Azure-Sentinel/Hunting Queries/

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Hunting Query Template

Use a short name:

			// Name: <Short Name for the query>

Add a GUID so that we can add to the UI:

			// Id: <GUID>

A good description of what the query does, inputs and outputs:

			// Description:  <Full description>

The datasource for the query (examples):

			// DataSource: #SecurityEvent, #Syslog

The MITRE ATT&CK Techniques that apply to the query (examples):

			// Tactics: #InitialAccess, #Execution, #Persistance

Example Query:

			// Name: Cscript script daily summary breakdown
			// Id: 36abe031-962d-482e-8e1e-a556ed99d5a3
			// Description:  breakdown of scripts running in the environment
			// DataSource: #SecurityEvent
			// Tactics: #Execution
			let ProcessCreationEvents=() {
			let processEvents=SecurityEvent
			| where EventID==4688
			| project EventTime=TimeGenerated, ComputerName=Computer,AccountName=SubjectUserName, AccountDomain=SubjectDomainName,
			FileName=tostring(split(NewProcessName, '\\')[-1]),
			ProcessCommandLine = CommandLine, 
			// Daily summary of cscript activity - extracting script name and parameters from commandline:
			ProcessCreationEvents | where FileName =~ "cscript.exe"
			| project removeSwitches = replace(@"/+[a-zA-Z0-9:]+", "", ProcessCommandLine) // remove commandline switches
			| project CommandLine = trim(@"[a-zA-Z0-9\\:""]*cscript(.exe)?("")?(\s)+", removeSwitches) // remove the leading cscript.exe process name 
			// extract the script name: 
			| project ScriptName= iff(CommandLine startswith @"""", 
			                       extract(@"([:\\a-zA-Z_\-\s0-9\.()]+)(""?)", 0, CommandLine), // handle case where script name is enclosed in " characters
			                       extract(@"([:\\a-zA-Z_\-0-9\.()]+)(""?)", 0, CommandLine))   // handle case where script name is not enclosed in quotes                    
			                       , CommandLine 
			| project ScriptName=trim(@"""", ScriptName) , ScriptNameLength=strlen(ScriptName), CommandLine 
			// extract remainder of commandline as script parameters: 
			| project ScriptName, ScriptParams = iff(ScriptNameLength < strlen(CommandLine), substring(CommandLine, ScriptNameLength +1), "")
			| summarize by ScriptName, ScriptParams