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# Prepare a shared RP development environment
Follow these steps to build a shared RP development environment and secrets
file. A single RP development environment can be shared across multiple
developers and/or CI flows. It may include multiple resource groups in multiple
## Prerequisites
1. You will need `Contributor` and `User Access Administrator` roles on your
Azure subscription, as well as the ability to create and configure AAD
1. You will need a publicly resolvable DNS Zone resource in your Azure
subscription. Set PARENT_DOMAIN_NAME and PARENT_DOMAIN_RESOURCEGROUP to the name and
resource group of the DNS Zone resource:
1. You will need a storage account in your Azure subscription in which to store
shared development environment secrets. The storage account must contain a
private container named `secrets`. All team members must have `Storage Blob
Data Reader` or `Storage Blob Data Contributor` role on the storage account.
Set SECRET_SA_ACCOUNT_NAME to the name of the storage account:
1. You will need an AAD object (this could be your AAD user, or an AAD group of
which you are a member) which will be able to administer certificates in the
development environment key vault(s). Set ADMIN_OBJECT_ID to the object ID.
ADMIN_OBJECT_ID="$(az ad group show -g 'aro-engineering' --query id -o tsv)"
1. You will need the ARO RP-specific pull secret (ask one of the
@azure-red-hat-openshift GitHub team for this):
1. Install [Go 1.18](https://golang.org/dl) or later, if you haven't already.
1. Install the [Azure
CLI](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/install-azure-cli), if you
haven't already.
1. Log in to Azure:
az login
AZURE_TENANT_ID=$(az account show --query tenantId -o tsv)
AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=$(az account show --query id -o tsv)
1. Git clone this repository to your local machine:
go get -u github.com/Azure/ARO-RP/...
cd ${GOPATH:-$HOME/go}/src/github.com/Azure/ARO-RP
1. Prepare the secrets directory:
mkdir -p secrets
## AAD applications
1. Create an AAD application which will fake up the ARM layer:
This application requires client certificate authentication to be enabled. A
suitable key/certificate file can be generated using the following helper
go run ./hack/genkey -client arm
mv arm.* secrets
> __NOTE:__: for macos change the -w0 option for base64 to -b0
AZURE_ARM_CLIENT_ID="$(az ad app create \
--display-name aro-v4-arm-shared \
--query appId \
-o tsv)"
az ad app credential reset \
--cert "$(base64 -w0 <secrets/arm.crt)" >/dev/null
az ad sp create --id "$AZURE_ARM_CLIENT_ID" >/dev/null
Later this application will be granted:
* `User Access Administrator` on your subscription.
1. Create an AAD application which will fake up the first party application.
This application requires client certificate authentication to be enabled. A
suitable key/certificate file can be generated using the following helper
go run ./hack/genkey -client firstparty
mv firstparty.* secrets
Now create the application:
> __NOTE:__: for macos change the -w0 option for base64 to -b0
AZURE_FP_CLIENT_ID="$(az ad app create \
--display-name aro-v4-fp-shared \
--query appId \
-o tsv)"
az ad app credential reset \
--cert "$(base64 -w0 <secrets/firstparty.crt)" >/dev/null
az ad sp create --id "$AZURE_FP_CLIENT_ID" >/dev/null
Later this application will be granted:
* `ARO v4 FP Subscription` on your subscription.
* `DNS Zone Contributor` on the DNS zone in RESOURCEGROUP.
* `Network Contributor` on RESOURCEGROUP.
1. Create an AAD application which will fake up the RP identity.
AZURE_RP_CLIENT_ID="$(az ad app create \
--display-name aro-v4-rp-shared \
--end-date '2299-12-31T11:59:59+00:00' \
--key-type password \
--password "$AZURE_RP_CLIENT_SECRET" \
--query appId \
-o tsv)"
az ad sp create --id "$AZURE_RP_CLIENT_ID" >/dev/null
Later this application will be granted:
* `Reader` on RESOURCEGROUP.
* `Secrets / Get` on the key vault in RESOURCEGROUP.
* `DocumentDB Account Contributor` on the CosmosDB resource in RESOURCEGROUP.
