
1722 строки
51 KiB

#if __MACOS__
#define MONOMAC
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using AVFoundation;
using CoreBluetooth;
using CoreFoundation;
using Foundation;
#if !__TVOS__
using Contacts;
using EventKit;
using AppKit;
#if !__TVOS__ && !__WATCHOS__
using AddressBook;
#if !__WATCHOS__
using MediaPlayer;
using UIKit;
using ObjCRuntime;
using Xamarin.Utils;
using NUnit.Framework;
#if !NET
using NativeHandle = System.IntPtr;
#nullable enable
partial class TestRuntime {
[DllImport (Constants.CoreFoundationLibrary)]
public extern static nint CFGetRetainCount (IntPtr handle);
[DllImport (Constants.CoreFoundationLibrary)]
public extern static nint CFRetain (IntPtr handle);
[DllImport (Constants.CoreFoundationLibrary)]
public extern static void CFRelease (IntPtr handle);
[DllImport ("/usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib")]
static extern int dyld_get_program_sdk_version ();
[DllImport ("/usr/lib/libobjc.dylib", EntryPoint = "objc_msgSend")]
static extern IntPtr IntPtr_objc_msgSend (IntPtr receiver, IntPtr selector);
public const string BuildVersion_iOS9_GM = "13A340";
// Xcode 12.0 removed macOS 11.0 SDK and moved it up to Xcode 12.2
// we use this constant to make up for that difference when using
// AssertXcodeVersion and CheckXcodeVersion
#if __MACOS__ || __MACCATALYST__
public const int MinorXcode12APIMismatch = 2;
public const int MinorXcode12APIMismatch = 0;
public static string GetiOSBuildVersion ()
#if __WATCHOS__
throw new Exception ("Can't get iOS Build version on watchOS.");
throw new Exception ("Can't get iOS Build version on OSX.");
return CFString.FromHandle (IntPtr_objc_msgSend (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.Handle, Selector.GetHandle ("buildVersion")))!;
const int sys1 = 1937339185;
const int sys2 = 1937339186;
const int sys3 = 1937339187;
// Deprecated in OSX 10.8 - but no good alternative is (yet) available
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport ("/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/Current/Carbon")]
static extern int Gestalt (int selector, out int result);
static Version? version;
public static Version OSXVersion {
get {
if (version is null) {
int major, minor, build;
Gestalt (sys1, out major);
Gestalt (sys2, out minor);
Gestalt (sys3, out build);
version = new Version (major, minor, build);
return version;
public static Version OSXVersion {
get {
return Version.Parse (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.SystemVersion);
public static Version GetSDKVersion ()
var v = dyld_get_program_sdk_version ();
var major = v >> 16;
var minor = (v >> 8) & 0xFF;
var build = v & 0xFF;
return new Version (major, minor, build);
static bool? is_in_ci;
public static bool IsInCI {
get {
if (!is_in_ci.HasValue) {
var in_ci = !string.IsNullOrEmpty (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("BUILD_REVISION"));
in_ci |= !string.IsNullOrEmpty (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("BUILD_SOURCEVERSION")); // set by Azure DevOps
is_in_ci = in_ci;
return is_in_ci.Value;
static bool? is_pull_request;
public static bool IsPullRequest {
get {
if (!is_pull_request.HasValue) {
var pr = string.Equals (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("BUILD_REASON"), "PullRequest", StringComparison.Ordinal);
is_pull_request = pr;
return is_pull_request.Value;
public static void IgnoreInCI (string message)
if (!IsInCI) {
Console.WriteLine ($"Not ignoring test, because not running in CI: {message}");
Console.WriteLine ($"Ignoring test, because not running in CI: {message}");
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Ignore (message);
#if NET
// error CS1061: 'AppDomain' does not contain a definition for 'DefineDynamicAssembly' and no accessible extension method 'DefineDynamicAssembly' accepting a first argument of type 'AppDomain' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
static AssemblyName assemblyName = new AssemblyName ("DynamicAssemblyExample");
public static bool CheckExecutingWithInterpreter ()
// until System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeFeature.IsSupported("IsDynamicCodeCompiled") returns a valid result, atm it
// always return true, try to build an object of a class that should fail without introspection, and catch the exception to do the
// right thing
try {
AssemblyBuilder ab = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly (assemblyName, AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave);
return true;
} catch (PlatformNotSupportedException) {
// we do not have the interpreter, lets continue
return false;
public static void AssertXcodeVersion (int major, int minor, int build = 0)
if (CheckXcodeVersion (major, minor, build))
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Ignore ("Requires the platform version shipped with Xcode {0}.{1}", major, minor);
public static void AssertDevice (string message = "This test only runs on device.")
if (ObjCRuntime.Runtime.Arch == Arch.DEVICE)
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Ignore (message);
public static void AssertNotDevice (string message = "This test does not run on device.")
if (ObjCRuntime.Runtime.Arch == Arch.DEVICE)
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Ignore (message);
public static void AssertDesktop (string message = "This test only runs on Desktops (macOS or MacCatalyst).")
#if !(__MACOS__ || __MACCATALYST__)
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Ignore (message);
public static void AssertNotDesktop (string message = "This test does not run on Desktops (macOS or MacCatalyst).")
#if __MACOS__ || __MACCATALYST__
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Ignore (message);
public static void AssertNotX64Desktop (string message = "This test does not run on x64 desktops.")
#if __MACOS__ || __MACCATALYST__
if (!IsARM64)
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Ignore (message);
public static void AssertNotARM64Desktop (string message = "This test does not run on an ARM64 desktop.")
