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Shared Cluster

The shared cluster now lives in the AME tenant. We have access to credentials to use the cluster, but any "operational" action must go through JIT and the Azure Portal.


The following diagram is the overview of where our shared cluster lives, and how we access it.

  • Here is a link to the living lucid chart diagram: here


alt text


We have the kubeadmin credentials as well as the kubeadmin kubeconfig file. You can use either to authenticate to the cluster.

  • Make secrets:
SECRET_SA_ACCOUNT_NAME=rharosecretsdev make secrets
  • Oc login, assuming env sources secrets/env:
. ./env
make shared-cluster-login
  • Use kubeconfig
export KUBECONFIG=$PWD/secrets/shared-cluster.kubeconfig

Creating / Deleting the Shared Cluster

The shared cluster has the following attributes:

  • Tenant: AME

  • Subscription: ARO CI/E2E

  • Region: Westcentralus

  • Name: shared-cluster

  • Resource group name: shared-cluster

  • Cluster resource group name: aro-shared-cluster

Create / Delete

To create/ delete/ administer the cluster from az cli you must have proper permissions (JIT in the case of AME).

  • Create:
./hack/ create
  • Delete:
./hack/ delete