
2328 строки
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// ARKit bindings
// Authors:
// Vincent Dondain <vidondai@microsoft.com>
// Copyright 2017 Microsoft Inc. All rights reserved.
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using AVFoundation;
using CoreFoundation;
using CoreGraphics;
using CoreMedia;
using CoreLocation;
using CoreVideo;
using Foundation;
using ObjCRuntime;
using ImageIO;
using Metal;
using QuickLook;
using SpriteKit;
using SceneKit;
using UIKit;
using Vector2 = global::OpenTK.Vector2;
using Vector3 = global::OpenTK.NVector3;
using Matrix3 = global::OpenTK.NMatrix3;
using Matrix4 = global::OpenTK.NMatrix4;
namespace ARKit {
[iOS (11,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
public enum ARTrackingState : long {
[iOS (11,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
public enum ARTrackingStateReason : long {
[iOS (11,3)]
[iOS (11,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
[ErrorDomain ("ARErrorDomain")]
public enum ARErrorCode : long {
UnsupportedConfiguration = 100,
SensorUnavailable = 101,
SensorFailed = 102,
CameraUnauthorized = 103,
MicrophoneUnauthorized = 104,
LocationUnauthorized = 105,
WorldTrackingFailed = 200,
GeoTrackingNotAvailableAtLocation = 201,
GeoTrackingFailed = 202,
InvalidReferenceImage = 300,
InvalidReferenceObject = 301,
InvalidWorldMap = 302,
InvalidConfiguration = 303,
#if !XAMCORE_4_0
[Obsolete ("Please use the 'InvalidCollaborationData' value instead.")]
CollaborationDataUnavailable = InvalidCollaborationData,
InvalidCollaborationData = 304,
InsufficientFeatures = 400,
ObjectMergeFailed = 401,
FileIOFailed = 500,
RequestFailed = 501,
[iOS (11,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
public enum ARHitTestResultType : ulong {
FeaturePoint = 1 << 0,
EstimatedHorizontalPlane = 1 << 1,
[iOS (11,3)]
EstimatedVerticalPlane = 1 << 2,
ExistingPlane = 1 << 3,
ExistingPlaneUsingExtent = 1 << 4,
[iOS (11,3)]
ExistingPlaneUsingGeometry = 1 << 5,
[iOS (11,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
public enum ARPlaneAnchorAlignment : long {
[iOS (11,3)]
[iOS (11,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
public enum ARSessionRunOptions : ulong {
None = 0,
ResetTracking = 1 << 0,
RemoveExistingAnchors = 1 << 1,
StopTrackedRaycasts = 1 << 2,
[iOS (13,4)]
ResetSceneReconstruction = (1 << 3),
[iOS (11,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
public enum ARWorldAlignment : long {
[iOS (11,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
public enum ARPlaneDetection : ulong {
None = 0,
Horizontal = 1 << 0,
[iOS (11,3)]
Vertical = 1 << 1,
[iOS (12,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
public enum AREnvironmentTexturing : long {
[iOS (12,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
public enum ARWorldMappingStatus : long {
[iOS (12,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
public enum ARPlaneClassificationStatus : long {
NotAvailable = 0,
[iOS (12,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
public enum ARPlaneClassification : long {
None = 0,
[iOS (13,0)]
[iOS (13,0)]
[iOS (13,0)]
public enum ARCoachingGoal : long {
[iOS (13,0)]
public enum ARFrameSemantics : long {
None = 0x0,
PersonSegmentation = 1 << 0,
PersonSegmentationWithDepth = (1 << 1) | (1 << 0),
BodyDetection = 1 << 2,
[iOS (14,0)]
SceneDepth = (1 << 3),
[iOS (14,0)]
SmoothedSceneDepth = (1 << 4),
[iOS (13,0)]
public enum ARMatteResolution : long {
Full = 0,
Half = 1,
[iOS (13,0)]
public enum ARRaycastTarget : long {
[iOS (13,0)]
public enum ARRaycastTargetAlignment : long {
[iOS (13,0)]
public enum ARSegmentationClass : byte {
None = 0,
Person = 255,
[iOS (13,0)]
public enum ARCollaborationDataPriority : long {
[iOS (14, 0)]
public enum ARAltitudeSource : long {
[iOS (14, 0)]
public enum ARConfidenceLevel : long {
[iOS (14, 0)]
public enum ARGeoTrackingAccuracy : long {
[iOS (14, 0)]
public enum ARGeoTrackingState : long {
[iOS (14, 0)]
public enum ARGeoTrackingStateReason : long {
[iOS (12,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
[Advice ("To conform to 'ARAnchorCopying' you need to implement:\n'[Export (\"initWithAnchor:\")]'\n'public YourConstructor (ARAnchor anchor)'")]
interface ARAnchorCopying : NSCopying {
// Constructors in interfaces are not possible in C#
// @required -(instancetype _Nonnull)initWithAnchor:(ARAnchor * _Nonnull)anchor;
[iOS (11,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface ARAnchor : ARAnchorCopying, NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("identifier")]
NSUuid Identifier { get; }
[iOS (12,0)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("name")]
string Name { get; }
[iOS (13,0)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("sessionIdentifier")]
NSUuid SessionIdentifier { get; }
[Export ("transform")]
Matrix4 Transform {
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
[Export ("initWithTransform:")]
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
IntPtr Constructor (Matrix4 transform);
[iOS (12,0)]
[Export ("initWithName:transform:")]
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
IntPtr Constructor (string name, Matrix4 transform);
// Inlined from 'ARAnchorCopying' protocol (we can't have constructors in interfaces)
[iOS (12,0)]
[Export ("initWithAnchor:")]
IntPtr Constructor (ARAnchor anchor);
[iOS (11,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface ARCamera : NSCopying {
[Export ("transform")]
Matrix4 Transform {
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
[Export ("eulerAngles")]
Vector3 EulerAngles {
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
[Export ("trackingState")]
ARTrackingState TrackingState { get; }
[Export ("trackingStateReason")]
ARTrackingStateReason TrackingStateReason { get; }
[Export ("intrinsics")]
Matrix3 Intrinsics {
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
[Export ("imageResolution")]
CGSize ImageResolution { get; }
[iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("exposureDuration")]
double ExposureDuration { get; }
[iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("exposureOffset")]
float ExposureOffset { get; }
[Export ("projectionMatrix")]
Matrix4 ProjectionMatrix {
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
#if !XAMCORE_4_0
[Obsolete ("Use 'Project' instead.")]