#if __MACOS__ || __MACCATALYST__
if (IsARM64)
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Ignore (message);
public static void AssertIfSimulatorThenARM64 ()
#if !__MACOS__ && !__MACCATALYST__
if (ObjCRuntime.Runtime.Arch != Arch.SIMULATOR)
if (!IsARM64)
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Ignore ("This test does not run simulators that aren't ARM64 simulators.");
public static void AssertNotSimulator (string message = "This test does not work in the simulator.")
if (IsSimulator)
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Ignore (message);
public static void AssertSimulator (string message = "This test only works in the simulator.")
if (!IsSimulator)
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Ignore (message);
public static void AssertSimulatorOrDesktop (string message = "This test only works in the simulator or on the desktop.")
if (!IsSimulatorOrDesktop)
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Ignore (message);
public static bool IsVM =>
!string.IsNullOrEmpty (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("VM_VENDOR"));
public static void AssertNotVirtualMachine ()
// enviroment variable set by the CI when running on a VM
var vmVendor = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("VM_VENDOR");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (vmVendor))
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Ignore ($"This test only runs on device. Found vm vendor: {vmVendor}");
public static bool IsVSTS =>
!string.IsNullOrEmpty (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("BUILD_BUILDID")); // Env var set by vsts
public static void AssertNotVSTS ()
if (IsVSTS)
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Ignore ("This test only runs on developer desktops and not on VSTS.");
// This function checks if the current Xcode version is exactly (neither higher nor lower) the requested one.
public static bool CheckExactXcodeVersion (int major, int minor, int beta = 0)
// Add the Build number minus the one last character, sometimes Apple releases
// different builds from the same Beta, for example in Xcode 9 Beta 3 we have
// 15A5318g on device and 15A5318e on the simulator
var nineb1 = new {
Xcode = new { Major = 9, Minor = 0, Beta = 1 },
iOS = new { Major = 11, Minor = 0, Build = "15A5278" },
tvOS = new { Major = 11, Minor = 0, Build = "?" },
macOS = new { Major = 10, Minor = 13, Build = "?" },
watchOS = new { Major = 4, Minor = 0, Build = "?" },
var nineb2 = new {
Xcode = new { Major = 9, Minor = 0, Beta = 2 },
iOS = new { Major = 11, Minor = 0, Build = "15A5304" },
tvOS = new { Major = 11, Minor = 0, Build = "?" },
macOS = new { Major = 10, Minor = 13, Build = "?" },
watchOS = new { Major = 4, Minor = 0, Build = "?" },
var nineb3 = new {
Xcode = new { Major = 9, Minor = 0, Beta = 3 },
iOS = new { Major = 11, Minor = 0, Build = "15A5318" },
tvOS = new { Major = 11, Minor = 0, Build = "?" },
macOS = new { Major = 10, Minor = 13, Build = "?" },
watchOS = new { Major = 4, Minor = 0, Build = "?" },
var elevenb5 = new {
Xcode = new { Major = 11, Minor = 0, Beta = 5 },
iOS = new { Major = 13, Minor = 0, Build = "17A5547" },
tvOS = new { Major = 13, Minor = 0, Build = "?" },
macOS = new { Major = 10, Minor = 15, Build = "?" },
watchOS = new { Major = 6, Minor = 0, Build = "?" },
var elevenb6 = new {
Xcode = new { Major = 11, Minor = 0, Beta = 6 },
iOS = new { Major = 13, Minor = 0, Build = "17A5565b" },
tvOS = new { Major = 13, Minor = 0, Build = "?" },
macOS = new { Major = 10, Minor = 15, Build = "?" },
watchOS = new { Major = 6, Minor = 0, Build = "?" },
var twelvedot2b2 = new {
Xcode = new { Major = 12, Minor = 2, Beta = 2 },
iOS = new { Major = 14, Minor = 2, Build = "18B5061" },
tvOS = new { Major = 14, Minor = 2, Build = "18K5036" },
macOS = new { Major = 11, Minor = 0, Build = "?" },
watchOS = new { Major = 7, Minor = 1, Build = "18R5561" },
var twelvedot2b3 = new {
Xcode = new { Major = 12, Minor = 2, Beta = 3 },
iOS = new { Major = 14, Minor = 2, Build = "18B5072" },
tvOS = new { Major = 14, Minor = 2, Build = "18K5047" },
macOS = new { Major = 11, Minor = 0, Build = "20A5395" },
watchOS = new { Major = 7, Minor = 1, Build = "18R5572" },
var versions = new [] {
foreach (var v in versions) {
if (v.Xcode.Major != major)
if (v.Xcode.Minor != minor)
if (v.Xcode.Beta != beta)
#if __IOS__
if (!CheckExactiOSSystemVersion (v.iOS.Major, v.iOS.Minor))
return false;
if (v.iOS.Build == "?")
throw new NotImplementedException ($"Build number for iOS {v.iOS.Major}.{v.iOS.Minor} beta {beta} (candidate: {GetiOSBuildVersion ()})");
var actual = GetiOSBuildVersion ();
Console.WriteLine (actual);
return actual.StartsWith (v.iOS.Build, StringComparison.Ordinal);
#elif __TVOS__
if (!CheckExacttvOSSystemVersion (v.tvOS.Major, v.tvOS.Minor))
return false;
if (v.tvOS.Build == "?")
throw new NotImplementedException ($"Build number for tvOS {v.tvOS.Major}.{v.tvOS.Minor} beta {beta} (candidate: {GetiOSBuildVersion ()})");
var actual = GetiOSBuildVersion ();
Console.WriteLine (actual);
return actual.StartsWith (v.tvOS.Build, StringComparison.Ordinal);
#elif __MACOS__
if (!CheckExactmacOSSystemVersion (v.macOS.Major, v.macOS.Minor))
return false;
if (v.macOS.Build == "?")
throw new NotImplementedException ($"Build number for macOS {v.macOS.Major}.{v.macOS.Minor} beta {beta}.");
* I could be parsing the string but docs says it is not suitable for parsing and this is ugly enough so
* an apology in advance (I'm very sorry =]) to my future self or whoever is dealing with this if it broke
* but there are no better solutions at this time. That said this is good enough for the current use case.