1. Create an AAD application which will fake up the gateway identity.
AZURE_GATEWAY_CLIENT_ID="$(az ad app create \
--display-name aro-v4-gateway-shared \
--end-date '2299-12-31T11:59:59+00:00' \
--key-type password \
--query appId \
-o tsv)"
az ad sp create --id "$AZURE_GATEWAY_CLIENT_ID" >/dev/null
1. Create an AAD application which will be used by E2E and tooling.
AZURE_CLIENT_ID="$(az ad app create \
--display-name aro-v4-tooling-shared \
--end-date '2299-12-31T11:59:59+00:00' \
--key-type password \
--password "$AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET" \
--query appId \
-o tsv)"
az ad sp create --id "$AZURE_CLIENT_ID" >/dev/null
Later this application will be granted:
* `Contributor` on your subscription.
* `User Access Administrator` on your subscription.
You must also manually grant this application the `Microsoft.Graph/Application.ReadWrite.OwnedBy` permission, which requires admin access, in order for AAD applications to be created/deleted on a per-cluster basis.
* Go into the Azure Portal
* Go to Azure Active Directory
* Navigate to the `aro-v4-tooling-shared` app registration page
* Click 'API permissions' in the left side pane
* Click 'Add a permission'.
* Click 'Microsoft Graph'
* Select 'Application permissions'
* Search for 'Application' and select `Application.ReadWrite.OwnedBy`
* Click 'Add permissions'
* This request will need to be approved by a tenant administrator. If you are one, you can click the `Grant admin consent for <name>` button to the right of the `Add a permission` button on the app page
1. Set up the RP role definitions and subscription role assignments in your Azure subscription. The usage of "uuidgen" for fpRoleDefinitionId is simply there to keep from interfering with any linked resources and to create the role net new. This mimics the RBAC that ARM sets up. With at least `User Access Administrator` permissions on your subscription, do:
az deployment sub create \
--template-file pkg/deploy/assets/rbac-development.json \
--parameters \
"armServicePrincipalId=$(az ad sp list --filter "appId eq '$AZURE_ARM_CLIENT_ID'" --query '[].id' -o tsv)" \
"fpServicePrincipalId=$(az ad sp list --filter "appId eq '$AZURE_FP_CLIENT_ID'" --query '[].id' -o tsv)" \
"fpRoleDefinitionId"="$(uuidgen)" \
"devServicePrincipalId=$(az ad sp list --filter "appId eq '$AZURE_CLIENT_ID'" --query '[].id' -o tsv)" \
1. Create an AAD application which will fake up the portal client.
This application requires client certificate authentication to be enabled. A
suitable key/certificate file can be generated using the following helper
go run ./hack/genkey -client portal-client
mv portal-client.* secrets
> __NOTE:__: for macos change the -w0 option for base64 to -b0
AZURE_PORTAL_CLIENT_ID="$(az ad app create \
--display-name aro-v4-portal-shared \
--reply-urls "https://localhost:8444/callback" \
--query appId \
-o tsv)"
az ad app credential reset \
--cert "$(base64 -w0 <secrets/portal-client.crt)" >/dev/null
1. Create an AAD application which will fake up the dbtoken client.
See [dbtoken-service.md](./dbtoken-service.md#setup) for details on setup.
