
410 строки
15 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Xml;
using Mono.Options;
namespace xsiminstaller {
class MainClass {
static bool print_simulators;
static int verbose;
static string TempDirectory {
get {
var rv = Path.Combine (Path.GetTempPath (), "x-provisioning");
Directory.CreateDirectory (rv);
return rv;
static bool TryExecuteAndCapture (string filename, string arguments, out string stdout)
var rv = TryExecuteAndCapture (filename, arguments, out stdout, out var stderr);
if (!rv)
Console.WriteLine (stderr);
return rv;
static bool TryExecuteAndCapture (string filename, string arguments, out string stdout, out string stderr)
using (var p = new Process ()) {
p.StartInfo.FileName = filename;
p.StartInfo.Arguments = arguments;
p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
if (verbose > 0)
Console.WriteLine ($"{filename} {arguments}");
var output = new StringBuilder ();
var error = new StringBuilder ();
var outputDone = new ManualResetEvent (false);
var errorDone = new ManualResetEvent (false);
p.OutputDataReceived += (sender, args) =>
if (args.Data == null) {
outputDone.Set ();
} else {
output.AppendLine (args.Data);
p.ErrorDataReceived += (sender, args) =>
if (args.Data == null) {
errorDone.Set ();
} else {
error.AppendLine (args.Data);
p.Start ();
p.BeginErrorReadLine ();
p.BeginOutputReadLine ();
p.WaitForExit ();
outputDone.WaitOne ();
errorDone.WaitOne ();
stdout = output.ToString ();
stderr = error.ToString ();
if (verbose > 0 && p.ExitCode != 0)
Console.WriteLine ("Failed to execute '{0} {1}'", filename, arguments);
return p.ExitCode == 0;
public static int Main (string [] args)
var exit_code = 0;
string xcode_app = null;
var install = new List<string> ();
var only_check = false;
var force = false;
var os = new OptionSet {
{ "xcode=", "The Xcode.app to use", (v) => xcode_app = v },
{ "install=", "ID of simulator to install. Can be repeated multiple times.", (v) => install.Add (v) },
{ "only-check", "Only check if the simulators are installed or not. Prints the name of any missing simulators, and returns 1 if any non-installed simulators were found.", (v) => only_check = true },
{ "print-simulators", "Print all detected simulators.", (v) => print_simulators = true },
{ "f|force", "Install again even if already installed.", (v) => force = true },
{ "v|verbose", "Increase verbosity", (v) => verbose++ },
{ "q|quiet", "Decrease verbosity", (v) => verbose-- },
var others = os.Parse (args);
if (others.Count () > 0) {
Console.WriteLine ("Unexpected arguments:");
foreach (var arg in others)
Console.WriteLine ("\t{0}", arg);
return 1;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (xcode_app)) {
Console.WriteLine ("--xcode is required.");
return 1;
} else if (!Directory.Exists (xcode_app)) {
Console.WriteLine ("The Xcode directory {0} does not exist.", xcode_app);
return 1;
var plist = Path.Combine (xcode_app, "Contents", "Info.plist");
if (!File.Exists (plist)) {
Console.WriteLine ($"The Info.plist '{plist}' does not exist.");
return 1;
if (!TryExecuteAndCapture ("/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy", $"-c 'Print :DTXcode' '{plist}'", out var xcodeVersion))
return 1;
xcodeVersion = xcodeVersion.Trim ();
if (!TryExecuteAndCapture ("/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy", $"-c 'Print :DVTPlugInCompatibilityUUID' '{plist}'", out var xcodeUuid))
return 1;
xcodeUuid = xcodeUuid.Trim ();
xcodeVersion = xcodeVersion.Insert (xcodeVersion.Length - 2, ".");
xcodeVersion = xcodeVersion.Insert (xcodeVersion.Length - 1, ".");
var url = $"https://devimages-cdn.apple.com/downloads/xcode/simulators/index-{xcodeVersion}-{xcodeUuid}.dvtdownloadableindex";
var uri = new Uri (url);
var tmpfile = Path.Combine (TempDirectory, Path.GetFileName (uri.LocalPath));
if (!File.Exists (tmpfile)) {
var wc = new WebClient ();
try {
if (verbose > 0)
Console.WriteLine ($"Downloading '{uri}'");
wc.DownloadFile (uri, tmpfile);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// 403 means 404
if (ex is WebException we && (we.Response as HttpWebResponse)?.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Forbidden) {
Console.WriteLine ($"Failed to download {url}: Not found"); // Apple's servers return a 403 if the file doesn't exist, which can be quite confusing, so show a better error.
} else {
Console.WriteLine ($"Failed to download {url}: {ex}");
// We couldn't download the list of simulators, but the simulator(s) we were requested to install might already be installed.