* Example: Version 10.16 (Build 20A5395g)
* The above statement also applies to 'CheckExactmacOSSystemVersion' =S
#if NET
return NSProcessInfo.ProcessInfo.OperatingSystemVersionString.Contains (v.macOS.Build, StringComparison.Ordinal);
return NSProcessInfo.ProcessInfo.OperatingSystemVersionString.Contains (v.macOS.Build);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
throw new NotImplementedException ($"Build information for Xcode version {major}.{minor} beta {beta} not found");
public static bool CheckXcodeVersion (int major, int minor, int build = 0)
switch (major) {
case 15:
switch (minor) {
case 0:
#if __WATCHOS__
return CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (10, 0);
#elif __TVOS__
return ChecktvOSSystemVersion (17, 0);
#elif __IOS__
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (17, 0);
return CheckMacSystemVersion (14, 0);
throw new NotImplementedException ($"Missing platform case for Xcode {major}.{minor}");
throw new NotImplementedException ($"Missing version logic for checking for Xcode {major}.{minor}");
case 14:
switch (minor) {
case 0:
#if __WATCHOS__
return CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (9, 0);
#elif __TVOS__
return ChecktvOSSystemVersion (16, 0);
#elif __IOS__
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (16, 0);
return CheckMacSystemVersion (13, 0);
throw new NotImplementedException ($"Missing platform case for Xcode {major}.{minor}");
case 1:
#if __WATCHOS__
return CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (9, 1);
#elif __TVOS__
return ChecktvOSSystemVersion (16, 1);
#elif __IOS__
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (16, 1);
return CheckMacSystemVersion (13, 0);
throw new NotImplementedException ($"Missing platform case for Xcode {major}.{minor}");
case 2:
#if __WATCHOS__
return CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (9, 1);
#elif __TVOS__
return ChecktvOSSystemVersion (16, 1);
#elif __IOS__
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (16, 2);
return CheckMacSystemVersion (13, 1);
throw new NotImplementedException ($"Missing platform case for Xcode {major}.{minor}");
case 3:
#if __WATCHOS__
return CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (9, 4);
#elif __TVOS__
return ChecktvOSSystemVersion (16, 4);
#elif __IOS__
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (16, 4);
return CheckMacSystemVersion (13, 3);
throw new NotImplementedException ($"Missing platform case for Xcode {major}.{minor}");
throw new NotImplementedException ($"Missing version logic for checking for Xcode {major}.{minor}");
case 13:
switch (minor) {
case 0:
#if __WATCHOS__
return CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (8, 0);
#elif __TVOS__
return ChecktvOSSystemVersion (15, 0);
#elif __IOS__
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (15, 0);
return CheckMacSystemVersion (12, 0);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
case 1:
#if __WATCHOS__
return CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (8, 1);
#elif __TVOS__
return ChecktvOSSystemVersion (15, 1);
#elif __IOS__
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (15, 1);
return CheckMacSystemVersion (12, 0);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
case 2:
#if __WATCHOS__
return CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (8, 3);
#elif __TVOS__
return ChecktvOSSystemVersion (15, 2);
#elif __IOS__
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (15, 2);
return CheckMacSystemVersion (12, 1);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
case 3:
#if __WATCHOS__
return CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (8, 5);
#elif __TVOS__
return ChecktvOSSystemVersion (15, 4);
#elif __IOS__
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (15, 4);
return CheckMacSystemVersion (12, 3);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
throw new NotImplementedException ();
case 12:
switch (minor) {
case 0:
#if __WATCHOS__
return CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (7, 0);
#elif __TVOS__
return ChecktvOSSystemVersion (14, 0);
#elif __IOS__
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (14, 0);
return CheckMacSystemVersion (10, 15, 6);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
case 1:
#if __WATCHOS__
return CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (7, 0);
#elif __TVOS__
return ChecktvOSSystemVersion (14, 0);
#elif __IOS__
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (14, 1);
return CheckMacSystemVersion (10, 15, 6);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
case 2:
#if __WATCHOS__
return CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (7, 1);
#elif __TVOS__
return ChecktvOSSystemVersion (14, 2);
#elif __IOS__
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (14, 2);
return CheckMacSystemVersion (11, 0, 0);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
case 3:
#if __WATCHOS__
return CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (7, 2);
#elif __TVOS__
return ChecktvOSSystemVersion (14, 3);
#elif __IOS__
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (14, 3);
return CheckMacSystemVersion (11, 1, 0);
case 5:
#if __WATCHOS__
return CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (7, 4);
#elif __TVOS__
return ChecktvOSSystemVersion (14, 5);
#elif __IOS__
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (14, 5);
return CheckMacSystemVersion (11, 3, 0);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
throw new NotImplementedException ();
case 11:
switch (minor) {
case 0:
#if __WATCHOS__
return CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (6, 0);
#elif __TVOS__
return ChecktvOSSystemVersion (13, 0);
#elif __IOS__
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (13, 0);
return CheckMacSystemVersion (10, 15, 0);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
case 1:
#if __WATCHOS__
return CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (6, 0);
#elif __TVOS__
return ChecktvOSSystemVersion (13, 0);
#elif __IOS__
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (13, 1);
return CheckMacSystemVersion (10, 15, 0);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
case 2:
#if __WATCHOS__
return CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (6, 1);
#elif __TVOS__
return ChecktvOSSystemVersion (13, 2);
return CheckMacSystemVersion (10, 15, 1);
#elif __IOS__
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (13, 2);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
case 3:
#if __WATCHOS__
return CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (6, 1, 1);
#elif __TVOS__
return ChecktvOSSystemVersion (13, 3);
#elif __IOS__
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (13, 3);
return CheckMacSystemVersion (10, 15, 2);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
case 4:
#if __WATCHOS__
return CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (6, 2);
#elif __TVOS__
return ChecktvOSSystemVersion (13, 4);
#elif __IOS__
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (13, 4);
