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Using a custom Disk Encryption Set

What is the Disk Encryption Set used for?

In summary, it allows a customer to control the keys that are used to encrypt/decrypt VM disks. See deploy-a-vm-with-customer-managed-keys for more information.

How to deploy?

First, install and use the AzureCLI extension with

make az

You can check if the extension is in use by running:

az extension list
    "experimental": false,
    "extensionType": "dev",
    "name": "aro",
    "path": "<path to go SRC>/",
    "preview": true,
    "version": "1.0.1"

Follow tutorial-create-cluster but don't run the az aro create command, instead proceed as follows:

  • set additional env variables
# use a unique prefix for Azure resources when it is set, otherwise use your user's name
  • create the KeyVault and Key
az keyvault create -n $KEYVAULT_NAME \
                   -g $RESOURCEGROUP \
                   -l $LOCATION \
                   --enable-purge-protection true

az keyvault key create --vault-name $KEYVAULT_NAME \
                       -n $KEYVAULT_KEY_NAME \
                       --protection software

KEYVAULT_ID=$(az keyvault show --name $KEYVAULT_NAME -g $RESOURCEGROUP --query "[id]" -o tsv)

KEYVAULT_KEY_URL=$(az keyvault key show --vault-name $KEYVAULT_NAME \
                                        --name $KEYVAULT_KEY_NAME \
                                        --query "[key.kid]" -o tsv)
  • create the DES and add permissions to use the KeyVault
az disk-encryption-set create -n $DISK_ENCRYPTION_SET_NAME \
                              -l $LOCATION \
                              -g $RESOURCEGROUP \
                              --source-vault $KEYVAULT_ID \
                              --key-url $KEYVAULT_KEY_URL

DES_IDENTITY=$(az disk-encryption-set show -n $DISK_ENCRYPTION_SET_NAME \
                                           -g $RESOURCEGROUP \
                                           --query "[identity.principalId]" \
                                           -o tsv)

DES_ID=$(az disk-encryption-set show -n $DISK_ENCRYPTION_SET_NAME -g $RESOURCEGROUP --query 'id' -o tsv)                                    

az keyvault set-policy -n $KEYVAULT_NAME \
                       -g $RESOURCEGROUP \
                       --object-id $DES_IDENTITY \
                       --key-permissions wrapkey unwrapkey get

  • run the az aro create command
az aro create --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP \
              --name $CLUSTER  \
              --vnet aro-vnet  \
              --master-subnet master-subnet \
              --worker-subnet worker-subnet \
              --disk-encryption-set $DES_ID

After creating the cluster all VMs should have the customer controlled Disk Encryption Set.

Remember to delete the disk-encryption-set and keyvault when done.