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// This file describes the API that the generator will produce
// Authors:
// Geoff Norton
// Miguel de Icaza
// Copyright 2009, Novell, Inc.
// Copyright 2015 Xamarin Inc.
using ObjCRuntime;
using Foundation;
using CoreGraphics;
using CoreLocation;
using UIKit;
using System;
namespace OpenGLES {
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 12,0, message: "Use 'Metal' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 12,0, message: "Use 'Metal' instead.")]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
// <quote>It is created when an EAGLContext object is initialized and disposed of when the last EAGLContext object that references it is released.</quote>
interface EAGLSharegroup {
[Export ("debugLabel")]
string DebugLabel { get; set; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 12,0, message: "Use 'Metal' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 12,0, message: "Use 'Metal' instead.")]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // init now marked with NS_UNAVAILABLE
interface EAGLContext {
[Export ("initWithAPI:")]
IntPtr Constructor (EAGLRenderingAPI api);
[Export ("initWithAPI:sharegroup:")]
IntPtr Constructor (EAGLRenderingAPI api, EAGLSharegroup sharegroup);
[Static, Export("setCurrentContext:")]
bool SetCurrentContext([NullAllowed] EAGLContext context);
[Static, Export("currentContext")]
EAGLContext CurrentContext { get; }
EAGLRenderingAPI API { get; }
EAGLSharegroup ShareGroup { get; }
[Export ("debugLabel")]
string DebugLabel { get; set; }
// These are from @interface EAGLContext (EAGLContextDrawableAdditions)
[Export ("renderbufferStorage:fromDrawable:")]
bool RenderBufferStorage (nuint target, [NullAllowed] CoreAnimation.CAEAGLLayer drawable);
[Export ("presentRenderbuffer:")]
bool PresentRenderBuffer (nuint target);
[iOS (10,0)][TV (10,0)]
[Export ("presentRenderbuffer:atTime:")]
bool _PresentRenderbufferAtTime (nuint target, double presentationTime);
[iOS (10,3)][TV (10,2)]
[Export ("presentRenderbuffer:afterMinimumDuration:")]
bool _PresentRenderbufferAfterMinimumDuration (nuint target, double duration);
[iOS (7,1)]
[Export ("multiThreaded")]
bool IsMultiThreaded { [Bind ("isMultiThreaded")] get; set; }
// IOSurface (EAGLContext)
[iOS (11,0)]
[TV (11,0)]
[Export ("texImageIOSurface:target:internalFormat:width:height:format:type:plane:")]
bool TexImage (IOSurface.IOSurface ioSurface, nuint target, nuint internalFormat, uint width, uint height, nuint format, nuint type, uint plane);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 12,0, message: "Use 'Metal' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 12,0, message: "Use 'Metal' instead.")]
// no [Model] because "The EAGLDrawable protocol is not intended to be implemented by objects outside of the iOS."
interface EAGLDrawable {
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("drawableProperties", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDictionary DrawableProperties { get; set; }