return CheckMacSystemVersion (10, 15, 4);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
case 5:
#if __WATCHOS__
return CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (6, 2);
#elif __TVOS__
return ChecktvOSSystemVersion (13, 4);
#elif __IOS__
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (13, 5);
return CheckMacSystemVersion (10, 15, 5);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
case 6:
#if __WATCHOS__
return CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (6, 2);
#elif __TVOS__
return ChecktvOSSystemVersion (13, 4);
#elif __IOS__
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (13, 6);
return CheckMacSystemVersion (10, 15, 6);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
throw new NotImplementedException ();
case 10:
switch (minor) {
case 0:
#if __WATCHOS__
return CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (5, 0);
#elif __TVOS__
return ChecktvOSSystemVersion (12, 0);
#elif __IOS__
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (12, 0);
return CheckMacSystemVersion (10, 14, 0);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
case 1:
#if __WATCHOS__
return CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (5, 1);
#elif __TVOS__
return ChecktvOSSystemVersion (12, 1);
#elif __IOS__
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (12, 1);
return CheckMacSystemVersion (10, 14, 3);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
case 2:
#if __WATCHOS__
return CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (5, 2);
#elif __TVOS__
return ChecktvOSSystemVersion (12, 2);
#elif __IOS__
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (12, 2);
return CheckMacSystemVersion (10, 14, 4);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
throw new NotImplementedException ();
case 9:
switch (minor) {
case 0:
#if __WATCHOS__
return CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (4, 0);
#elif __TVOS__
return ChecktvOSSystemVersion (11, 0);
#elif __IOS__
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (11, 0);
return CheckMacSystemVersion (10, 13, 0);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
case 2:
#if __WATCHOS__
return CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (4, 2);
#elif __TVOS__
return ChecktvOSSystemVersion (11, 2);
#elif __IOS__
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (11, 2);
return CheckMacSystemVersion (10, 13, 2);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
case 3:
#if __WATCHOS__
return CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (4, 3);
#elif __TVOS__
return ChecktvOSSystemVersion (11, 3);
#elif __IOS__
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (11, 3);
return CheckMacSystemVersion (10, 13, 4);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
throw new NotImplementedException ();
case 8:
switch (minor) {
case 0:
#if __WATCHOS__
return CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (3, 0);
#elif __TVOS__
return ChecktvOSSystemVersion (10, 0);
#elif __IOS__
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (10, 0);
return CheckMacSystemVersion (10, 12, 0);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
case 1:
#if __WATCHOS__
return CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (3, 1);
#elif __TVOS__
return ChecktvOSSystemVersion (10, 0);
#elif __IOS__
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (10, 1);
return CheckMacSystemVersion (10, 12, 1);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
case 2:
#if __WATCHOS__
return CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (3, 1);
#elif __TVOS__
return ChecktvOSSystemVersion (10, 1);
#elif __IOS__
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (10, 2);
return CheckMacSystemVersion (10, 12, 2);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
case 3:
#if __WATCHOS__
return CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (3, 2);
#elif __TVOS__
return ChecktvOSSystemVersion (10, 2);
#elif __IOS__
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (10, 3);
return CheckMacSystemVersion (10, 12, 4);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
throw new NotImplementedException ();
case 7:
switch (minor) {
case 0:
#if __WATCHOS__
return CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (2, 0);
#elif __TVOS__
return ChecktvOSSystemVersion (9, 0);
#elif __IOS__
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (9, 0);
return CheckMacSystemVersion (10, 11, 0);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
case 1:
#if __WATCHOS__
return CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (2, 0);
#elif __TVOS__
return ChecktvOSSystemVersion (9, 0);
#elif __IOS__
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (9, 1);
return CheckMacSystemVersion (10, 11, 0 /* yep */);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
case 2:
#if __WATCHOS__
return CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (2, 1);
#elif __TVOS__
return ChecktvOSSystemVersion (9, 1);
#elif __IOS__
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (9, 2);
return CheckMacSystemVersion (10, 11, 2);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
case 3:
#if __WATCHOS__
return CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (2, 2);
#elif __TVOS__
return ChecktvOSSystemVersion (9, 2);
#elif __IOS__
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (9, 3);
return CheckMacSystemVersion (10, 11, 4);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
throw new NotImplementedException ();
case 6:
#if __IOS__
switch (minor) {
case 0:
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (8, 0);
case 1:
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (8, 1);
case 2:
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (8, 2);
case 3:
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (8, 3);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
#elif __TVOS__ || __WATCHOS__
return true;
switch (minor) {
case 0:
return CheckMacSystemVersion (10, 9, 0);
case 1:
return CheckMacSystemVersion (10, 10, 0);
case 2:
return CheckMacSystemVersion (10, 10, 0);
case 3:
return CheckMacSystemVersion (10, 10, 0);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
throw new NotImplementedException ();
case 5:
#if __IOS__
switch (minor) {
case 0:
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (7, 0);
case 1:
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (7, 1);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
#elif __TVOS__ || __WATCHOS__
return true;
switch (minor) {
case 0:
// Xcode 5.0.1 ships OSX 10.9 SDK
return CheckMacSystemVersion (10, build > 0 ? 9 : 8, 0);
case 1:
return CheckMacSystemVersion (10, 9, 0);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
throw new NotImplementedException ();
case 4:
#if __IOS__
switch (minor) {
case 1:
return true; // iOS 4.3.2
case 5:
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (6, 0);
case 6:
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (6, 1);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