[Wrap ("Project (point, orientation, viewportSize)", IsVirtual = true)]
CGPoint GetProjectPoint (Vector3 point, UIInterfaceOrientation orientation, CGSize viewportSize);
[Export ("projectPoint:orientation:viewportSize:")]
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
CGPoint Project (Vector3 point, UIInterfaceOrientation orientation, CGSize viewportSize);
[iOS (12,0)]
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
[Export ("unprojectPoint:ontoPlaneWithTransform:orientation:viewportSize:")]
Vector3 Unproject (CGPoint point, Matrix4 planeTransform, UIInterfaceOrientation orientation, CGSize viewportSize);
[Export ("projectionMatrixForOrientation:viewportSize:zNear:zFar:")]
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
Matrix4 GetProjectionMatrix (UIInterfaceOrientation orientation, CGSize viewportSize, nfloat zNear, nfloat zFar);
[Export ("viewMatrixForOrientation:")]
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
Matrix4 GetViewMatrix (UIInterfaceOrientation orientation);
[iOS (11,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface ARFrame : NSCopying {
[Export ("timestamp")]
double Timestamp { get; }
[Export ("capturedImage")]
CVPixelBuffer CapturedImage { get; }
[iOS (13,0)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("cameraGrainTexture")]
IMTLTexture CameraGrainTexture { get; }
[iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("cameraGrainIntensity")]
float CameraGrainIntensity { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("capturedDepthData", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
AVDepthData CapturedDepthData { get; }
[Export ("capturedDepthDataTimestamp")]
double CapturedDepthDataTimestamp { get; }
[Export ("camera", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
ARCamera Camera { get; }
[Export ("anchors", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
ARAnchor[] Anchors { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("lightEstimate", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
ARLightEstimate LightEstimate { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("rawFeaturePoints", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
ARPointCloud RawFeaturePoints { get; }
[iOS (12,0)]
[Export ("worldMappingStatus")]
ARWorldMappingStatus WorldMappingStatus { get; }
[iOS (13,0)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("segmentationBuffer")]
CVPixelBuffer SegmentationBuffer { get; }
[iOS (13,0)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("estimatedDepthData")]
CVPixelBuffer EstimatedDepthData { get; }
[iOS (13,0)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("detectedBody")]
ARBody2D DetectedBody { get; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 14, 0, message: "Use 'ARSession.Raycast' instead.")]
[Export ("hitTest:types:")]
ARHitTestResult[] HitTest (CGPoint point, ARHitTestResultType types);
[iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("raycastQueryFromPoint:allowingTarget:alignment:")]
ARRaycastQuery CreateRaycastQuery (CGPoint point, ARRaycastTarget target, ARRaycastTargetAlignment alignment);
[Export ("displayTransformForOrientation:viewportSize:")]
CGAffineTransform GetDisplayTransform (UIInterfaceOrientation orientation, CGSize viewportSize);
[iOS (14, 0)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("geoTrackingStatus", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
ARGeoTrackingStatus GeoTrackingStatus { get; }
[iOS (14, 0)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("sceneDepth", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
ARDepthData SceneDepth { get; }
[iOS (14, 0)]
[Export ("smoothedSceneDepth", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
ARDepthData SmoothedSceneDepth { get; }
[iOS (11,0)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 14, 0, message: "Use Raycasting methods over HitTestResult ones.")]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface ARHitTestResult {
[Export ("type")]
ARHitTestResultType Type { get; }
[Export ("distance")]
nfloat Distance { get; }
[Export ("localTransform")]
Matrix4 LocalTransform {
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
[Export ("worldTransform")]
Matrix4 WorldTransform {
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
[NullAllowed, Export ("anchor", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
ARAnchor Anchor { get; }
[iOS (11,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface ARLightEstimate {
[Export ("ambientIntensity")]
nfloat AmbientIntensity { get; }
[Export ("ambientColorTemperature")]
nfloat AmbientColorTemperature { get; }
[iOS (11,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
[BaseType (typeof (ARAnchor))]
interface ARPlaneAnchor {
// Inlined from 'ARAnchorCopying' protocol (we can't have constructors in interfaces)
[iOS (12,0)]
[Export ("initWithAnchor:")]
IntPtr Constructor (ARAnchor anchor);
// [Export ("initWithTransform:")] marked as NS_UNAVAILABLE
[iOS (12,0)]
[Export ("classificationSupported")]
bool ClassificationSupported { [Bind ("isClassificationSupported")] get; }
[Export ("alignment")]
ARPlaneAnchorAlignment Alignment { get; }
[Export ("center")]
Vector3 Center {
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
[Export ("extent")]
Vector3 Extent {
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
[iOS (11,3)]
[Export ("geometry", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
ARPlaneGeometry Geometry { get; }
[iOS (12,0)]
[Export ("classificationStatus", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
ARPlaneClassificationStatus ClassificationStatus { get; }
[iOS (12,0)]
[Export ("classification", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
ARPlaneClassification Classification { get; }
[iOS (11,3)]
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface ARPlaneGeometry : NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("vertexCount")]
nuint VertexCount { get; }
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Export ("vertices")]
IntPtr GetRawVertices ();
[Export ("textureCoordinateCount")]
nuint TextureCoordinateCount { get; }
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Export ("textureCoordinates")]
IntPtr GetRawTextureCoordinates ();
[Export ("triangleCount")]
nuint TriangleCount { get; }
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Export ("triangleIndices")]
IntPtr GetRawTriangleIndices ();
[Export ("boundaryVertexCount")]
nuint BoundaryVertexCount { get; }
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Export ("boundaryVertices")]
IntPtr GetRawBoundaryVertices ();
[iOS (11,3)]
[BaseType (typeof(SCNGeometry))]
interface ARSCNPlaneGeometry {
[Export ("planeGeometryWithDevice:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
ARSCNPlaneGeometry Create (IMTLDevice device);
[Export ("updateFromPlaneGeometry:")]
void Update (ARPlaneGeometry planeGeometry);
[iOS (11,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface ARPointCloud : NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("count")]
nuint Count { get; }
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Protected, Export ("points")]
IntPtr GetRawPoints ();
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Protected, Export ("identifiers")]
IntPtr GetRawIdentifiers ();
[iOS (11,3)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface ARReferenceImage : NSCopying {
[NullAllowed, Export ("name")]
string Name { get; set; }
[Export ("physicalSize")]
CGSize PhysicalSize { get; }
[iOS (13,0)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("resourceGroupName", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
string ResourceGroupName { get; }
[iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("validateWithCompletionHandler:")]
void Validate (Action<NSError> completionHandler);
[Export ("initWithCGImage:orientation:physicalWidth:")]
IntPtr Constructor (CGImage image, CGImagePropertyOrientation orientation, nfloat physicalWidth);
[Export ("initWithPixelBuffer:orientation:physicalWidth:")]
IntPtr Constructor (CVPixelBuffer pixelBuffer, CGImagePropertyOrientation orientation, nfloat physicalWidth);
[Export ("referenceImagesInGroupNamed:bundle:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSSet<ARReferenceImage> GetReferenceImagesInGroup (string name, [NullAllowed] NSBundle bundle);
[iOS (11,3)]
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface ARVideoFormat : NSCopying {
[iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("captureDevicePosition")]
AVCaptureDevicePosition CaptureDevicePosition { get; }
[Export ("imageResolution")]
CGSize ImageResolution { get; }
[Export ("framesPerSecond")]
nint FramesPerSecond { get; }
[iOS (11,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
[BaseType (typeof (SCNView))]
interface ARSCNView : ARSessionProviding {
[NullAllowed, Export ("delegate", ArgumentSemantic.Weak)]
IARSCNViewDelegate Delegate { get; set; }
// We get the Session property from ARSessionProviding, but only the getter, so we must redefine the property here.