## Certificates
1. Create the VPN CA key/certificate. A suitable key/certificate file can be
generated using the following helper utility:
go run ./hack/genkey -ca vpn-ca
mv vpn-ca.* secrets
1. Create the VPN client key/certificate. A suitable key/certificate file can be
generated using the following helper utility:
go run ./hack/genkey -client -keyFile secrets/vpn-ca.key -certFile secrets/vpn-ca.crt vpn-client
mv vpn-client.* secrets
1. Create the proxy serving key/certificate. A suitable key/certificate file
can be generated using the following helper utility:
go run ./hack/genkey proxy
mv proxy.* secrets
1. Create the proxy client key/certificate. A suitable key/certificate file can
be generated using the following helper utility:
go run ./hack/genkey -client proxy-client
mv proxy-client.* secrets
1. Create the proxy ssh key/certificate. A suitable key/certificate file can
be generated using the following helper utility:
ssh-keygen -f secrets/proxy_id_rsa -N ''
1. Create an RP serving key/certificate. A suitable key/certificate file
can be generated using the following helper utility:
go run ./hack/genkey localhost
mv localhost.* secrets
1. Create the dev CA key/certificate. A suitable key/certificate file can be
generated using the following helper utility:
go run ./hack/genkey -ca dev-ca
mv dev-ca.* secrets
1. Create the dev client key/certificate. A suitable key/certificate file can
be generated using the following helper utility:
go run ./hack/genkey -client -keyFile secrets/dev-ca.key -certFile secrets/dev-ca.crt dev-client
mv dev-client.* secrets
## Certificate Rotation
This section documents the steps taken to rotate certificates in dev and INT subscriptions
1. Generate new certificates like we did in [AAD application](#aad-applications) and [certificate](#certificates) sections above
2. Import newly generated certificates to keyvault. Note that this does not include firstparty certificates
source hack/devtools/deploy-shared-env.sh
3. Update the Azure VPN Gateway configuration. To do this, go to `Virtual Network Gateways` > `Point-to-site configuration` and the public cert data from `vpn-ca.pem`. Delete the old expired root certificate
4. The OpenVPN configuration file needs to be manually updated. To achieve this, edit the `vpn-<region>.ovpn` file and add the `vpn-client` certificate and private key
5. Next, we need to update certificates owned by FP Service Principal. Current configuration in DEV and INT is listed below. You can get the `AAD APP ID` from the `secrets/env` file
Variable | Certificate Client | Subscription Type | AAD App Name | Key Vault Name |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| AZURE_FP_CLIENT_ID | firstparty | DEV | aro-v4-fp-shared-dev | v4-eastus-dev-svc |
| AZURE_ARM_CLIENT_ID | arm | DEV | aro-v4-arm-shared-dev | v4-eastus-dev-svc |
| AZURE_PORTAL_CLIENT_ID | portal-client | DEV | aro-v4-portal-shared-dev | v4-eastus-dev-svc |
| AZURE_FP_CLIENT_ID | firstparty | INT | aro-int-sp | aro-int-eastus-svc |
# Import firstparty.pem to keyvault v4-eastus-svc
az keyvault certificate import --vault-name <kv_name> --name rp-firstparty --file firstparty.pem
# Rotate certificates for SPs ARM, FP, and PORTAL (wherever applicable)
az ad app credential reset \
--cert "$(base64 -w0 <secrets/arm.crt)" >/dev/null
az ad app credential reset \
--cert "$(base64 -w0 <secrets/firstparty.crt)" >/dev/null
az ad app credential reset \
--cert "$(base64 -w0 <secrets/portal-client.crt)" >/dev/null
5. The RP makes API calls to kubernetes cluster via a proxy VMSS agent. For the agent to get the updated certificates, this vm needs to be deleted & redeployed. Proxy VM is currently deployed by the `deploy_env_dev` function in `deploy-shared-env.sh`. It makes use of `env-development.json`
6. Run `[rharosecretsdev|e2earosecrets] make secrets-update` to upload it to your
storage account so other people on your team can access it via `make secrets`
# Environment file
1. Choose the resource group prefix. The resource group location will be
The resource group location will be appended to the prefix to make the resource group name. If a v4-prefixed environment exists in the subscription already, use a unique prefix.
1. Choose the proxy domain name label. This final proxy hostname will be of the
form `vm0.$PROXY_DOMAIN_NAME_LABEL.$LOCATION.cloudapp.azure.com`.
1. Create the secrets/env file:
cat >secrets/env <<EOF
export AZURE_FP_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_ID='$(az ad sp list --filter "appId eq '$AZURE_FP_CLIENT_ID'" --query '[].id' -o tsv)'
export AZURE_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_ID='$(az ad sp list --filter "appId eq '$AZURE_CLIENT_ID'" --query '[].id' -o tsv)'
export AZURE_GATEWAY_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_ID='$(az ad sp list --filter "appId eq '$AZURE_GATEWAY_CLIENT_ID'" --query '[].id' -o tsv)'
export PROXY_HOSTNAME="vm0.$PROXY_DOMAIN_NAME_LABEL.\$LOCATION.cloudapp.azure.com"
export RP_MODE='development'
export AZURE_ENVIRONMENT='AzurePublicCloud'
After creating this file, run `make secrets-update` to upload it to your
storage account so other people on your team can access it via `make secrets`.
