1 constructor arguments, found {1}. Please file a bug report at https://bugzilla.xamarin.com", ProviderToString (provider), ca.ConstructorArguments.Count));
var managedType = ca.ConstructorArguments [0].Value as TypeReference;
var managedEnumType = managedType?.GetElementType ().Resolve ();
if (managedEnumType == null) {
ErrorHelper.Show (ErrorHelper.CreateWarning (LinkContext.Target.App, 4124, provider, "Invalid BindAsAttribute found on '{0}': could not find the underlying enum type of {1}. Please file a bug report at https://bugzilla.xamarin.com", ProviderToString (provider), managedType?.FullName));
// We only care about enums, BindAs attributes can be used for other types too.
if (!managedEnumType.IsEnum)
Tuple<MethodDefinition, MethodDefinition> pair;
if (cache != null && cache.TryGetValue (managedEnumType, out pair)) {
Preserve (pair, conditionA, conditionB);
// Find the Extension type
TypeDefinition extensionType = null;
var extensionName = managedEnumType.Name + "Extensions";
foreach (var type in managedEnumType.Module.Types) {
if (type.Namespace != managedEnumType.Namespace)
if (type.Name != extensionName)
extensionType = type;
if (extensionType == null) {
Driver.Log (1, $"Could not find a smart extension type for the enum {managedEnumType.FullName} (due to BindAs attribute on {ProviderToString (provider)}): most likely this is because the enum isn't a smart enum.");
// Find the GetConstant/GetValue methods
MethodDefinition getConstant = null;
MethodDefinition getValue = null;
foreach (var method in extensionType.Methods) {
if (!method.IsStatic)
if (!method.HasParameters || method.Parameters.Count != 1)
if (method.Name == "GetConstant") {
if (!method.ReturnType.IsPlatformType ("Foundation", "NSString"))
if (method.Parameters [0].ParameterType != managedEnumType)
getConstant = method;
} else if (method.Name == "GetValue") {
if (!method.Parameters [0].ParameterType.IsPlatformType ("Foundation", "NSString"))
if (method.ReturnType != managedEnumType)
getValue = method;
if (getConstant == null) {
Driver.Log (1, $"Could not find the GetConstant method on the supposedly smart extension type {extensionType.FullName} for the enum {managedEnumType.FullName} (due to BindAs attribute on {ProviderToString (provider)}): most likely this is because the enum isn't a smart enum.");
if (getValue == null) {
Driver.Log (1, $"Could not find the GetValue method on the supposedly smart extension type {extensionType.FullName} for the enum {managedEnumType.FullName} (due to BindAs attribute on {ProviderToString (provider)}): most likely this is because the enum isn't a smart enum.");
pair = new Tuple<MethodDefinition, MethodDefinition> (getConstant, getValue);
if (cache == null)
cache = new Dictionary<TypeDefinition, Tuple<MethodDefinition, MethodDefinition>> ();
cache.Add (managedEnumType, pair);
Preserve (pair, conditionA, conditionB);
protected override void Process (MethodDefinition method)
ProcessAttributeProvider (method, method);
ProcessAttributeProvider (method.MethodReturnType, method);
if (method.HasParameters) {
foreach (var p in method.Parameters)
ProcessAttributeProvider (p, method);
protected override void Process (PropertyDefinition property)
ProcessAttributeProvider (property, property.GetMethod, property.SetMethod);
if (property.GetMethod != null)
Process (property.GetMethod);
if (property.SetMethod != null)
Process (property.SetMethod);