[Export ("session", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
new ARSession Session { get; set; }
[Export ("scene", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
SCNScene Scene { get; set; }
[Export ("automaticallyUpdatesLighting")]
bool AutomaticallyUpdatesLighting { get; set; }
[iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("rendersCameraGrain")]
bool RendersCameraGrain { get; set; }
[iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("rendersMotionBlur")]
bool RendersMotionBlur { get; set; }
[Export ("anchorForNode:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
ARAnchor GetAnchor (SCNNode node);
[Export ("nodeForAnchor:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
SCNNode GetNode (ARAnchor anchor);
[Export ("hitTest:types:")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 14, 0, message: "Use 'CreateRaycastQuery' instead.")]
ARHitTestResult[] HitTest (CGPoint point, ARHitTestResultType types);
[iOS (12,0)]
[Export ("unprojectPoint:ontoPlaneWithTransform:")]
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
Vector3 Unproject (CGPoint point, Matrix4 planeTransform);
[iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("raycastQueryFromPoint:allowingTarget:alignment:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
ARRaycastQuery CreateRaycastQuery (CGPoint point, ARRaycastTarget target, ARRaycastTargetAlignment alignment);
interface IARSCNViewDelegate {}
[iOS (11,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
[Protocol, Model]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface ARSCNViewDelegate : SCNSceneRendererDelegate, ARSessionObserver {
[Export ("renderer:nodeForAnchor:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
SCNNode GetNode (ISCNSceneRenderer renderer, ARAnchor anchor);
[Export ("renderer:didAddNode:forAnchor:")]
void DidAddNode (ISCNSceneRenderer renderer, SCNNode node, ARAnchor anchor);
[Export ("renderer:willUpdateNode:forAnchor:")]
void WillUpdateNode (ISCNSceneRenderer renderer, SCNNode node, ARAnchor anchor);
[Export ("renderer:didUpdateNode:forAnchor:")]
void DidUpdateNode (ISCNSceneRenderer renderer, SCNNode node, ARAnchor anchor);
[Export ("renderer:didRemoveNode:forAnchor:")]
void DidRemoveNode (ISCNSceneRenderer renderer, SCNNode node, ARAnchor anchor);
[iOS (11,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
[BaseType (typeof (SKView))]
interface ARSKView : ARSessionProviding {
[NullAllowed, Export ("delegate", ArgumentSemantic.Weak)]
IARSKViewDelegate Delegate { get; set; }
// We get the Session property from ARSessionProviding, but only the getter, so we must redefine the property here.
[Export ("session", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
new ARSession Session { get; set; }
[Export ("anchorForNode:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
ARAnchor GetAnchor (SKNode node);
[Export ("nodeForAnchor:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
SKNode GetNode (ARAnchor anchor);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 14, 0, message: "Use Raycasting methods instead.")]
[Export ("hitTest:types:")]
ARHitTestResult[] HitTest (CGPoint point, ARHitTestResultType types);
interface IARSKViewDelegate {}
[iOS (11,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
[Protocol, Model]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface ARSKViewDelegate : SKViewDelegate, ARSessionObserver {
[Export ("view:nodeForAnchor:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
SKNode GetNode (ARSKView view, ARAnchor anchor);
[Export ("view:didAddNode:forAnchor:")]
void DidAddNode (ARSKView view, SKNode node, ARAnchor anchor);
[Export ("view:willUpdateNode:forAnchor:")]
void WillUpdateNode (ARSKView view, SKNode node, ARAnchor anchor);
[Export ("view:didUpdateNode:forAnchor:")]
void DidUpdateNode (ARSKView view, SKNode node, ARAnchor anchor);
[Export ("view:didRemoveNode:forAnchor:")]
void DidRemoveNode (ARSKView view, SKNode node, ARAnchor anchor);
delegate void GetGeolocationCallback (CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate, double altitude, NSError error);
[iOS (11,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface ARSession {
[iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("identifier", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSUuid Identifier { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("delegate", ArgumentSemantic.Weak)]
IARSessionDelegate Delegate { get; set; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("delegateQueue", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
DispatchQueue DelegateQueue { get; set; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("currentFrame", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
ARFrame CurrentFrame { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("configuration", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
ARConfiguration Configuration { get; }
[Export ("runWithConfiguration:")]
void Run (ARConfiguration configuration);
[Export ("runWithConfiguration:options:")]
void Run (ARConfiguration configuration, ARSessionRunOptions options);
[Export ("pause")]
void Pause ();
[Export ("addAnchor:")]
void AddAnchor (ARAnchor anchor);
[Export ("removeAnchor:")]
void RemoveAnchor (ARAnchor anchor);
[iOS (11,3)]
[Export ("setWorldOrigin:")]
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
void SetWorldOrigin (Matrix4 relativeTransform);
[iOS (12,0)]
[Export ("getCurrentWorldMapWithCompletionHandler:")]
void GetCurrentWorldMap (Action<ARWorldMap, NSError> completionHandler);
[iOS (12,0)]
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
[Export ("createReferenceObjectWithTransform:center:extent:completionHandler:")]
void CreateReferenceObject (Matrix4 transform, Vector3 center, Vector3 extent, Action<ARReferenceObject, NSError> completionHandler);
[iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("raycast:")]
ARRaycastResult[] Raycast (ARRaycastQuery query);
[iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("trackedRaycast:updateHandler:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
ARTrackedRaycast TrackedRaycast (ARRaycastQuery query, Action<ARRaycastResult[]> updateHandler);
[iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("updateWithCollaborationData:")]
void Update (ARCollaborationData collaborationData);
[iOS (14, 0)]
[Async (ResultTypeName="GeoLocationForPoint")]
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
[Export ("getGeoLocationForPoint:completionHandler:")]
void GetGeoLocation (Vector3 position, GetGeolocationCallback completionHandler);
[iOS (11,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
interface ARSessionObserver {
[Export ("session:didFailWithError:")]
void DidFail (ARSession session, NSError error);
[Export ("session:cameraDidChangeTrackingState:")]
void CameraDidChangeTrackingState (ARSession session, ARCamera camera);
[Export ("sessionWasInterrupted:")]
void WasInterrupted (ARSession session);
[Export ("sessionInterruptionEnded:")]
void InterruptionEnded (ARSession session);
[iOS (11,3)]
[Export ("sessionShouldAttemptRelocalization:")]
bool ShouldAttemptRelocalization (ARSession session);
[Export ("session:didOutputAudioSampleBuffer:")]
void DidOutputAudioSampleBuffer (ARSession session, CMSampleBuffer audioSampleBuffer);
[iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("session:didOutputCollaborationData:")]
void DidOutputCollaborationData (ARSession session, ARCollaborationData data);
[iOS (14, 0)]
[Export ("session:didChangeGeoTrackingStatus:")]
void DidChangeGeoTrackingStatus (ARSession session, ARGeoTrackingStatus geoTrackingStatus);
interface IARSessionDelegate {}
[iOS (11,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
[Protocol, Model]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface ARSessionDelegate : ARSessionObserver {
[Export ("session:didUpdateFrame:")]
void DidUpdateFrame (ARSession session, ARFrame frame);
[Export ("session:didAddAnchors:")]
void DidAddAnchors (ARSession session, ARAnchor[] anchors);
[Export ("session:didUpdateAnchors:")]
void DidUpdateAnchors (ARSession session, ARAnchor[] anchors);
[Export ("session:didRemoveAnchors:")]
void DidRemoveAnchors (ARSession session, ARAnchor[] anchors);
[iOS (11,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface ARConfiguration : NSCopying {
[Export ("isSupported")]
bool IsSupported { get; }
#if !XAMCORE_4_0
// even if static - it's abstract
[iOS (11,3)]
[Obsolete ("This is an abstract static method. You need to call 'GetSupportedVideoFormats ()' from a subclass to get results.")]