## Deploy shared RP development environment (once per location)
Look at the [helper file](../hack/devtools/deploy-shared-env.sh) to understand
each of the bash functions below.
1. Copy, edit (if necessary) and source your environment file. The required
environment variable configuration is documented immediately below:
cp env.example env
vi env
. ./env
* LOCATION: Location of the shared RP development environment (default:
1. Create the resource group and deploy the RP resources:
. ./hack/devtools/deploy-shared-env.sh
# Create the RG
# Deploy the predeployment ARM template
# Deploy the infrastructure resources such as Cosmos, KV, Vnet...
# Deploy the proxy and VPN
# Deploy AKS resources for Hive
If you encounter a "VirtualNetworkGatewayCannotUseStandardPublicIP" error
when running the `deploy_env_dev` command, you have to override two
additional parameters. Run this command instead:
If you encounter a "SkuCannotBeChangedOnUpdate" error
when running the `deploy_env_dev_override` command, delete the `-pip` resource
and re-run.
1. Get the AKS kubeconfig and upload it to the storage account:
make aks.kubeconfig
mv aks.kubeconfig secrets/
make secrets-update
1. [Install Hive on the new AKS](https://github.com/Azure/ARO-RP/blob/master/docs/hive.md)
1. Load the keys/certificates into the key vault:
> __NOTE:__: in production, three additional keys/certificates (rp-mdm, rp-mdsd, and
cluster-mdsd) are also required in the $KEYVAULT_PREFIX-svc key vault. These
are client certificates for RP metric and log forwarding (respectively) to
If you need them in development:
az keyvault certificate import \
--vault-name "$KEYVAULT_PREFIX-svc" \
--name rp-mdm \
--file secrets/rp-metrics-int.pem
az keyvault certificate import \
--vault-name "$KEYVAULT_PREFIX-gwy" \
--name gwy-mdm \
--file secrets/rp-metrics-int.pem
az keyvault certificate import \
--vault-name "$KEYVAULT_PREFIX-svc" \
--name rp-mdsd \
--file secrets/rp-logging-int.pem
az keyvault certificate import \
--vault-name "$KEYVAULT_PREFIX-gwy" \
--name gwy-mdsd \
--file secrets/rp-logging-int.pem
az keyvault certificate import \
--vault-name "$KEYVAULT_PREFIX-svc" \
--name cluster-mdsd \
--file secrets/cluster-logging-int.pem
> __NOTE:__: in development, if you don't have valid certs for these, you can just
upload `localhost.pem` as a placeholder for each of these. This will avoid an
error stemming from them not existing, but it will result in logging pods
crash looping in any clusters you make. Additionally, no gateway resources are
created in development so you should not need to execute the cert import statement
for the "-gwy" keyvault.
1. In pre-production (int, e2e) certain certificates are provisioned via keyvault
integration. These should be rotated and generated in the keyvault itself:
Vault Name: "$KEYVAULT_PREFIX-svc"
Certificate: rp-firstparty
Development value: secrets/firstparty.pem
Vault Name: "$KEYVAULT_PREFIX-svc"
Certificate: cluster-mdsd
Development value: secrets/cluster-logging-int.pem
1. Create nameserver records in the parent DNS zone:
1. Store the VPN client configuration:
## Append Resource Group to Subscription Cleaner DenyList
* We have subscription pruning that takes place routinely and need to add our resource group for the shared rp environment to the `denylist` of the cleaner:
* [https://github.com/Azure/ARO-RP/blob/e918d1b87be53a3b3cdf18b674768a6480fb56b8/hack/clean/clean.go#L29](https://github.com/Azure/ARO-RP/blob/e918d1b87be53a3b3cdf18b674768a6480fb56b8/hack/clean/clean.go#L29)