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using System.Text.Json;
#nullable enable
namespace Xamarin.Tests {
// Add the XCAssets before the build
[TestFixture (ApplePlatform.iOS, "iossimulator-x64", "iphonesimulator", true)]
[TestFixture (ApplePlatform.iOS, "ios-arm64;ios-arm", "iphoneos", true)]
[TestFixture (ApplePlatform.TVOS, "tvossimulator-x64", "appletvsimulator", true)]
[TestFixture (ApplePlatform.MacCatalyst, "maccatalyst-x64", "macosx", true)]
[TestFixture (ApplePlatform.MacCatalyst, "maccatalyst-arm64;maccatalyst-x64", "macosx", true)]
[TestFixture (ApplePlatform.MacOSX, "osx-x64", "macosx", true)]
[TestFixture (ApplePlatform.MacOSX, "osx-arm64;osx-x64", "macosx", true)] // https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/12410
// Build, add the XCAssets, then build again
[TestFixture (ApplePlatform.iOS, "iossimulator-x64", "iphonesimulator", false)]
[TestFixture (ApplePlatform.iOS, "ios-arm64;ios-arm", "iphoneos", false)]
[TestFixture (ApplePlatform.TVOS, "tvossimulator-x64", "appletvsimulator", false)]
[TestFixture (ApplePlatform.MacCatalyst, "maccatalyst-x64", "macosx", false)]
[TestFixture (ApplePlatform.MacCatalyst, "maccatalyst-arm64;maccatalyst-x64", "macosx", false)]
[TestFixture (ApplePlatform.MacOSX, "osx-x64", "macosx", false)]
[TestFixture (ApplePlatform.MacOSX, "osx-arm64;osx-x64", "macosx", false)] // https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/12410
public class AssetsTest : TestBaseClass {
readonly ApplePlatform platform;
readonly string runtimeIdentifiers;
readonly string sdkVersion;
readonly bool isStartingWithAssets;
string projectPath = string.Empty;
string appPath = string.Empty;
public AssetsTest (ApplePlatform platform, string runtimeIdentifiers, string sdkVersion, bool isStartingWithAssets)
this.platform = platform;
this.runtimeIdentifiers = runtimeIdentifiers;
this.sdkVersion = sdkVersion;
this.isStartingWithAssets = isStartingWithAssets;
public void Init ()
Configuration.AssertRuntimeIdentifiersAvailable (platform, runtimeIdentifiers);
var project = "AppWithXCAssets";
Configuration.IgnoreIfIgnoredPlatform (platform);
projectPath = GetProjectPath (project, runtimeIdentifiers: runtimeIdentifiers, platform: platform, out appPath);
ConfigureAssets ();
public void Cleanup ()
DeleteAssets ();
public void TestXCAssets ()
var appExecutable = GetNativeExecutable (platform, appPath);
ExecuteWithMagicWordAndAssert (platform, runtimeIdentifiers, appExecutable);
var resourcesDirectory = GetResourcesDirectory (platform, appPath);
var assetsCar = Path.Combine (resourcesDirectory, "Assets.car");
Assert.That (assetsCar, Does.Exist, "Assets.car");
var doc = ProcessAssets (assetsCar, GetFullSdkVersion ());
Assert.IsNotNull (doc, "There was an issue processing the asset binary.");
var foundAssets = FindAssets (doc);
// Seems the 2 vectors are not being consumed in MacCatalyst but they still appear in the image Datasets
var expectedAssets = platform == ApplePlatform.MacCatalyst ? ExpectedAssetsMacCatalyst : ExpectedAssets;
Assert.AreEqual (expectedAssets, foundAssets, "Incorrect assets");
var arm64txt = Path.Combine (resourcesDirectory, "arm64.txt");
var armtxt = Path.Combine (resourcesDirectory, "arm.txt");
var x64txt = Path.Combine (resourcesDirectory, "x64.txt");
Assert.AreEqual (runtimeIdentifiers.Split (';').Any (v => v.EndsWith ("-arm64")), File.Exists (arm64txt), "arm64.txt");
Assert.AreEqual (runtimeIdentifiers.Split (';').Any (v => v.EndsWith ("-arm")), File.Exists (armtxt), "arm.txt");
Assert.AreEqual (runtimeIdentifiers.Split (';').Any (v => v.EndsWith ("-x64")), File.Exists (x64txt), "x64.txt");
void ConfigureAssets ()
Clean (projectPath);
// We either want the assets added before the build, or we will be adding them after the build
if (isStartingWithAssets)
CopyAssets ();
DotNet.AssertBuild (projectPath, GetDefaultProperties (runtimeIdentifiers));
if (!isStartingWithAssets) {
CopyAssets ();
DotNet.AssertBuild (projectPath, GetDefaultProperties (runtimeIdentifiers));
void DeleteAssets ()
var xcassetsDir = Path.Combine (projectPath, "../Assets.xcassets");
File.Delete (xcassetsDir);
void CopyAssets ()
var testingAssetsDir = new DirectoryInfo (Path.Combine (projectPath, "../../TestingAssets"));
var xcassetsDir = new DirectoryInfo (Path.Combine (projectPath, "../Assets.xcassets"));
Assert.That (testingAssetsDir, Does.Exist, $"Could not find testingAssetsDir: {testingAssetsDir}");
MakeSymlinks (testingAssetsDir.FullName, xcassetsDir.FullName);
Assert.That (xcassetsDir, Does.Exist, $"Could not find xcassetsDir: {xcassetsDir}");
// update timestamps on all symlink files so msbuild spots them as new additions
ProcessUpdateSymlink (xcassetsDir.FullName);