ARVideoFormat[] SupportedVideoFormats {
// avoid the native exception leading to a crash
[Wrap ("Array.Empty<ARVideoFormat> ()")]
[iOS (11,3)]
[Export ("videoFormat", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
ARVideoFormat VideoFormat { get; set; }
[Export ("worldAlignment", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
ARWorldAlignment WorldAlignment { get; set; }
[Export ("lightEstimationEnabled")]
bool LightEstimationEnabled { [Bind ("isLightEstimationEnabled")] get; set; }
[Export ("providesAudioData")]
bool ProvidesAudioData { get; set; }
[iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("frameSemantics", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
ARFrameSemantics FrameSemantics { get; set; }
[iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("supportsFrameSemantics:")]
bool SupportsFrameSemantics (ARFrameSemantics frameSemantics);
[iOS (11,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
[BaseType (typeof (ARConfiguration))]
interface ARWorldTrackingConfiguration {
[iOS (11,3)]
[Export ("supportedVideoFormats")]
ARVideoFormat[] GetSupportedVideoFormats ();
[iOS (11,3)]
[Export ("autoFocusEnabled")]
bool AutoFocusEnabled { [Bind ("isAutoFocusEnabled")] get; set; }
[iOS (12,0)]
[Export ("environmentTexturing", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
AREnvironmentTexturing EnvironmentTexturing { get; set; }
[iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("wantsHDREnvironmentTextures")]
bool WantsHdrEnvironmentTextures { get; set; }
[Export ("planeDetection", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
ARPlaneDetection PlaneDetection { get; set; }
[iOS (12,0)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("initialWorldMap", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
ARWorldMap InitialWorldMap { get; set; }
[iOS (11,3)]
[NullAllowed] //null_resettable
[Export ("detectionImages", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSSet<ARReferenceImage> DetectionImages { get; set; }
[iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("automaticImageScaleEstimationEnabled")]
bool AutomaticImageScaleEstimationEnabled { get; set; }
[iOS (12,0)]
[Export ("maximumNumberOfTrackedImages")]
nint MaximumNumberOfTrackedImages { get; set; }
[iOS (12,0)]
[Export ("detectionObjects", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSSet<ARReferenceObject> DetectionObjects { get; set; }
[iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("collaborationEnabled")]
bool CollaborationEnabled { [Bind ("isCollaborationEnabled")] get; set; }
[iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("supportsUserFaceTracking")]
bool SupportsUserFaceTracking { get; }
[iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("userFaceTrackingEnabled")]
bool UserFaceTrackingEnabled { [Bind ("userFaceTrackingEnabled")] get; set; }
[iOS (13,4)]
[Export ("supportsSceneReconstruction:")]
bool SupportsSceneReconstruction (ARSceneReconstruction sceneReconstruction);
[iOS (13,4)]
[Export ("sceneReconstruction", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
ARSceneReconstruction SceneReconstruction { get; set; }
[iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("supportsFrameSemantics:")]
bool SupportsFrameSemantics (ARFrameSemantics frameSemantics);
[iOS (11,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
[BaseType (typeof(ARConfiguration))]
interface AROrientationTrackingConfiguration {
[iOS (11,3)]
[Export ("supportedVideoFormats")]
ARVideoFormat[] GetSupportedVideoFormats ();
[iOS (11,3)]
[Export ("autoFocusEnabled")]
bool AutoFocusEnabled { [Bind ("isAutoFocusEnabled")] get; set; }
[iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("supportsFrameSemantics:")]
bool SupportsFrameSemantics (ARFrameSemantics frameSemantics);
[iOS (11,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
interface ARSCNDebugOptions {
[Field ("ARSCNDebugOptionShowWorldOrigin")]
SCNDebugOptions ShowWorldOrigin { get; }
[Field ("ARSCNDebugOptionShowFeaturePoints")]
SCNDebugOptions ShowFeaturePoints { get; }
[iOS (11,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
interface ARTrackable {
[Export ("isTracked")]
bool IsTracked { get; }
[iOS (11,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
[BaseType (typeof(ARConfiguration))]
interface ARFaceTrackingConfiguration {
[iOS (11,3)]
[Export ("supportedVideoFormats")]
ARVideoFormat[] GetSupportedVideoFormats ();
[iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("supportedNumberOfTrackedFaces")]
nint SupportedNumberOfTrackedFaces { get; }
[iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("maximumNumberOfTrackedFaces")]
nint MaximumNumberOfTrackedFaces { get; set; }
[iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("supportsWorldTracking")]
bool SupportsWorldTracking { get; }
[iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("worldTrackingEnabled")]
bool WorldTrackingEnabled { [Bind ("isWorldTrackingEnabled")] get; set; }
[iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("supportsFrameSemantics:")]
bool SupportsFrameSemantics (ARFrameSemantics frameSemantics);
[iOS (11,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
[StrongDictionary ("ARBlendShapeLocationKeys")]
interface ARBlendShapeLocationOptions {
float BrowDownLeft { get; set; }
float BrowDownRight { get; set; }
float BrowInnerUp { get; set; }
float BrowOuterUpLeft { get; set; }
float BrowOuterUpRight { get; set; }
float CheekPuff { get; set; }
float CheekSquintLeft { get; set; }
float CheekSquintRight { get; set; }
float EyeBlinkLeft { get; set; }
float EyeBlinkRight { get; set; }
float EyeLookDownLeft { get; set; }
float EyeLookDownRight { get; set; }
float EyeLookInLeft { get; set; }
float EyeLookInRight { get; set; }
float EyeLookOutLeft { get; set; }
float EyeLookOutRight { get; set; }
float EyeLookUpLeft { get; set; }
float EyeLookUpRight { get; set; }
float EyeSquintLeft { get; set; }
float EyeSquintRight { get; set; }
float EyeWideLeft { get; set; }
float EyeWideRight { get; set; }
float JawForward { get; set; }
float JawLeft { get; set; }
float JawOpen { get; set; }
float JawRight { get; set; }
float MouthClose { get; set; }
float MouthDimpleLeft { get; set; }
float MouthDimpleRight { get; set; }
float MouthFrownLeft { get; set; }
float MouthFrownRight { get; set; }
float MouthFunnel { get; set; }
float MouthLeft { get; set; }
float MouthLowerDownLeft { get; set; }
float MouthLowerDownRight { get; set; }
float MouthPressLeft { get; set; }
float MouthPressRight { get; set; }
float MouthPucker { get; set; }
float MouthRight { get; set; }
float MouthRollLower { get; set; }
float MouthRollUpper { get; set; }
float MouthShrugLower { get; set; }
float MouthShrugUpper { get; set; }
float MouthSmileLeft { get; set; }
float MouthSmileRight { get; set; }
float MouthStretchLeft { get; set; }
float MouthStretchRight { get; set; }
float MouthUpperUpLeft { get; set; }
float MouthUpperUpRight { get; set; }
float NoseSneerLeft { get; set; }
float NoseSneerRight { get; set; }
[iOS (12,0)]
float TongueOut { get; set; }
[iOS (11,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
interface ARBlendShapeLocationKeys {