#elif __TVOS__ || __WATCHOS__
return true;
switch (minor) {
case 1:
return CheckMacSystemVersion (10, 7, 0);
case 5:
case 6:
return CheckMacSystemVersion (10, 8, 0);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
throw new NotImplementedException ();
throw new NotImplementedException ($"Missing version logic for checking for Xcode {major}.{minor}");
public static bool CheckSystemVersion (ApplePlatform platform, int major, int minor, int build = 0, bool throwIfOtherPlatform = true)
switch (platform) {
case ApplePlatform.iOS:
return CheckiOSSystemVersion (major, minor, throwIfOtherPlatform);
case ApplePlatform.MacOSX:
return CheckMacSystemVersion (major, minor, build, throwIfOtherPlatform);
case ApplePlatform.TVOS:
return ChecktvOSSystemVersion (major, minor, throwIfOtherPlatform);
case ApplePlatform.WatchOS:
return CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (major, minor, throwIfOtherPlatform);
case ApplePlatform.MacCatalyst:
return CheckMacCatalystSystemVersion (major, minor, throwIfOtherPlatform);
throw new Exception ($"Unknown platform: {platform}");
public static void AssertSystemVersion (ApplePlatform platform, int major, int minor, int build = 0, bool throwIfOtherPlatform = true)
switch (platform) {
case ApplePlatform.iOS:
AssertiOSSystemVersion (major, minor, throwIfOtherPlatform);
case ApplePlatform.MacOSX:
AssertMacSystemVersion (major, minor, build, throwIfOtherPlatform);
case ApplePlatform.TVOS:
AsserttvOSSystemVersion (major, minor, throwIfOtherPlatform);
case ApplePlatform.WatchOS:
AssertWatchOSSystemVersion (major, minor, throwIfOtherPlatform);
case ApplePlatform.MacCatalyst:
AssertMacCatalystSystemVersion (major, minor, build, throwIfOtherPlatform);
throw new Exception ($"Unknown platform: {platform}");
// This method returns true if:
// system version >= specified version
// AND
// sdk version >= specified version
static bool CheckiOSSystemVersion (int major, int minor, bool throwIfOtherPlatform = true)
#if __IOS__
return UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion (major, minor);
if (throwIfOtherPlatform)
throw new Exception ("Can't get iOS System version on other platforms.");
return true;
static void AssertiOSSystemVersion (int major, int minor, bool throwIfOtherPlatform = true)
if (!CheckiOSSystemVersion (major, minor, throwIfOtherPlatform))
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Ignore ($"This test requires iOS {major}.{minor}");
static bool CheckExactiOSSystemVersion (int major, int minor)
#if __IOS__
var version = Version.Parse (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.SystemVersion);
return version.Major == major && version.Minor == minor;
throw new Exception ("Can't get iOS System version on other platforms.");
static bool CheckExacttvOSSystemVersion (int major, int minor)
#if __TVOS__
var version = Version.Parse (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.SystemVersion);
return version.Major == major && version.Minor == minor;
throw new Exception ("Can't get tvOS System version on other platforms.");
static bool CheckExactmacOSSystemVersion (int major, int minor, int build = 0)
#if __MACOS__
var v = NSProcessInfo.ProcessInfo.OperatingSystemVersion;
var currentVersion = new Version ((int) v.Major, (int) v.Minor, (int) v.PatchVersion);
if (currentVersion == new Version (10, 16, 0))
currentVersion = new Version (11, 0, 0);
return currentVersion == new Version (major, minor, build);
throw new Exception ("Can't get macOS System version on other platforms.");
// This method returns true if:
// system version >= specified version
// AND
// sdk version >= specified version
static bool ChecktvOSSystemVersion (int major, int minor, bool throwIfOtherPlatform = true)
#if __TVOS__
return UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion (major, minor);
if (throwIfOtherPlatform)
throw new Exception ("Can't get tvOS System version on other platforms.");
return true;
static void AsserttvOSSystemVersion (int major, int minor, bool throwIfOtherPlatform = true)
if (!ChecktvOSSystemVersion (major, minor, throwIfOtherPlatform))
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Ignore ($"This test requires tvOS {major}.{minor}");
// This method returns true if:
// system version >= specified version
// AND
// sdk version >= specified version
static bool CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (int major, int minor, bool throwIfOtherPlatform = true)
#if __WATCHOS__
return WatchKit.WKInterfaceDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion (major, minor);
if (throwIfOtherPlatform)
throw new Exception ("Can't get watchOS System version on iOS/tvOS.");
// This is both iOS and tvOS
return true;
// This method returns true if:
// system version >= specified version
// AND
// sdk version >= specified version
static bool CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (int major, int minor, int build, bool throwIfOtherPlatform = true)
#if __WATCHOS__
return WatchKit.WKInterfaceDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion (major, minor, build);
if (throwIfOtherPlatform)
throw new Exception ("Can't get watchOS System version on iOS/tvOS.");
// This is both iOS and tvOS
return true;
static void AssertWatchOSSystemVersion (int major, int minor, bool throwIfOtherPlatform = true)
if (CheckWatchOSSystemVersion (major, minor, throwIfOtherPlatform))
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Ignore ($"This test requires watchOS {major}.{minor}");
static bool CheckMacSystemVersion (int major, int minor, int build = 0, bool throwIfOtherPlatform = true)
return OSXVersion >= new Version (major, minor, build);
if (throwIfOtherPlatform)
throw new Exception ("Can't get iOS System version on other platforms.");
return true;
static bool CheckMacCatalystSystemVersion (int major, int minor, bool throwIfOtherPlatform = true)
return UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion (major, minor);
if (throwIfOtherPlatform)
throw new Exception ("Can't get Mac Catalyst System version on other platforms.");
return true;
static void AssertMacSystemVersion (int major, int minor, int build = 0, bool throwIfOtherPlatform = true)
if (!CheckMacSystemVersion (major, minor, build, throwIfOtherPlatform))
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Ignore ($"This test requires macOS {major}.{minor}.{build}");
static void AssertMacCatalystSystemVersion (int major, int minor, int build = 0, bool throwIfOtherPlatform = true)
if (!CheckMacCatalystSystemVersion (major, minor, throwIfOtherPlatform))
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Ignore ($"This test requires macOS {major}.{minor}.{build}");
public static bool CheckSDKVersion (int major, int minor)
#if __WATCHOS__
throw new Exception ("Can't get iOS SDK version on WatchOS.");
if (Runtime.Arch == Arch.SIMULATOR || !UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion (6, 0)) {
// dyld_get_program_sdk_version was introduced with iOS 6.0, so don't do the SDK check on older deviecs.
