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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Mono.Linker;
using Mono.Collections.Generic;
using Registrar;
using Xamarin.Bundler;
namespace Xamarin.Tuner
public class DerivedLinkContext : LinkContext
internal IStaticRegistrar StaticRegistrar;
internal Target Target;
Symbols required_symbols;
// Any errors or warnings during the link process that won't prevent linking from continuing can be stored here.
// This is typically used to show as many problems as possible per build (so that the user doesn't have to fix one thing, rebuild, fix another, rebuild, fix another, etc).
// Obviously if the problem is such that cascading errors may end up reported, this should not be used.
// The errors/warnings will be shown when the linker is done.
public List<Exception> Exceptions = new List<Exception> ();
// SDK candidates - they will be preserved only if the application (not the SDK) uses it
List<ICustomAttributeProvider> srs_data_contract = new List<ICustomAttributeProvider> ();
List<ICustomAttributeProvider> xml_serialization = new List<ICustomAttributeProvider> ();
HashSet<TypeDefinition> cached_isnsobject;
// Tristate:
// null = don't know, must check at runtime (can't inline)
// true/false = corresponding constant value
Dictionary<TypeDefinition, bool?> isdirectbinding_value;
// Store interfaces the linker has linked away so that the static registrar can access them.
public Dictionary<TypeDefinition, List<TypeDefinition>> ProtocolImplementations { get; private set; } = new Dictionary<TypeDefinition, List<TypeDefinition>> ();
// Store types the linker has linked away so that the static registrar can access them.
Dictionary<string, LinkedAwayTypeReference> LinkedAwayTypes = new Dictionary<string, LinkedAwayTypeReference> ();
// The linked away TypeDefinitions lacks some information (it can't even find itself in the LinkedAwayTypes dictionary)
// so we need a second dictionary
Dictionary<TypeDefinition, LinkedAwayTypeReference> LinkedAwayTypeMap = new Dictionary<TypeDefinition, LinkedAwayTypeReference> ();
public Application App {
get {
return Target.App;
public HashSet<TypeDefinition> CachedIsNSObject {
get { return cached_isnsobject; }
set { cached_isnsobject = value; }
public Dictionary<TypeDefinition, bool?> IsDirectBindingValue {
get { return isdirectbinding_value; }
set { isdirectbinding_value = value; }
public IList<ICustomAttributeProvider> DataContract {
get {
return srs_data_contract;
public IList<ICustomAttributeProvider> XmlSerialization {
get {
return xml_serialization;
public Symbols RequiredSymbols {
get {
if (required_symbols == null)
required_symbols = new Symbols ();
return required_symbols;
public bool RequireMonoNative {
get; set;
public DerivedLinkContext (Pipeline pipeline, AssemblyResolver resolver)
: base (pipeline, resolver)
UserAction = AssemblyAction.Link;
public Dictionary<IMetadataTokenProvider, object> GetAllCustomAttributes (string storage_name)
return Annotations?.GetCustomAnnotations (storage_name);
public List<ICustomAttribute> GetCustomAttributes (ICustomAttributeProvider provider, string storage_name)
var annotations = Annotations?.GetCustomAnnotations (storage_name);
object storage = null;
if (annotations?.TryGetValue (provider, out storage) != true)
return null;
return (List<ICustomAttribute>) storage;
// Stores custom attributes in the link context, so that the attribute can be retrieved and
// inspected even if it's linked away.
public void StoreCustomAttribute (ICustomAttributeProvider provider, CustomAttribute attribute, string storage_name)
var dict = Annotations.GetCustomAnnotations (storage_name);
List<ICustomAttribute> attribs;
object attribObjects;
if (!dict.TryGetValue (provider, out attribObjects)) {
attribs = new List<ICustomAttribute> ();
dict [provider] = attribs;
} else {
attribs = (List<ICustomAttribute>) attribObjects;
// Make sure the attribute is resolved, since after removing the attribute
// it won't be able to do it. The 'CustomAttribute.Resolve' method is private, but fetching
// any property will cause it to be called.