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationBrowDownLeft")]
NSString BrowDownLeftKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationBrowDownRight")]
NSString BrowDownRightKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationBrowInnerUp")]
NSString BrowInnerUpKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationBrowOuterUpLeft")]
NSString BrowOuterUpLeftKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationBrowOuterUpRight")]
NSString BrowOuterUpRightKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationCheekPuff")]
NSString CheekPuffKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationCheekSquintLeft")]
NSString CheekSquintLeftKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationCheekSquintRight")]
NSString CheekSquintRightKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationEyeBlinkLeft")]
NSString EyeBlinkLeftKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationEyeBlinkRight")]
NSString EyeBlinkRightKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationEyeLookDownLeft")]
NSString EyeLookDownLeftKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationEyeLookDownRight")]
NSString EyeLookDownRightKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationEyeLookInLeft")]
NSString EyeLookInLeftKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationEyeLookInRight")]
NSString EyeLookInRightKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationEyeLookOutLeft")]
NSString EyeLookOutLeftKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationEyeLookOutRight")]
NSString EyeLookOutRightKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationEyeLookUpLeft")]
NSString EyeLookUpLeftKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationEyeLookUpRight")]
NSString EyeLookUpRightKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationEyeSquintLeft")]
NSString EyeSquintLeftKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationEyeSquintRight")]
NSString EyeSquintRightKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationEyeWideLeft")]
NSString EyeWideLeftKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationEyeWideRight")]
NSString EyeWideRightKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationJawForward")]
NSString JawForwardKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationJawLeft")]
NSString JawLeftKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationJawOpen")]
NSString JawOpenKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationJawRight")]
NSString JawRightKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationMouthClose")]
NSString MouthCloseKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationMouthDimpleLeft")]
NSString MouthDimpleLeftKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationMouthDimpleRight")]
NSString MouthDimpleRightKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationMouthFrownLeft")]
NSString MouthFrownLeftKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationMouthFrownRight")]
NSString MouthFrownRightKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationMouthFunnel")]
NSString MouthFunnelKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationMouthLeft")]
NSString MouthLeftKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationMouthLowerDownLeft")]
NSString MouthLowerDownLeftKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationMouthLowerDownRight")]
NSString MouthLowerDownRightKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationMouthPressLeft")]
NSString MouthPressLeftKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationMouthPressRight")]
NSString MouthPressRightKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationMouthPucker")]
NSString MouthPuckerKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationMouthRight")]
NSString MouthRightKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationMouthRollLower")]
NSString MouthRollLowerKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationMouthRollUpper")]
NSString MouthRollUpperKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationMouthShrugLower")]
NSString MouthShrugLowerKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationMouthShrugUpper")]
NSString MouthShrugUpperKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationMouthSmileLeft")]
NSString MouthSmileLeftKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationMouthSmileRight")]
NSString MouthSmileRightKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationMouthStretchLeft")]
NSString MouthStretchLeftKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationMouthStretchRight")]
NSString MouthStretchRightKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationMouthUpperUpLeft")]
NSString MouthUpperUpLeftKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationMouthUpperUpRight")]
NSString MouthUpperUpRightKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationNoseSneerLeft")]
NSString NoseSneerLeftKey { get; }
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationNoseSneerRight")]
NSString NoseSneerRightKey { get; }
[iOS (12,0)]
[Field ("ARBlendShapeLocationTongueOut")]
NSString TongueOutKey { get; }
[iOS (11,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
[BaseType (typeof(ARAnchor))]
interface ARFaceAnchor : ARTrackable {
// Inlined from 'ARAnchorCopying' protocol (we can't have constructors in interfaces)
[iOS (12,0)]
[Export ("initWithAnchor:")]
IntPtr Constructor (ARAnchor anchor);
#if !XAMCORE_4_0
[Obsolete ("Constructor marked as unavailable.")]
[Export ("init")]
IntPtr Constructor ();
[Export ("geometry")]
ARFaceGeometry Geometry { get; }
[iOS (12,0)]
[Export ("leftEyeTransform")]
Matrix4 LeftEyeTransform {
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
[iOS (12,0)]
[Export ("rightEyeTransform")]
Matrix4 RightEyeTransform {
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
[iOS (12,0)]
[Export ("lookAtPoint")]
Vector3 LookAtPoint {
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Export ("blendShapes")]
NSDictionary WeakBlendShapes { get; }
[Wrap ("WeakBlendShapes")]
ARBlendShapeLocationOptions BlendShapes { get; }
[iOS (11,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface ARFaceGeometry : NSCopying, NSSecureCoding {
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Export ("initWithBlendShapes:")]
IntPtr Constructor (NSDictionary blendShapes);
[Wrap ("this (blendShapes.GetDictionary ()!)")]
IntPtr Constructor (ARBlendShapeLocationOptions blendShapes);
[Export ("vertexCount")]
nuint VertexCount { get; }
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Export ("vertices")]
IntPtr GetRawVertices ();
[Export ("textureCoordinateCount")]
nuint TextureCoordinateCount { get; }
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Export ("textureCoordinates")]
IntPtr GetRawTextureCoordinates ();
[Export ("triangleCount")]
nuint TriangleCount { get; }
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Export ("triangleIndices")]
IntPtr GetRawTriangleIndices ();
[iOS (11,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
[BaseType (typeof(SCNGeometry))]
interface ARSCNFaceGeometry {
#if !XAMCORE_4_0
[Obsolete ("Use the 'Create' static constructor instead.")]