return true; // dyld_get_program_sdk_version doesn't return what we're looking for on the mac.
var sdk = GetSDKVersion ();
if (sdk.Major > major)
return true;
if (sdk.Major == major && sdk.Minor >= minor)
return true;
return false;
public static void IgnoreOnTVOS ()
#if __TVOS__
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Ignore ("This test is disabled on TVOS.");
public static bool IsTVOS {
get {
#if __TVOS__
return true;
return false;
public static bool IsDevice {
get {
#if __MACOS__ || __MACCATALYST__
return false;
return Runtime.Arch == Arch.DEVICE;
public static bool IsSimulator {
get {
#if __MACOS__ || __MACCATALYST__
return false;
return Runtime.Arch == Arch.SIMULATOR;
public static bool IsSimulatorOrDesktop {
get {
#if __MACOS__ || __MACCATALYST__
return true;
return Runtime.Arch == Arch.SIMULATOR;
public static void IgnoreOnMacCatalyst (string message = "")
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Ignore ($"This test is disabled on Mac Catalyst. {message}");
public static bool IgnoreTestThatRequiresSystemPermissions ()
return !string.IsNullOrEmpty (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("DISABLE_SYSTEM_PERMISSION_TESTS"));
public static void CheckBluetoothPermission (bool assert_granted = false)
// New in Xcode11
switch (CBManager.Authorization) {
case CBManagerAuthorization.NotDetermined:
if (IgnoreTestThatRequiresSystemPermissions ())
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Ignore ("This test would show a dialog to ask for permission to use bluetooth.");
case CBManagerAuthorization.Denied:
case CBManagerAuthorization.Restricted:
if (assert_granted)
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Fail ("This test requires permission to use bluetooth.");
#if !MONOMAC && !__TVOS__ && !__WATCHOS__
public static void RequestCameraPermission (NSString mediaTypeToken, bool assert_granted = false)
// Microphone requires a hardened runtime entitlement for Mac Catalyst: com.apple.security.device.microphonee,
// so just ignore these tests for now.
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Ignore ("Requires a hardened runtime entitlement: com.apple.security.device.microphone");
#endif // __MACCATALYST__
if (AVCaptureDevice.GetAuthorizationStatus (mediaTypeToken) == AVAuthorizationStatus.NotDetermined) {
if (IgnoreTestThatRequiresSystemPermissions ())
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Ignore ("This test would show a dialog to ask for permission to access the camera.");
AVCaptureDevice.RequestAccessForMediaType (mediaTypeToken, (accessGranted) => {
Console.WriteLine ("Camera permission {0}", accessGranted ? "granted" : "denied");
switch (AVCaptureDevice.GetAuthorizationStatus (AVMediaTypes.Video.GetConstant ()!)) {
case AVAuthorizationStatus.Restricted:
case AVAuthorizationStatus.Denied:
if (assert_granted)
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Fail ("This test requires permission to access the camera.");
#endif // !!MONOMAC && !__TVOS__ && !__WATCHOS__
#if !__TVOS__
public static void CheckContactsPermission (bool assert_granted = false)
switch (CNContactStore.GetAuthorizationStatus (CNEntityType.Contacts)) {
case CNAuthorizationStatus.NotDetermined:
if (IgnoreTestThatRequiresSystemPermissions ())
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Ignore ("This test would show a dialog to ask for permission to access the contacts.");
// We don't request access here, because there's no global method to request access (an contact store instance is required).
// Interestingly there is a global method to determine if access has been granted...
case CNAuthorizationStatus.Restricted:
case CNAuthorizationStatus.Denied:
if (assert_granted)
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Fail ("This test requires permission to access the contacts.");
public static void RequestContactsPermission (bool assert_granted = false)
switch (CNContactStore.GetAuthorizationStatus (CNEntityType.Contacts)) {
case CNAuthorizationStatus.NotDetermined:
if (IgnoreTestThatRequiresSystemPermissions ())
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Ignore ("This test would show a dialog to ask for permission to access the contacts.");
// There's a static method to check for permission, but an instance method to ask for permission
using (var store = new CNContactStore ()) {
store.RequestAccess (CNEntityType.Contacts, (granted, error) => {
Console.WriteLine ("Contacts permission {0} (error: {1})", granted ? "granted" : "denied", error);
CheckContactsPermission (assert_granted);
#endif // !__TVOS__
#if !MONOMAC && !__TVOS__ && !__WATCHOS__
public static void CheckAddressBookPermission (bool assert_granted = false)
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Ignore ("CheckAddressBookPermission -> Ignore in MacCat, it hangs since our TCC hack does not work on BS.");
#pragma warning disable CA1422 // warning CA1422: This call site is reachable on: 'MacCatalyst' 13.3 and later. 'ABAuthorizationStatus.*' is obsoleted on: 'maccatalyst' 9.0 and later (Use the 'Contacts' API instead.).
switch (ABAddressBook.GetAuthorizationStatus ()) {
case ABAuthorizationStatus.NotDetermined:
if (IgnoreTestThatRequiresSystemPermissions ())
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Ignore ("This test would show a dialog to ask for permission to access the address book.");
// We don't request access here, because there's no global method to request access (an addressbook instance is required).
// Interestingly there is a global method to determine if access has been granted...
case ABAuthorizationStatus.Restricted:
case ABAuthorizationStatus.Denied:
if (assert_granted)
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Fail ("This test requires permission to access the address book.");
#pragma warning restore CA1422
#endif // !MONOMAC && !__TVOS__ && !__WATCHOS__
#if !__WATCHOS__
public static void RequestMicrophonePermission (bool assert_granted = false)
// It looks like macOS does not restrict access to the microphone.
