
493 строки
14 KiB

// Copyright 2012 Xamarin Inc. All rights reserved.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Xamarin.Utils;
using Xamarin.Bundler;
public class Cache {
#if MMP
const string NAME = "mmp";
#elif MTOUCH
const string NAME = "mtouch";
const string NAME = "dotnet-linker";
#error Wrong defines
string cache_dir;
bool temporary_cache;
string [] arguments;
public Cache (string [] arguments)
this.arguments = arguments;
public bool IsCacheTemporary {
get { return temporary_cache; }
// see --cache=DIR
public string Location {
get {
if (cache_dir is null) {
do {
cache_dir = Path.Combine (Path.GetTempPath (), NAME + ".cache", Path.GetRandomFileName ());
if (File.Exists (cache_dir) || Directory.Exists (cache_dir))
Directory.CreateDirectory (cache_dir);
} while (true);
cache_dir = Target.GetRealPath (cache_dir);
temporary_cache = true;
if (!Directory.Exists (cache_dir))
Directory.CreateDirectory (cache_dir);
Console.WriteLine ("Cache defaults to {0}", cache_dir);
return cache_dir;
set {
cache_dir = value;
if (!Directory.Exists (cache_dir))
Directory.CreateDirectory (cache_dir);
cache_dir = Target.GetRealPath (Path.GetFullPath (cache_dir));
public void Clean ()
Console.WriteLine ("Cache.Clean: {0}", Location);
Directory.Delete (Location, true);
Directory.CreateDirectory (Location);
public static bool CompareDirectories (string a, string b, bool ignore_cache = false)
if (Driver.Force && !ignore_cache) {
Driver.Log (6, "Directories {0} and {1} are considered different because -f was passed to " + NAME + ".", a, b);
return false;
var diff = new StringBuilder ();
if (Driver.RunCommand ("diff", new [] { "-ur", a, b, }, output: diff, suppressPrintOnErrors: true) != 0) {
Driver.Log (1, "Directories {0} and {1} are considered different because diff said so:\n{2}", a, b, diff);
return false;
return true;
public static bool CompareFiles (string a, string b, bool ignore_cache = false)
if (Driver.Force && !ignore_cache) {
Driver.Log (6, "Files {0} and {1} are considered different because -f was passed to " + NAME + ".", a, b);
return false;
if (!File.Exists (b)) {
Driver.Log (6, "Files {0} and {1} are considered different because the latter doesn't exist.", a, b);
return false;
using (var astream = new FileStream (a, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)) {
using (var bstream = new FileStream (b, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)) {
bool rv;
Driver.Log (6, "Comparing files {0} and {1}...", a, b);
rv = CompareStreams (astream, bstream, ignore_cache);
Driver.Log (6, " > {0}", rv ? "Identical" : "Different");
return rv;
public static bool CompareAssemblies (string a, string b, bool ignore_cache = false, bool compare_guids = false)
if (Driver.Force && !ignore_cache) {
Driver.Log (6, "Assemblies {0} and {1} are considered different because -f was passed to " + NAME + ".", a, b);
return false;
if (!File.Exists (b)) {
Driver.Log (6, "Assemblies {0} and {1} are considered different because the latter doesn't exist.", a, b);
return false;
using (var astream = new AssemblyReader (a) { CompareGUIDs = compare_guids }) {
using (var bstream = new AssemblyReader (b) { CompareGUIDs = compare_guids }) {
bool rv;
Driver.Log (6, "Comparing assemblies {0} and {1}...", a, b);
rv = CompareStreams (astream, bstream, ignore_cache);
Driver.Log (6, " > {0}", rv ? "Identical" : "Different");
return rv;
public unsafe static bool CompareStreams (Stream astream, Stream bstream, bool ignore_cache = false)
if (Driver.Force && !ignore_cache) {
Driver.Log (6, " > streams are considered different because -f was passed to " + NAME + ".");
return false;
if (astream.Length != bstream.Length) {
Driver.Log (6, " > streams are considered different because their lengths do not match.");
return false;
return FileUtils.CompareStreams (astream, bstream);
string GetArgumentsForCacheData (Application app)
var sb = new StringBuilder ();
var args = new List<string> (arguments);
sb.Append ("# Version: ").Append (app.ProductConstants.Version).Append ('.').Append (app.ProductConstants.Revision).AppendLine ();
sb.Append (Driver.GetFullPath ()).AppendLine (" \\");
CollectArgumentsForCache (args, 0, sb);
return sb.ToString ();
void CollectArgumentsForCache (IList<string> args, int firstArgument, StringBuilder sb)
for (int i = firstArgument; i < args.Count; i++) {
var arg = args [i];
switch (arg) {
// Remove arguments that don't affect the cache status.
