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Unit tests
To run RP unit tests:
make test-go
In case of MacOS, the go-diff module creates issue making the test fail. Until a new release of the module with the fix is available, an easy workaround to mitigate the issue is to install diffutils using brew install diffutils
To Run Go tests with coverage:
# first navigate to your directory with the code you'd like to see coverage on
go test -coverprofile=$t $@ && go tool cover -html=$t && unlink $t
To run python client and az aro
CLI tests:
make test-python
To run Go linting tasks (requires golanglint-ci to be installed):
make lint-go
For faster feedback, you may want to set up golanglint-ci's editor integration.
E2e tests
E2e tests can be run in CI with the /azp run e2e
command in your GitHub PR.
E2e tests can also be run locally as follows:
- Make sure that you meet the requirements from Prepare the database and run the rp (do not create the database yet)
- Source the helper script to set the proper ENV variables.
- Run the rp
- Validate the RP is running properly by hitting the
route - Register a subscription where to run the e2e
- Create an openshift cluster
- Run the
make test-e2e
target - Delete the openshift cluster, if applicable
- Delete the cosmos database, if applicable
You can also modify the flags passed to the e2e.test run by setting the E2E_FLAGS environment variable before running make test-e2e
These steps can be acheived using commands below. Look at the e2e helper file to understand each of the bash functions below.
Smoke tests
We have some other tests under test/e2e
that are not part of the CI.
These tests are labelled as smoke
and are supposed to be run to check the basic functionality of the OCP cluster.
They can be used as a gap analysis for new OCP versions or the installer updates.
You can run the smoke tests by running the following command:
E2E_LABEL=smoke make test-e2e
If you want to run both e2e and smoke tests:
E2E_LABEL= make test-e2e
Run a specific test
End to end tests are run using ginkgo. You can run subsets of tests or ignore some tests by following the ginkgo documentation
# source your environment file
. ./secrets/env
# set the CLUSTER env if you are testing locally
export CLUSTER=<cluster-name>
# source the e2e helper file
. ./hack/e2e/run-rp-and-e2e.sh
# Deploy a new DB if it does not exist yet
# build the rp binary
make aro
# run the RP as background process
# validate if the RP is ready to receive requests
# create an openshift cluster if it does not exist yet
go run ./hack/cluster create
# Register the sub you are using to run e2e
# Run e2e
make test-e2e
# delete the openshift cluster if applicable
go run ./hack/cluster delete
# Stop the local RP
# Delete the DB
If you already created a dev cluster, you can run the e2e tests just by running the following command:
CLUSTER=<cluster-name> RESOURCEGROUP=<resource-group> make test-e2e
For smoke tests:
CLUSTER=<cluster-name> RESOURCEGROUP=<resource-group> E2E_LABEL=smoke make test-e2e
Run tests to private clusters
If you want to run e2e tests to private clusters, you need VPN access to the cluster.
hack script
If you are using hack script to create the cluster, you already have the VPN access.
sudo openvpn secrets/vpn-eastus.ovpn # for eastus
# sudo openvpn secrets/vpn-aks-westeurope.ovpn # for westeurope
# sudo openvpn secrets/vpn-aks-australiaeast.ovpn # for australiaeast
CLUSTER=<cluster-name> RESOURCEGROUP=<resource-group> make test-e2e
az cli
If you are using az cli, and your virtual network doesn't have VPN gateway, you need to create VPN gateway and connect to it. This is an example script to create VPN gateway and its client.
# Set the variables
# Create VPN gateway
az network vnet subnet create \
--vnet-name=$VNET \
-n GatewaySubnet \
--address-prefix $GATEWAY_SUBNET
az network public-ip create \
az network vnet-gateway create \
-n $VPNGW \
--public-ip-address $VPNGW_PUBLIC_IP \
--vnet $VNET \
--gateway-type Vpn \
--sku VpnGw2 \
--vpn-gateway-generation Generation2 \
--address-prefixes $ADDRESS_PREFIX \
--client-protocol OpenVPN
go run ./hack/genkey -ca $VPN_ROOT
go run ./hack/genkey -client -keyFile $VPN_ROOT.key -certFile $VPN_ROOT.crt $VPN_CLIENT
az network vnet-gateway root-cert create \
-n dev-vpn \
--gateway-name $VPNGW \
--public-cert-data $VPN_ROOT.crt
# Generate VPN client configuration
curl -so vpnclientconfiguration.zip "$(az network vnet-gateway vpn-client generate \
-n "$VPNGW" \
-o tsv)"
export CLIENTCERTIFICATE="$(openssl x509 -inform der -in $VPN_CLIENT.crt)"
export PRIVATEKEY="$(openssl pkey -inform der -in $VPN_CLIENT.key)"
unzip -qc vpnclientconfiguration.zip 'OpenVPN\\vpnconfig.ovpn' \
| envsubst \
| grep -v '^log ' > "$VPN_CLIENT_CONF"
rm vpnclientconfiguration.zip
After creating the VPN gateway, you can connect to it using the following command:
sudo openvpn --config $VPN_CLIENT.ovpn
CLUSTER=<cluster-name> RESOURCEGROUP=<resource-group> make test-e2e
Run tests to upgraded clusters
To run e2e (smoke) tests to upgraded clusters, run the following command:
oc adm upgrade channel <channel> # e.g., oc adm upgrade channel stable-4.14
oc adm upgrade --to=<version> # e.g., oc adm upgrade --to=4.14.16