#elif __TVOS__
// tvOS doesn't have a (developer-accessible) microphone, but it seems to have API that requires developers
// to request microphone access on other platforms (which means that it makes sense to both run those tests
// on tvOS (because the API's there) and to request microphone access (because that's required on other platforms).
// Microphone requires a hardened runtime entitlement for Mac Catalyst: com.apple.security.device.microphonee,
// so just ignore these tests for now.
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Ignore ("Requires a hardened runtime entitlement: com.apple.security.device.microphone");
if (!CheckXcodeVersion (6, 0))
return; // The API to check/request permission isn't available in earlier versions, the dialog will just pop up.
if (AVAudioSession.SharedInstance ().RecordPermission == AVAudioSessionRecordPermission.Undetermined) {
if (IgnoreTestThatRequiresSystemPermissions ())
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Ignore ("This test would show a dialog to ask for permission to access the microphone.");
AVAudioSession.SharedInstance ().RequestRecordPermission ((bool granted) => {
Console.WriteLine ("Microphone permission {0}", granted ? "granted" : "denied");
switch (AVAudioSession.SharedInstance ().RecordPermission) { // iOS 8+
case AVAudioSessionRecordPermission.Denied:
if (assert_granted)
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Fail ("This test requires permission to access the microphone.");
#endif // !MONOMAC && !__TVOS__
#endif // !__WATCHOS__
#if !MONOMAC && !__TVOS__ && !__WATCHOS__
public static void RequestMediaLibraryPermission (bool assert_granted = false)
if (!CheckXcodeVersion (7, 3)) {
if (IgnoreTestThatRequiresSystemPermissions ())
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Ignore ("This test might show a dialog to ask for permission to access the media library, but the API to check if a dialog is required (or to request permission) is not available in this OS version.");
if (MPMediaLibrary.AuthorizationStatus == MPMediaLibraryAuthorizationStatus.NotDetermined) {
if (IgnoreTestThatRequiresSystemPermissions ())
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Ignore ("This test would show a dialog to ask for permission to access the media library.");
MPMediaLibrary.RequestAuthorization ((access) => {
Console.WriteLine ("Media library permission: {0}", access);
switch (MPMediaLibrary.AuthorizationStatus) {
case MPMediaLibraryAuthorizationStatus.Denied:
case MPMediaLibraryAuthorizationStatus.Restricted:
if (assert_granted)
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Fail ("This test requires permission to access the media library.");
#endif // !MONOMAC && !__TVOS__
#if __MACOS__ || __MACCATALYST__
public static void RequestEventStorePermission (EKEntityType entityType, bool assert_granted = false)
TestRuntime.AssertMacSystemVersion (10, 9, throwIfOtherPlatform: false);
var status = EKEventStore.GetAuthorizationStatus (entityType);
Console.WriteLine ("EKEventStore.GetAuthorizationStatus ({1}): {0}", status, entityType);
switch (status) {
case EKAuthorizationStatus.Authorized:
case EKAuthorizationStatus.Restricted:
case EKAuthorizationStatus.NotDetermined:
// There's an instance method on EKEventStore to request permission,
// but creating the instance can end up blocking the app showing a permission dialog...
// (on Mavericks at least)
return; // Crossing fingers that this won't hang.
if (TestRuntime.CheckMacSystemVersion (10, 10))
return; // Crossing fingers that this won't hang.
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Ignore ("This test requires permission to access events, but there's no API to request access without potentially showing dialogs.");
case EKAuthorizationStatus.Denied:
if (assert_granted)
NUnit.Framework.Assert.Ignore ("This test requires permission to access events.");
#if __MACOS__
public static global::CoreGraphics.CGColor GetCGColor (NSColor color)
public static global::CoreGraphics.CGColor GetCGColor (UIColor color)
#if __MACOS__
var components = new nfloat [color.ComponentCount];
color.GetComponents (out components);
NSApplication.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false;
var cs = color.ColorSpace.ColorSpace;
NSApplication.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = true;
return new global::CoreGraphics.CGColor (cs, components);
return color.CGColor;
public static byte GetFlags (NSObject obj)
#if NET
const string fieldName = "actual_flags";
const string fieldName = "flags";
return (byte) typeof (NSObject).GetField (fieldName, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.GetField | BindingFlags.NonPublic)!.GetValue (obj)!;
// Determine if linkall was enabled by checking if an unused class in this assembly is still here.
static bool? link_all;
public static bool IsLinkAll {
get {
if (!link_all.HasValue)
link_all = typeof (TestRuntime).Assembly.GetType (typeof (TestRuntime).FullName + "+LinkerSentinel") is null;
return link_all.Value;
class LinkerSentinel { }
public static bool IsOptimizeAll {
get {
return true;
return false;
// There's no official API yet for distinguishing between CoreCLR and MonoVM (https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/49481)
// (checking for the Mono.Runtime type doesn't work, because the BCL is the same, so there's never a Mono.Runtime type).
// However, the System.__Canon type seems to be CoreCLR-only.