// We also need to store the constructor's DeclaringType separately, because it may
// be nulled out from the constructor by the linker if the attribute type itself is linked away.
var dummy = attribute.HasConstructorArguments;
attribs.Add (new AttributeStorage { Attribute = attribute, AttributeType = attribute.Constructor.DeclaringType });
public List<ICustomAttribute> GetCustomAttributes (ICustomAttributeProvider provider, string @namespace, string name)
// The equivalent StoreCustomAttribute method below ignores the namespace (it's not needed so far since all attribute names we care about are unique),
// so we need to retrieve the attributes the same way (using the name only).
return GetCustomAttributes (provider, name);
public void StoreCustomAttribute (ICustomAttributeProvider provider, CustomAttribute attribute)
StoreCustomAttribute (provider, attribute, attribute.AttributeType.Name);
public void StoreProtocolMethods (TypeDefinition type)
var attribs = Annotations.GetCustomAnnotations ("ProtocolMethods");
object value;
if (!attribs.TryGetValue (type, out value))
attribs [type] = type.Methods.ToArray (); // Make a copy of the collection, since the linker may remove methods from it.
public IList<MethodDefinition> GetProtocolMethods (TypeDefinition type)
var attribs = Annotations.GetCustomAnnotations ("ProtocolMethods");
object value;
if (attribs.TryGetValue (type, out value))
return (MethodDefinition []) value;
return null;
public void AddLinkedAwayType (TypeDefinition td)
var latr = new LinkedAwayTypeReference (td);
LinkedAwayTypes.Add (td.Module.Assembly.Name.Name + ": " + td.FullName, latr);
LinkedAwayTypeMap.Add (td, latr);
// Returns a TypeDefinition for a type that was linked away.
// The Module property is null for the returned TypeDefinition (unfortunately TypeDefinition is
// sealed, so I can't provide a custom TypeDefinition subclass), so we need to return
// the module as an out parameter instead.
public TypeDefinition GetLinkedAwayType (TypeReference tr, out ModuleDefinition module)
module = null;
if (tr is TypeDefinition td) {
// We might get called again for a TypeDefinition we already returned,
// in which case tr.Scope will be null, so we can't use the code below.
// Instead look in our second dictionary, of TypeDefinition -> LinkedAwayTypeReference
// to find the module.
if (LinkedAwayTypeMap.TryGetValue (td, out var latd))
module = latd.Module;
return td;
string name;
switch (tr.Scope.MetadataScopeType) {
case MetadataScopeType.ModuleDefinition:
var md = (ModuleDefinition) tr.Scope;
name = md.Assembly.Name.Name;
name = tr.Scope.Name;
if (LinkedAwayTypes.TryGetValue (name + ": " + tr.FullName, out var latr)) {
module = latr.Module;
return latr.Resolve ();
return null;
class AttributeStorage : ICustomAttribute
public CustomAttribute Attribute;
public TypeReference AttributeType { get; set; }
public bool HasFields => Attribute.HasFields;
public bool HasProperties => Attribute.HasProperties;
public bool HasConstructorArguments => Attribute.HasConstructorArguments;
public Collection<CustomAttributeNamedArgument> Fields => Attribute.Fields;
public Collection<CustomAttributeNamedArgument> Properties => Attribute.Properties;
public Collection<CustomAttributeArgument> ConstructorArguments => Attribute.ConstructorArguments;
class LinkedAwayTypeReference : TypeReference
// When a type is linked away, its Module and Scope properties
// return null.
// This class keeps those values around.
TypeDefinition type;
ModuleDefinition module;
IMetadataScope scope;
public LinkedAwayTypeReference (TypeDefinition type)
: base (type.Namespace, type.Name)
this.type = type;
this.module = type.Module;
this.scope = type.Scope;
public override TypeDefinition Resolve ()
return type;
public override ModuleDefinition Module {
get {
return module;
public override IMetadataScope Scope {
get { return scope; }
set { scope = value; }