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Localization in Batch Explorer

To make component localizable you can use one of the following

  • i18n pipe
  • I18nService

Define key and language

The translations will be automatically read from files with the i18n.yml extension. e.g. [filename].i18n.yml You'll need to restart the app if you add a new file. Just refreshing the page will update the translations. Create a file with the name [my-component].i18n.yml next to the [my-component].component.ts and other files.


i18n Pipe

    {{'' | i18n}}

Use a namespace

Repeating the same starting namespace for all of the i18n pipes can get repetivie and make it hard to read the template. So you can define a namespace for the component and the pipe will try to load translation under that namespace as well as from the root.

To do so

    selector: "my-component",
    providers: [
        {provide: I18N_NAMESPACE, value: "my-component"},

then you can just use

<!-- This -->
<div>{{my-sub-key' | i18n}}</div>
<!-- Instead of -->
<div>{{'' | i18n}}</div>


class MyComponent {
    constructor(private i18n: I18nService){


    public get title() {
        return this.i18n.t("my-key.sub.key", {param: "value"});