public static bool IsCoreCLR {
get {
return !(Type.GetType ("System.__Canon") is null);
public static void IgnoreInCIIfBadNetwork (Exception? ex)
if (ex is null)
IgnoreInCIfHttpStatusCodes (ex, HttpStatusCode.BadGateway, HttpStatusCode.GatewayTimeout, HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable);
IgnoreInCIIfNetworkConnectionLost (ex);
IgnoreInCIIfDnsResolutionFailed (ex);
public static void IgnoreInCIIfBadNetwork (NSError? error)
if (error is null)
IgnoreInCIIfNetworkConnectionLost (error);
IgnoreInCIIfNoNetworkConnection (error);
IgnoreInCIIfDnsResolutionFailed (error);
IgnoreInCIIfTimedOut (error);
public static void IgnoreInCIIfDnsResolutionFailed (Exception ex)
var se = FindInner<System.Net.Sockets.SocketException> (ex);
if (se is null)
var isDnsResolutionFailed = false;
if (se.ErrorCode == 8 /* EAI_NONAME: 'hostname or servname not provided, or not known' */) {
isDnsResolutionFailed = true;
} else if (se.Message.Contains ("hostname or servname not provided, or not known")) {
isDnsResolutionFailed = true;
if (!isDnsResolutionFailed)
IgnoreInCI ($"Ignored due to DNS resolution failure '{se.Message}'");
public static void IgnoreInCIIfDnsResolutionFailed (NSError error)
IgnoreNetworkError (error, CFNetworkErrors.CannotFindHost);
public static void IgnoreInCIIfTimedOut (NSError error)
IgnoreNetworkError (error, CFNetworkErrors.TimedOut);
public static void IgnoreInCIIfForbidden (Exception ex)
IgnoreInCIfHttpStatusCodes (ex, HttpStatusCode.BadGateway, HttpStatusCode.GatewayTimeout, HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable, HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);
public static void IgnoreInCIIfBadNetwork (HttpStatusCode status)
IgnoreInCIfHttpStatusCodes (status, HttpStatusCode.BadGateway, HttpStatusCode.GatewayTimeout, HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable);
public static void IgnoreInCIfHttpStatusCodes (HttpStatusCode status, params HttpStatusCode [] statusesToIgnore)
if (Array.IndexOf (statusesToIgnore, status) < 0)
IgnoreInCI ($"Ignored due to http status code '{status}'");
public static void IgnoreInCIfHttpStatusCodes (Exception ex, params HttpStatusCode [] statusesToIgnore)
if (!TryGetHttpStatusCode (ex, out var status))
if (Array.IndexOf (statusesToIgnore, status) < 0)
IgnoreInCI ($"Ignored due to http status code '{status}': {ex.Message}");
public static void IgnoreInCIIfNetworkConnectionLost (Exception ex)
if (!(ex is NSErrorException nex))
IgnoreInCIIfNetworkConnectionLost (nex.Error);
public static void IgnoreInCIIfNetworkConnectionLost (NSError error)
// <Foundation.NSErrorException: Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1005 "The network connection was lost." UserInfo ...
IgnoreNetworkError (error, CFNetworkErrors.NetworkConnectionLost);
public static void IgnoreInCIIfNoNetworkConnection (NSError error)
// Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1009 "The Internet connection appears to be offline."
IgnoreNetworkError (error, CFNetworkErrors.NotConnectedToInternet);
static void IgnoreNetworkError (NSError error, params CFNetworkErrors [] errors)
if (error is null)
#if __WATCHOS__
if (error.Domain != NSError.NSUrlErrorDomain)
if (error.Domain != NSError.NSUrlErrorDomain && error.Domain != NSError.CFNetworkErrorDomain)
foreach (var e in errors) {
if (error.Code == (nint) (long) e)
IgnoreInCI ($"Ignored due to network error: {error}");
static T? FindInner<T> (Exception? ex) where T : Exception
while (ex is not null) {
if (ex is T target)
return target;
ex = ex.InnerException;
return null;
static bool TryGetHttpStatusCode (Exception ex, out HttpStatusCode status)
status = (HttpStatusCode) 0;
#if NET // HttpRequestException.StatusCode only exists in .NET 5+
if (ex is HttpRequestException hre) {
if (hre.StatusCode.HasValue) {
status = hre.StatusCode.Value;
return true;
return false;
var we = ex as WebException;
if (we is null)
return false;
var repsonseStatus = (we.Response as HttpWebResponse)?.StatusCode;
if (repsonseStatus.HasValue) {
status = repsonseStatus.Value;
return true;
var message = we.Message;
if (we.Message.Contains ("(502)")) {
status = (HttpStatusCode) 502;
return true;
if (we.Message.Contains ("(503)")) {
status = (HttpStatusCode) 503;
return true;
return false;
public static void NotifyLaunchCompleted ()
var env = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("LAUNCH_SENTINEL_FILE");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (env))
File.WriteAllText (env, "Launched!"); // content doesn't matter, the file just has to exist.
enum NXByteOrder /* unspecified in header, means most likely int */ {
[StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)]
struct NXArchInfo {
IntPtr name; // const char *
public int CpuType; // cpu_type_t -> integer_t -> int
public int CpuSubType; // cpu_subtype_t -> integer_t -> int
public NXByteOrder ByteOrder;
IntPtr description; // const char *
public string Name {
get { return Marshal.PtrToStringAuto (name)!; }
public string Description {
get { return Marshal.PtrToStringAuto (description)!; }
[DllImport (Constants.libSystemLibrary)]
static unsafe extern NXArchInfo* NXGetLocalArchInfo ();
public unsafe static bool IsARM64 {
get { return NXGetLocalArchInfo ()->Name.StartsWith ("arm64"); }
[DllImport ("__Internal")]
extern static void xamarin_log (IntPtr s);
// Calling Console.WriteLine from inside a test is rather annoying, because NUnit captures stdout and only
// shows it at the end of the test. That's not very helpful when the test crashes, or while debugging
// a test (in a debugger).
internal static void NSLog (string value)
var valuePtr = Marshal.StringToHGlobalUni (value);
xamarin_log (valuePtr);
Marshal.FreeHGlobal (valuePtr);
public static void AssertNoNonNUnitException (Exception ex, string message)
switch (ex) {
case SuccessException: throw new SuccessException (ex.Message, ex);
case IgnoreException: throw new IgnoreException (ex.Message, ex);
case AssertionException: throw new AssertionException (ex.Message, ex);
case InconclusiveException: throw new InconclusiveException (ex.Message, ex);
case ResultStateException: throw ex;
Assert.IsNull (ex, message);
#if NET
internal static class NativeHandleExtensions {
public static string ToString (this NativeHandle @this, string format)
return ((IntPtr) @this).ToString (format);