1 Infrastructure Dashboard
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The Continuous Cloud Optimization Azure Infrastructure Power BI Dashboard is a report that aims to aggregate and consolidate the information generated by several Azure services to gain quick insights on your subscriptions to enable data driven business and technical optimization decisions. The main data sources for this Azure Infrastructure Dashboard are the Azure Advisor REST API, Azure Security Center REST API, Azure Graph REST API, Log Analytics API and several Azure IaaS REST APIs.

APIs in use

The CCO Azure Infrastructure Dashboard pulls the information from several APIs. You can read the public documentation if you need further information about the calls and methods available:

API Name Dashboard API Version Using latest version available when it was released
Azure Advisor 2020-01-01 ✔️
Azure Security Center Alerts 2019-01-01 ✔️
Azure Kubernetes Service 2019-08-01 ✔️
Azure Compute 2019-03-01 ✔️
Azure Disks 2019-03-01 ✔️
Azure Virtual Networks 2019-04-01 ✔️
Azure Network Interfaces 2019-04-01 ✔️
Resource Groups 2019-05-01 ✔️
Azure Resources 2019-10-01 ✔️
Azure Subscriptions 2020-01-01 ✔️
Azure Locations 2019-05-01 ✔️
Azure Role Assignments 2015-07-01 ✔️
Azure Role Definitions 2015-07-01 ✔️
Azure Container Registry 2017-10-01 ✔️
Log Analytics Rest API (1, 2) v1 ✔️
Azure Active Directory Graph API 1.6 ✔️

API URLs by Azure environment:
API Name API URL Environment
Management https://management.azure.com/ Global
Azure AD Graph https://graph.windows.net/ Global
Management https://management.usgovcloudapi.net/ US Government
Azure AD Graph https://graph.microsoft.us/ US Government
Management https://management.chinacloudapi.cn/ China
Azure AD Graph https://graph.chinacloudapi.cn/ China