case "":
case "/v":
case "-v":
case "--v":
case "/f":
case "-f":
case "--f":
case "/time":
case "-time":
case "--time":
if (arg [0] == '@')
CollectArgumentsForCache (File.ReadAllLines (arg.Substring (1)), 0, sb);
sb.Append ('\t').Append (StringUtils.Quote (arg)).AppendLine (" \\");
public bool IsCacheValid (Application app)
var name = "arguments";
var pcache = Path.Combine (Location, name);
if (!File.Exists (pcache)) {
Driver.Log (3, "A full rebuild will be performed because the cache is either incomplete or entirely missing.");
return false;
} else if (GetArgumentsForCacheData (app) != File.ReadAllText (pcache)) {
Driver.Log (3, "A full rebuild will be performed because the arguments to " + NAME + " has changed with regards to the cached data.");
return false;
// Check if mtouch/mmp has been modified.
var executable = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly ().Location;
if (!Application.IsUptodate (executable, pcache)) {
Driver.Log (3, "A full rebuild will be performed because " + NAME + " has been modified.");
return false;
return true;
public bool VerifyCache (Application app)
if (!IsCacheValid (app)) {
Clean ();
return false;
return true;
public void ValidateCache (Application app)
var name = "arguments";
var pcache = Path.Combine (Location, name);
File.WriteAllText (pcache, GetArgumentsForCacheData (app));
// A stream that reads an assembly and skips the header and the GUID table.
class AssemblyReader : Stream {
string filename;
FileStream stream;
long guid_table_start;
long guid_table_length;
public bool CompareGUIDs;
public AssemblyReader (string filename)
this.filename = filename;
// Need to figure out where the #GUID table is so we can ignore it.
FindGUIDTable ();
stream = File.OpenRead (filename);
public override int Read (byte [] buffer, int offset, int count)
// read the header, always the same 136 bytes, followed by a 4 bytes timestamp (which we must ignore)
// the rest (except the #GUID table) is safe to compare.
if (stream.Position < 136) {
// read the first 136 bytes
int read = stream.Read (buffer, offset, 136 - (int) stream.Position);
if (stream.Position == 136) {
// skip the timestamp
stream.Position += 4;
// this prints the timestamp:
// byte[] buf = new byte[4];
// stream.Read (buf, 0, 4);
// int t2 = (buf [3] << 24) + (buf [2] << 16) + (buf [1] << 8) + buf [0];
// var d = new DateTime (1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
// var d2 = d.AddSeconds (t2);
// Console.WriteLine ("TS of {1}: {0}", d2, filename);
return read; // don't bother reading more, this makes the implementation easier.
if (CompareGUIDs)
return stream.Read (buffer, offset, count);
if (stream.Position + count < guid_table_start) {
// entire read before guid table
return stream.Read (buffer, offset, count);
} else if (stream.Position >= guid_table_start + guid_table_length) {
// entire read after guid table
return stream.Read (buffer, offset, count);
} else {
int read = 0;
// read up intil guid table
read = stream.Read (buffer, offset, (int) (guid_table_start - stream.Position));
// skip guid table
stream.Position += guid_table_length;
// read after guid table
if (count - read > 0)
read += stream.Read (buffer, offset + read, count - read);
return read;
void FindGUIDTable ()
using (var fs = File.OpenRead (filename)) {
using (var str = new BinaryReader (fs)) {
str.BaseStream.Position = 0;
if (str.ReadByte () != 0x4d || str.ReadByte () != 0x5a)
return; // MZ header
str.BaseStream.Position = 0x80;
if (str.ReadByte () != 'P' || str.ReadByte () != 'E' || str.ReadByte () != 0 || str.ReadByte () != 0)
return; // PE signature ("PE\0\0")
// Read the PE file header
if (str.ReadByte () != 0x4c || str.ReadByte () != 0x01)
return; // PE file header -> Machine (always 0x014c)
ushort sectionCount = str.ReadUInt16 ();
str.BaseStream.Position += 12;
ushort optionalHeaderSize = str.ReadUInt16 ();
if (optionalHeaderSize < 224)
return; // optional header is not big enough
str.BaseStream.Position += 2;
// Read the optional PE header
str.BaseStream.Position += 208;
int cliHeaderRVA = str.ReadInt32 ();
/*int cliHeaderSize = */
str.ReadInt32 ();
str.BaseStream.Position += 8;
// Read the sections, looking for the ".text" section.