[Wrap ("Create (device)")]
[return: NullAllowed]
ARSCNFaceGeometry CreateFaceGeometry (IMTLDevice device);
[Export ("faceGeometryWithDevice:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
ARSCNFaceGeometry Create (IMTLDevice device);
#if !XAMCORE_4_0
[Obsolete ("Use the 'Create' static constructor instead.")]
[Wrap ("Create (device, fillMesh)")]
[return: NullAllowed]
ARSCNFaceGeometry CreateFaceGeometry (IMTLDevice device, bool fillMesh);
[Export ("faceGeometryWithDevice:fillMesh:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
ARSCNFaceGeometry Create (IMTLDevice device, bool fillMesh);
[Export ("updateFromFaceGeometry:")]
void Update (ARFaceGeometry faceGeometry);
[iOS (11,3)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
[BaseType (typeof(ARAnchor))]
interface ARImageAnchor : ARTrackable {
// Inlined from 'ARAnchorCopying' protocol (we can't have constructors in interfaces)
[iOS (12,0)]
[Export ("initWithAnchor:")]
IntPtr Constructor (ARAnchor anchor);
[Export ("referenceImage", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
ARReferenceImage ReferenceImage { get; }
[iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("estimatedScaleFactor")]
nfloat EstimatedScaleFactor { get; }
[iOS (11,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
[BaseType (typeof(ARLightEstimate))]
interface ARDirectionalLightEstimate {
[Export ("sphericalHarmonicsCoefficients", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSData SphericalHarmonicsCoefficients { get; }
[Export ("primaryLightDirection")]
Vector3 PrimaryLightDirection {
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
[Export ("primaryLightIntensity")]
nfloat PrimaryLightIntensity { get; }
[iOS (12,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
[BaseType (typeof(ARConfiguration))]
interface ARImageTrackingConfiguration {
[Export ("supportedVideoFormats")]
ARVideoFormat[] GetSupportedVideoFormats ();
[Export ("autoFocusEnabled")]
bool AutoFocusEnabled { [Bind ("isAutoFocusEnabled")] get; set; }
[Export ("trackingImages", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSSet<ARReferenceImage> TrackingImages { get; set; }
[Export ("maximumNumberOfTrackedImages")]
nint MaximumNumberOfTrackedImages { get; set; }
[iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("supportsFrameSemantics:")]
bool SupportsFrameSemantics (ARFrameSemantics frameSemantics);
[iOS (12,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
[BaseType (typeof(ARConfiguration))]
interface ARObjectScanningConfiguration {
[Export ("supportedVideoFormats")]
ARVideoFormat[] GetSupportedVideoFormats ();
[Export ("autoFocusEnabled")]
bool AutoFocusEnabled { [Bind ("isAutoFocusEnabled")] get; set; }
[Export ("planeDetection", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
ARPlaneDetection PlaneDetection { get; set; }
[iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("supportsFrameSemantics:")]
bool SupportsFrameSemantics (ARFrameSemantics frameSemantics);
[iOS (12,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
[BaseType (typeof(ARAnchor))]
interface AREnvironmentProbeAnchor {
// Inlined from 'ARAnchorCopying' protocol (we can't have constructors in interfaces)
[Export ("initWithAnchor:")]
IntPtr Constructor (ARAnchor anchor);
[Export ("initWithTransform:extent:")]
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
IntPtr Constructor (Matrix4 transform, Vector3 extent);
[Export ("initWithName:transform:extent:")]
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
IntPtr Constructor (string name, Matrix4 transform, Vector3 extent);
[NullAllowed, Export ("environmentTexture", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
IMTLTexture EnvironmentTexture { get; }
[Export ("extent")]
Vector3 Extent {
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
[iOS (12,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface ARReferenceObject : NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("initWithArchiveURL:error:")]
IntPtr Constructor (NSUrl archiveUrl, [NullAllowed] out NSError error);
[NullAllowed, Export ("name")]
string Name { get; set; }
[Export ("center")]
Vector3 Center {
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
[Export ("extent")]
Vector3 Extent {
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
[Export ("scale")]
Vector3 Scale {
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
[iOS (13,0)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("resourceGroupName", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
string ResourceGroupName { get; }
[Export ("rawFeaturePoints", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
ARPointCloud RawFeaturePoints { get; }
[Export ("referenceObjectsInGroupNamed:bundle:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSSet<ARReferenceObject> GetReferenceObjects (string resourceGroupName, [NullAllowed] NSBundle bundle);
[Export ("exportObjectToURL:previewImage:error:")]
bool Export (NSUrl url, [NullAllowed] UIImage previewImage, [NullAllowed] out NSError error);
[Export ("referenceObjectByApplyingTransform:")]
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
ARReferenceObject ApplyTransform (Matrix4 transform);
[Export ("referenceObjectByMergingObject:error:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
ARReferenceObject Merge (ARReferenceObject @object, [NullAllowed] out NSError error);
[Field ("ARReferenceObjectArchiveExtension")]
NSString ArchiveExtension { get; }
[iOS (12,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
[BaseType (typeof(ARAnchor))]
interface ARObjectAnchor {
// Inlined from 'ARAnchorCopying' protocol (we can't have constructors in interfaces)
[Export ("initWithAnchor:")]
IntPtr Constructor (ARAnchor anchor);
[Export ("referenceObject", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
ARReferenceObject ReferenceObject { get; }
[iOS (12,0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface ARWorldMap : NSCopying, NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("center")]
Vector3 Center {
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
[Export ("extent")]
Vector3 Extent {
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
[Export ("anchors", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
ARAnchor[] Anchors { get; set; }
[Export ("rawFeaturePoints", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
ARPointCloud RawFeaturePoints { get; }
[iOS (13,0)]
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface ARBody2D {
[Export ("skeleton")]
ARSkeleton2D Skeleton { get; }
[iOS (13,0)]
[BaseType (typeof(ARAnchor))]
interface ARBodyAnchor : ARTrackable {
[Export ("initWithAnchor:")]
IntPtr Constructor (ARAnchor anchor);
// [Export ("initWithTransform:")] marked as NS_UNAVAILABLE
// [Export ("initWithName:")] marked as NS_UNAVAILABLE
[Export ("skeleton", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
ARSkeleton3D Skeleton { get; }
[Export ("estimatedScaleFactor")]
nfloat EstimatedScaleFactor { get; }
[iOS (13,0)]
[BaseType (typeof(UIView))]
interface ARCoachingOverlayView {
// inherited from UIView
[Export ("initWithFrame:")]
IntPtr Constructor (CGRect frame);
[Wrap ("WeakDelegate")]
IARCoachingOverlayViewDelegate Delegate { get; set; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("delegate", ArgumentSemantic.Weak)]
NSObject WeakDelegate { get; set; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("sessionProvider", ArgumentSemantic.Weak)]
IARSessionProviding SessionProvider { get; set; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("session", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
ARSession Session { get; set; }
[Export ("goal", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
ARCoachingGoal Goal { get; set; }