// Don't fail in that case (we'd miss any potential updates, but that's probably not too bad).
if (install.Count > 0) {
if (verbose > 0)
Console.WriteLine ("Checking if all the requested simulators are already installed");
foreach (var name in install) {
if (!IsInstalled (name, out var _)) {
Console.WriteLine (verbose > 0 ? $"The simulator '{name}' is not installed." : name);
exit_code = 1;
} else if (verbose > 0) {
Console.WriteLine ($"The simulator '{name}' is installed.");
// We can't install any missing simulators, because we don't have the download url (since we couldn't download the .dvtdownloadableindex file), so just exit.
return exit_code;
return 1;
if (!TryExecuteAndCapture ("plutil", $"-convert xml1 -o - '{tmpfile}'", out var xml))
return 1;
var doc = new XmlDocument ();
doc.LoadXml (xml);
var downloadables = doc.SelectNodes ("//plist/dict/key[text()='downloadables']/following-sibling::array/dict");
foreach (XmlNode downloadable in downloadables) {
var nameNode = downloadable.SelectSingleNode ("key[text()='name']/following-sibling::string");
var versionNode = downloadable.SelectSingleNode ("key[text()='version']/following-sibling::string");
var sourceNode = downloadable.SelectSingleNode ("key[text()='source']/following-sibling::string");
var identifierNode = downloadable.SelectSingleNode ("key[text()='identifier']/following-sibling::string");
var fileSizeNode = downloadable.SelectSingleNode ("key[text()='fileSize']/following-sibling::integer");
var installPrefixNode = downloadable.SelectSingleNode ("key[text()='userInfo']/following-sibling::dict/key[text()='InstallPrefix']/following-sibling::string");
var version = versionNode.InnerText;
var versions = version.Split ('.');
var versionMajor = versions [0];
var versionMinor = versions [1];
var dict = new Dictionary<string, string> () {
var identifier = Replace (identifierNode.InnerText, dict);
dict.Add ("DOWNLOADABLE_IDENTIFIER", identifier);
var name = Replace (nameNode.InnerText, dict);
var source = Replace (sourceNode.InnerText, dict);
var installPrefix = Replace (installPrefixNode.InnerText, dict);
var fileSize = long.Parse (fileSizeNode.InnerText);
var installed = false;
var updateAvailable = false;
if (only_check && !install.Contains (identifier))
if (IsInstalled (identifier, out var installedVersion)) {
if (installedVersion >= Version.Parse (version)) {
installed = true;
} else {
updateAvailable = true;
var doInstall = false;
if (install.Contains (identifier)) {
if (force) {
doInstall = true;
if (!only_check && verbose >= 0 && installed)
Console.WriteLine ($"The simulator '{identifier}' is already installed, but will be installed again because --force was specified.");
} else if (installed) {
if (!only_check && verbose >= 0)
Console.WriteLine ($"Not installing '{identifier}' because it's already installed and up-to-date.");
} else {
doInstall = true;
install.Remove (identifier);
if (print_simulators) {
Console.WriteLine (name);
Console.Write ($" Version: {version}");
if (updateAvailable)
Console.WriteLine ($" (an earlier version is installed: {installedVersion}");
else if (!installed)
Console.WriteLine ($" (not installed)");
Console.WriteLine ($" (installed)");
Console.WriteLine ($" Source: {source}");
Console.WriteLine ($" Identifier: {identifier}");
Console.WriteLine ($" InstallPrefix: {installPrefix}");
if (only_check) {
if (doInstall) {
if (updateAvailable) {
Console.WriteLine (verbose > 0 ? $"The simulator '{name}' is installed, but an update is available." : name);
} else {
Console.WriteLine (verbose > 0 ? $"The simulator '{name}' is not installed." : name);
exit_code = 1;
} else if (verbose > 0) {
Console.WriteLine ($"The simulator '{name}' is installed.");
if (doInstall && !only_check) {
Console.WriteLine ($"Installing {name}...");
if (Install (source, fileSize, installPrefix)) {
Console.WriteLine ($"Installed {name} successfully.");
} else {
Console.WriteLine ($"Failed to install {name}.");
return 1;
if (install.Count > 0) {
if (only_check) {
foreach (var sim in install)
Console.WriteLine ($"{sim} (unknown)");
} else {
Console.WriteLine ("Unknown simulators: {0}", string.Join (", ", install));
return 1;
return exit_code;
static bool IsInstalled (string identifier, out Version installedVersion)
if (TryExecuteAndCapture ($"pkgutil", $"--pkg-info {identifier}", out var pkgInfo, out _)) {
var lines = pkgInfo.Split ('\n');
var version = lines.First ((v) => v.StartsWith ("version: ", StringComparison.Ordinal)).Substring ("version: ".Length);
installedVersion = Version.Parse (version);
return true;
installedVersion = null;
return false;
static bool Install (string source, long fileSize, string installPrefix)