int sectionHeaderPosition = (int) str.BaseStream.Position;
int textSectionPosition = -1;
uint virtualAddress = uint.MaxValue;
uint pointerToRawData = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < sectionCount; i++) {
str.BaseStream.Position = sectionHeaderPosition + 40 * i;
if (str.ReadByte () != '.' || str.ReadByte () != 't' || str.ReadByte () != 'e' || str.ReadByte () != 'x' || str.ReadByte () != 't' || str.ReadByte () != 0)
textSectionPosition = sectionHeaderPosition + 40 * i;
str.BaseStream.Position = textSectionPosition + 12;
virtualAddress = str.ReadUInt32 ();
str.BaseStream.Position += 4;
pointerToRawData = str.ReadUInt32 ();
if (virtualAddress == uint.MaxValue)
// Now we can calculate the file position of the CLI header
str.BaseStream.Position = cliHeaderRVA - (virtualAddress - pointerToRawData);
str.BaseStream.Position += 8;
uint metadataRVA = str.ReadUInt32 ();
/*uint metadataSize = */
str.ReadUInt32 ();
// Find and read the metadata header
uint metadataRootPosition = metadataRVA - (virtualAddress - pointerToRawData);
str.BaseStream.Position = metadataRootPosition;
if (str.ReadByte () != 0x42 || str.ReadByte () != 0x53 || str.ReadByte () != 0x4a || str.ReadByte () != 0x42)
return; // Invalid magic signature.
str.BaseStream.Position += 8;
int dynamicLength = str.ReadInt32 ();
str.BaseStream.Position += dynamicLength;
str.BaseStream.Position += 2; // flags
ushort metadataStreams = str.ReadUInt16 ();
for (ushort i = 0; i < metadataStreams; i++) {
uint offset = str.ReadUInt32 ();
uint size = str.ReadUInt32 ();
byte [] name = new byte [32];
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
str.Read (name, k * 4, 4);
if (name [k * 4 + 3] == 0)
if (name [0] == '#' && name [1] == 'G' && name [2] == 'U' && name [3] == 'I' && name [4] == 'D' && name [5] == 0) {
// found the GUID table.
guid_table_start = metadataRootPosition + offset;
guid_table_length = size;
protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)
base.Dispose (disposing);
stream.Dispose ();
public override void Flush ()
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public override long Seek (long offset, SeekOrigin origin)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public override void SetLength (long value)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public override void Write (byte [] buffer, int offset, int count)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public override bool CanRead {
get {
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public override bool CanSeek {
get {
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public override bool CanWrite {
get {
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public override long Length {
get {
return stream.Length - 140 - guid_table_length;
public override long Position {
get {
throw new NotImplementedException ();
set {
throw new NotImplementedException ();
#if false
static public void ComputeDependencies (IEnumerable<string> assemblies, MonoTouchResolver resolver)
// note: Parallel.ForEach (with lock to add on 'digests') turns out (much) slower
// (linksdk.app with 20 assemblies)
// likely because it's faster (using commoncrypto) than it seems
foreach (string a in assemblies) {
string key = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (a);
using (Stream fs = File.OpenRead (a)) {
string digest = ComputeDigest (fs, 140);
digests.Add (key, digest);
Dictionary<string, HashSet<string>> dependencies = new Dictionary<string, HashSet<string>> ();
foreach (string a in assemblies) {
HashSet<string> references;
AssemblyDefinition ad = resolver.Load (a);
foreach (AssemblyNameReference ar in ad.MainModule.AssemblyReferences) {
if (!dependencies.TryGetValue (ar.Name, out references)) {
references = new HashSet<string> ();
dependencies.Add (ar.Name, references);
references.Add (ad.Name.Name);
foreach (var kvp in dependencies) {
Console.WriteLine ("The following assemblies depends on {0}", kvp.Key);
foreach (var s in kvp.Value)
Console.WriteLine ("\t{0}", s);
// if a dependency has changed everything that depends on it must be cleaned
foreach (var kvp in dependencies) {
string cname = kvp.Key + ".*.cache." + GetDigestForAssembly (kvp.Key) + ".o";
var files = Directory.GetFiles (Location, cname);
if (files.Length != 0)
Clean (kvp.Key + "*");
foreach (var deps in kvp.Value)
Clean (deps + "*");