[Export ("activatesAutomatically")]
bool ActivatesAutomatically { get; set; }
[Export ("isActive")]
bool IsActive { get; }
[Export ("setActive:animated:")]
void SetActive (bool active, bool animated);
interface IARCoachingOverlayViewDelegate {}
[iOS (13,0)]
[Protocol, Model (AutoGeneratedName = true)]
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface ARCoachingOverlayViewDelegate {
[Export ("coachingOverlayViewDidRequestSessionReset:")]
void DidRequestSessionReset (ARCoachingOverlayView coachingOverlayView);
[Export ("coachingOverlayViewWillActivate:")]
void WillActivate (ARCoachingOverlayView coachingOverlayView);
[Export ("coachingOverlayViewDidDeactivate:")]
void DidDeactivate (ARCoachingOverlayView coachingOverlayView);
[iOS (13,0)]
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface ARCollaborationData : NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("priority")]
ARCollaborationDataPriority Priority { get; }
[iOS (13,0)]
[BaseType (typeof(ARConfiguration))]
interface ARBodyTrackingConfiguration {
// From the parent, needed in all subclasses
[Export ("supportedVideoFormats")]
ARVideoFormat[] GetSupportedVideoFormats ();
[Export ("autoFocusEnabled")]
bool AutoFocusEnabled { [Bind ("isAutoFocusEnabled")] get; set; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("initialWorldMap", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
ARWorldMap InitialWorldMap { get; set; }
[Export ("environmentTexturing", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
AREnvironmentTexturing EnvironmentTexturing { get; set; }
[Export ("wantsHDREnvironmentTextures")]
bool WantsHdrEnvironmentTextures { get; set; }
[Export ("planeDetection", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
ARPlaneDetection PlaneDetection { get; set; }
[Export ("detectionImages", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSSet<ARReferenceImage> DetectionImages { get; set; }
[Export ("automaticImageScaleEstimationEnabled")]
bool AutomaticImageScaleEstimationEnabled { get; set; }
[Export ("automaticSkeletonScaleEstimationEnabled")]
bool AutomaticSkeletonScaleEstimationEnabled { get; set; }
[Export ("maximumNumberOfTrackedImages")]
nint MaximumNumberOfTrackedImages { get; set; }
[Export ("supportsFrameSemantics:")]
bool SupportsFrameSemantics (ARFrameSemantics frameSemantics);
[iOS (13,0)]
[BaseType (typeof(ARConfiguration))]
interface ARPositionalTrackingConfiguration {
// From the parent, needed in all subclasses
[Export ("supportedVideoFormats")]
ARVideoFormat[] GetSupportedVideoFormats ();
[Export ("planeDetection", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
ARPlaneDetection PlaneDetection { get; set; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("initialWorldMap", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
ARWorldMap InitialWorldMap { get; set; }
[Export ("supportsFrameSemantics:")]
bool SupportsFrameSemantics (ARFrameSemantics frameSemantics);
[iOS (13,0)]
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface ARMatteGenerator {
[Export ("initWithDevice:matteResolution:")]
IntPtr Constructor (IMTLDevice device, ARMatteResolution matteResolution);
[Export ("generateMatteFromFrame:commandBuffer:")]
IMTLTexture GenerateMatte (ARFrame frame, IMTLCommandBuffer commandBuffer);
[Export ("generateDilatedDepthFromFrame:commandBuffer:")]
IMTLTexture GenerateDilatedDepth (ARFrame frame, IMTLCommandBuffer commandBuffer);
[iOS (13,0)]
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface ARQuickLookPreviewItem : QLPreviewItem {
[Export ("initWithFileAtURL:")]
IntPtr Constructor (NSUrl url);
[NullAllowed, Export ("canonicalWebPageURL", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSUrl CanonicalWebPageUrl { get; set; }
[Export ("allowsContentScaling")]
bool AllowsContentScaling { get; set; }
[iOS (13,0)]
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface ARRaycastQuery {
[Export ("initWithOrigin:direction:allowingTarget:alignment:")]
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
IntPtr Constructor (Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction, ARRaycastTarget target, ARRaycastTargetAlignment alignment);
[Export ("origin")]
Vector3 Origin {
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
[Export ("direction")]
Vector3 Direction {
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
[Export ("target")]
ARRaycastTarget Target { get; }
[Export ("targetAlignment")]
ARRaycastTargetAlignment TargetAlignment { get; }
[iOS (13,0)]
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface ARRaycastResult {
[Export ("worldTransform")]
Matrix4 WorldTransform {
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
[Export ("target", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
ARRaycastTarget Target { get; }
[Export ("targetAlignment", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
ARRaycastTargetAlignment TargetAlignment { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("anchor", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
ARAnchor Anchor { get; }
interface IARSessionProviding {}
[iOS (13,0)]
interface ARSessionProviding {
[Export ("session")]
ARSession Session { get; }
[iOS (13,0)]
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface ARSkeleton {
[Export ("definition")]
ARSkeletonDefinition Definition { get; }
[Export ("jointCount")]
nuint JointCount { get; }
[Export ("isJointTracked:")]
bool IsJointTracked (nint jointIndex);
[iOS (13,0)]
[BaseType (typeof(ARSkeleton))]
interface ARSkeleton3D {
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Protected, Export ("jointModelTransforms")]
IntPtr RawJointModelTransforms { get; }
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Protected, Export ("jointLocalTransforms")]
IntPtr RawJointLocalTransforms { get; }
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Export ("modelTransformForJointName:")]
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
Matrix4 GetModelTransform (NSString jointName);
[Wrap ("GetModelTransform (jointName.GetConstant()!)", IsVirtual = true)]
Matrix4 GetModelTransform (ARSkeletonJointName jointName);
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Export ("localTransformForJointName:")]
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
Matrix4 GetLocalTransform (NSString jointName);
[Wrap ("GetLocalTransform (jointName.GetConstant()!)", IsVirtual = true)]
Matrix4 GetLocalTransform (ARSkeletonJointName jointName);
[iOS (13,0)]
[BaseType (typeof(ARSkeleton))]
interface ARSkeleton2D {
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Protected, Export ("jointLandmarks")]
IntPtr RawJointLandmarks { get; }
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Export ("landmarkForJointNamed:")]
[MarshalDirective (NativePrefix = "xamarin_simd__", Library = "__Internal")]
Vector2 GetLandmarkPoint (NSString jointName);
[Wrap ("GetLandmarkPoint (jointName.GetConstant()!)", IsVirtual = true)]
Vector2 GetLandmarkPoint (ARSkeletonJointName jointName);
[iOS (13,0)]
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface ARSkeletonDefinition {
[Export ("defaultBody3DSkeletonDefinition")]
ARSkeletonDefinition DefaultBody3DSkeletonDefinition { get; }
[Export ("defaultBody2DSkeletonDefinition")]
ARSkeletonDefinition DefaultBody2DSkeletonDefinition { get; }
[Export ("jointCount")]
nuint JointCount { get; }
[Export ("jointNames")]
string[] JointNames { get; }
[Export ("parentIndices")]
NSNumber[] ParentIndices { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("neutralBodySkeleton3D")]
ARSkeleton3D NeutralBodySkeleton3D { get; }
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Export ("indexForJointName:")]
nuint GetJointIndex (NSString jointName);
[Wrap ("GetJointIndex (jointName.GetConstant()!)")]