void MakeSymlinks (string sourceDir, string destDir)
var output = new StringBuilder ();
var executable = "ln";
var arguments = new string [] { "-s", sourceDir, destDir };
var rv = Execution.RunWithStringBuildersAsync (executable, arguments, standardOutput: output, standardError: output, timeout: TimeSpan.FromSeconds (60)).Result;
Assert.AreEqual (0, rv.ExitCode, $"Creating Symlink Error: {rv.StandardError}. Unexpected ExitCode");
string GetFullSdkVersion () => sdkVersion switch {
"iphonesimulator" => sdkVersion + Configuration.sdk_version,
"iphoneos" => sdkVersion + Configuration.sdk_version,
"appletvsimulator" => sdkVersion + Configuration.tvos_sdk_version,
"macosx" => sdkVersion + Configuration.macos_sdk_version,
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException (nameof (sdkVersion), $"Not expected sdkVersion: {sdkVersion}"),
// msbuild will only update the assets if they are newer than the outputs from previous build
// so we will touch the first (non-DS_Store) file the symlink points to in order to give them newer modified times
void ProcessUpdateSymlink (string xcassetsDir)
var output = new StringBuilder ();
var assets = Directory.EnumerateFiles (xcassetsDir, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToArray ();
// assets first value is a .DS_Store file that work trigger MSBuild recompile so we want the second value
Assert.Greater (assets.Length, 1);
var executable = "touch";
var arguments = new string [] { assets [1] };
var rv = Execution.RunWithStringBuildersAsync (executable, arguments, standardOutput: output, standardError: output, timeout: TimeSpan.FromSeconds (120)).Result;
Assert.AreEqual (0, rv.ExitCode, $"Processing Update Symlink Error: {rv.StandardError}. Unexpected ExitCode");
JsonDocument ProcessAssets (string assetsPath, string sdkVersion)
var output = new StringBuilder ();
var stderr = new StringBuilder ();
var executable = "xcrun";
var arguments = new string [] { "--sdk", sdkVersion, "assetutil", "--info", assetsPath };
var rv = Execution.RunWithStringBuildersAsync (executable, arguments, standardOutput: output, standardError: stderr, timeout: TimeSpan.FromSeconds (120)).Result;
Assert.AreEqual (0, rv.ExitCode, $"Processing Assets Error: {stderr}. Unexpected ExitCode");
var s = output.ToString ();
// This Execution call produces an output with an objc warning. We just want the json below it.
if (s.StartsWith ("objc", StringComparison.Ordinal))
s = s.Substring (s.IndexOf (Environment.NewLine) + 1);
try {
return JsonDocument.Parse (s);
} catch (Exception e) {
Console.WriteLine ($"Failure to parse json:");
Console.WriteLine (e);
Console.WriteLine ("Json document:");
Console.WriteLine (s);
Assert.Fail ($"Failure to parse json: {e.Message}\nJson document:\n{s}");
HashSet<string> FindAssets (JsonDocument doc)
var jsonArray = doc.RootElement.EnumerateArray ();
var foundElements = new HashSet<string> ();
foreach (var item in jsonArray) {
var result = GetTarget (item);
if (result is not null)
foundElements.Add (result);
return foundElements;
string? GetTarget (JsonElement item)
if (item.TryGetProperty ("AssetType", out var assetType)) {
foreach (var target in XCAssetTargets) {
var result = GetTarget (item, assetType, target);
if (result is not null)
return result;
return null;
string? GetTarget (JsonElement item, JsonElement assetType, XCAssetTarget target)
if (assetType.ToString () == target.AssetType && item.TryGetProperty (target.CategoryName, out var value)) {
if (target.Values.Contains (value.ToString ()))
return string.Concat (assetType.ToString (), ".", value.ToString ());
return null;
static readonly HashSet<string> ExpectedAssetsMacCatalyst = new HashSet<string> () {
"Texture Rendition.TextureTest",
static readonly HashSet<string> ExpectedAssets = new HashSet<string> (ExpectedAssetsMacCatalyst) {
class XCAssetTarget {
public string AssetType { get; set; }
public string CategoryName { get; set; }
public string [] Values { get; set; }
public XCAssetTarget (string assetType, string categoryName, string [] values)
AssetType = assetType;
CategoryName = categoryName;
Values = values;
static XCAssetTarget [] XCAssetTargets = {
new ("Image", "RenditionName", new string [] { "samplejpeg.jpeg", "samplejpg.jpg",
"samplepdf.pdf", "samplepng2.png", "spritejpeg.jpeg", "xamlogo.svg" }),
new ("Data", "Name", new string [] { "BmpImageDataTest", "JsonDataTest", "DS_StoreDataTest",
"DngImageDataTest", "EpsImageDataTest", "TiffImageDataTest" }),
new ("Color", "Name", new string [] { "ColorTest" }),
new ("Contents", "Name", new string [] { "SpritesTest" }),
new ("Texture Rendition", "Name", new string [] { "TextureTest" }),
new ("Vector", "RenditionName", new string [] { "samplepdf.pdf", "xamlogo.svg" }),