var download_dir = TempDirectory;
var filename = Path.GetFileName (source);
var download_path = Path.Combine (download_dir, filename);
var download = true;
if (!File.Exists (download_path)) {
Console.WriteLine ($"Downloading '{source}' to '{download_path}' (size: {fileSize} bytes = {fileSize / 1024.0 / 1024.0:N2} MB)...");
} else if (new FileInfo (download_path).Length != fileSize) {
Console.WriteLine ($"Downloading '{source}' to '{download_path}' because the existing file's size {new FileInfo (download_path).Length} does not match the expected size {fileSize}...");
} else {
download = false;
if (download) {
var downloadDone = new ManualResetEvent (false);
var wc = new WebClient ();
long lastProgress = 0;
var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew ();
wc.DownloadProgressChanged += (sender, progress_args) => {
var progress = progress_args.BytesReceived * 100 / fileSize;
if (progress > lastProgress) {
lastProgress = progress;
var duration = watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds;
var speed = progress_args.BytesReceived / duration;
var timeLeft = TimeSpan.FromSeconds ((progress_args.TotalBytesToReceive - progress_args.BytesReceived) / speed);
Console.WriteLine ($"Downloaded {progress_args.BytesReceived:N0}/{fileSize:N0} bytes = {progress}% in {duration:N1}s ({speed / 1024.0 / 1024.0:N1} MB/s; approximately {timeLeft} left)");
wc.DownloadFileCompleted += (sender, download_args) => {
Console.WriteLine ($"Download completed in {watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds}s");
if (download_args.Error != null) {
Console.WriteLine ($" with error: {download_args.Error}");
downloadDone.Set ();
wc.DownloadFileAsync (new Uri (source), download_path);
downloadDone.WaitOne ();
var mount_point = Path.Combine (download_dir, filename + "-mount");
Directory.CreateDirectory (mount_point);
try {
Console.WriteLine ($"Mounting '{download_path}' into '{mount_point}'...");
if (!TryExecuteAndCapture ("hdiutil", $"attach '{download_path}' -mountpoint '{mount_point}' -quiet -nobrowse", out _)) {
Console.WriteLine ("Mount failure!");
return false;
try {
var packages = Directory.GetFiles (mount_point, "*.pkg");
if (packages.Length == 0) {
Console.WriteLine ("Found no *.pkg files in the dmg.");
return false;
} else if (packages.Length > 1) {
Console.WriteLine ("Found more than one *.pkg file in the dmg:\n\t{0}", string.Join ("\n\t", packages));
return false;
// According to the package manifest, the package's install location is /.
// That's obviously not where it's installed, but I have no idea how Apple does it
// So instead decompress the package, modify the package manifest, re-create the package, and then install it.
var expanded_path = Path.Combine (download_dir + "-expanded-pkg");
if (Directory.Exists (expanded_path))
Directory.Delete (expanded_path, true);
Console.WriteLine ($"Expanding '{packages [0]}' into '{expanded_path}'...");
if (!TryExecuteAndCapture ("pkgutil", $"--expand '{packages [0]}' '{expanded_path}'", out _)) {
Console.WriteLine ($"Failed to expand {packages [0]}");
return false;
try {
var packageInfoPath = Path.Combine (expanded_path, "PackageInfo");
var packageInfoDoc = new XmlDocument ();
packageInfoDoc.Load (packageInfoPath);
// Add the install-location attribute to the pkg-info node
var attr = packageInfoDoc.CreateAttribute ("install-location");
attr.Value = installPrefix;
packageInfoDoc.SelectSingleNode ("/pkg-info").Attributes.Append (attr);
packageInfoDoc.Save (packageInfoPath);
var fixed_path = Path.Combine (Path.GetDirectoryName (download_path), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (download_path) + "-fixed.pkg");
if (File.Exists (fixed_path))
File.Delete (fixed_path);
try {
Console.WriteLine ($"Creating fixed package '{fixed_path}' from '{expanded_path}'...");
if (!TryExecuteAndCapture ("pkgutil", $"--flatten '{expanded_path}' '{fixed_path}'", out _)) {
Console.WriteLine ("Failed to create fixed package.");
return false;
Console.WriteLine ($"Installing '{fixed_path}'...");
if (!TryExecuteAndCapture ("sudo", $"installer -pkg '{fixed_path}' -target / -verbose -dumplog", out _)) {
Console.WriteLine ("Failed to install package.");
return false;
} finally {
if (File.Exists (fixed_path))
File.Delete (fixed_path);
} finally {
Directory.Delete (expanded_path, true);
} finally {
TryExecuteAndCapture ("hdiutil", $"detach '{mount_point}' -quiet", out _);
} finally {
Directory.Delete (mount_point, true);
File.Delete (download_path);
return true;
static string Replace (string value, Dictionary<string, string> replacements)
foreach (var kvp in replacements)
value = value.Replace ($"$({kvp.Key})", kvp.Value);
return value;