nuint GetJointIndex (ARSkeletonJointName jointName);
[iOS (13,0)]
enum ARSkeletonJointName {
[Field ("ARSkeletonJointNameRoot")]
[Field ("ARSkeletonJointNameHead")]
[Field ("ARSkeletonJointNameLeftHand")]
[Field ("ARSkeletonJointNameRightHand")]
[Field ("ARSkeletonJointNameLeftFoot")]
[Field ("ARSkeletonJointNameRightFoot")]
[Field ("ARSkeletonJointNameLeftShoulder")]
[Field ("ARSkeletonJointNameRightShoulder")]
[iOS (13,0)]
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface ARTrackedRaycast {
[Export ("stopTracking")]
void StopTracking ();
[iOS (13,0)]
[BaseType (typeof (ARAnchor))]
interface ARParticipantAnchor {
// Inlined from 'ARAnchorCopying' protocol (we can't have constructors in interfaces)
[Export ("initWithAnchor:")]
IntPtr Constructor (ARAnchor anchor);
// [Export ("initWithTransform:")] marked as NS_UNAVAILABLE
// [Export ("initWithName:")] marked as NS_UNAVAILABLE
[iOS (13,4)]
enum ARSceneReconstruction : ulong {
None = 0,
Mesh = 1,
MeshWithClassification = (1 << 1) | (1 << 0),
[iOS (13,4)]
[BaseType (typeof (ARAnchor))]
interface ARMeshAnchor {
// Inlined from 'ARAnchorCopying' protocol (we can't have constructors in interfaces)
[Export ("initWithAnchor:")]
IntPtr Constructor (ARAnchor anchor);
// [Export ("initWithTransform:")] marked as NS_UNAVAILABLE
// [Export ("initWithName:")] marked as NS_UNAVAILABLE
[Export ("geometry")]
ARMeshGeometry Geometry { get; }
[iOS (13,4)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface ARGeometrySource : NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("buffer", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
IMTLBuffer Buffer { get; }
[Export ("count")]
nint Count { get; }
[Export ("format", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
MTLVertexFormat Format { get; }
[Export ("componentsPerVector")]
nint ComponentsPerVector { get; }
[Export ("offset")]
nint Offset { get; }
[Export ("stride")]
nint Stride { get; }
[iOS (13,4)]
enum ARGeometryPrimitiveType : long {
[iOS (13,4)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface ARGeometryElement : NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("buffer", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
IMTLBuffer Buffer { get; }
[Export ("count")]
nint Count { get; }
[Export ("bytesPerIndex")]
nint BytesPerIndex { get; }
[Export ("indexCountPerPrimitive")]
nint IndexCountPerPrimitive { get; }
[Export ("primitiveType", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
ARGeometryPrimitiveType PrimitiveType { get; }
[iOS (13,4)]
enum ARMeshClassification : long {
[iOS (13,4)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface ARMeshGeometry : NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("vertices", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
ARGeometrySource Vertices { get; }
[Export ("normals", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
ARGeometrySource Normals { get; }
[Export ("faces", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
ARGeometryElement Faces { get; }
[Export ("classification", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
ARGeometrySource Classification { get; }
[iOS (14, 0)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface ARDepthData {
[Export ("depthMap", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
CVPixelBuffer DepthMap { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("confidenceMap", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
CVPixelBuffer ConfidenceMap { get; }
[iOS (14, 0)]
[BaseType (typeof (ARAnchor))]
interface ARGeoAnchor : ARTrackable {
// Inlined from 'ARAnchorCopying' protocol (we can't have constructors in interfaces)
[Export ("initWithAnchor:")]
IntPtr Constructor (ARAnchor anchor);
[Export ("coordinate")]
CLLocationCoordinate2D Coordinate { get; }
[Export ("altitude")]
double Altitude { get; }
[Export ("altitudeSource", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
ARAltitudeSource AltitudeSource { get; }
[Export ("initWithCoordinate:")]
IntPtr Constructor (CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate);
[Export ("initWithCoordinate:altitude:")]
IntPtr Constructor (CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate, double altitude);
[Export ("initWithName:coordinate:")]
IntPtr Constructor (string name, CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate);
[Export ("initWithName:coordinate:altitude:")]
IntPtr Constructor (string name, CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate, double altitude);
[iOS (14, 0)]
[BaseType (typeof (ARConfiguration))]
interface ARGeoTrackingConfiguration {
[Export ("supportedVideoFormats")]
ARVideoFormat[] GetSupportedVideoFormats ();
[Export ("environmentTexturing", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
AREnvironmentTexturing EnvironmentTexturing { get; set; }
[Export ("wantsHDREnvironmentTextures")]
bool WantsHdrEnvironmentTextures { get; set; }
[Export ("planeDetection", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
ARPlaneDetection PlaneDetection { get; set; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("detectionImages", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSSet<ARReferenceImage> DetectionImages { get; set; }
[Export ("automaticImageScaleEstimationEnabled")]
bool AutomaticImageScaleEstimationEnabled { get; set; }
[Export ("maximumNumberOfTrackedImages")]
nint MaximumNumberOfTrackedImages { get; set; }
[Export ("detectionObjects", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSSet<ARReferenceObject> DetectionObjects { get; set; }
[Export ("checkAvailabilityWithCompletionHandler:")]
void CheckAvailability (Action<bool, NSError> completionHandler);
[Export ("checkAvailabilityAtCoordinate:completionHandler:")]
void CheckAvailability (CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate, Action<bool, NSError> completionHandler);
[Export ("new")]
[return: Release]
ARGeoTrackingConfiguration Create ();
[Export ("supportsFrameSemantics:")]
bool SupportsFrameSemantics (ARFrameSemantics frameSemantics);
[iOS (14, 0)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface ARGeoTrackingStatus : NSCopying, NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("state")]
ARGeoTrackingState State { get; }
[Export ("accuracy")]
ARGeoTrackingAccuracy Accuracy { get; }
[Export ("stateReason")]
ARGeoTrackingStateReason StateReason { get; }