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Determine version of your Data Science VM Instance
Azure has a nifty metadata service that can provide information about your Data Science VM including version of the image you are running. You need to run the following on the DSVM for which you want to get the metadata information.
On commmand prompt on Windows OR Bash on Linux DSVM run:
curl -H Metadata:true "" | python -m json.tool
Note: The python code snippet above is to just pretty print the JSON out from Azure metadata service. The IP address of the metadata service is a private local non-routeable IP address on Azure and is hard coded to
. You must use this exact address from an Azure VM to get the metadata information.
The output will look like:
"compute": {
"location": "eastus",
"name": "xxxxxxxx",
"offer": "linux-data-science-vm-ubuntu",
"osType": "Linux",
"placementGroupId": "",
"platformFaultDomain": "0",
"platformUpdateDomain": "0",
"publisher": "microsoft-ads",
"resourceGroupName": "xxxxxxxxxxx",
"sku": "linuxdsvmubuntu",
"tags": "Application:DataScience",
"version": "1.1.6",
"vmSize": "Standard_DS2_v2"
"network": {
"interface": [
"ipv4": {
"ipAddress": [
"privateIpAddress": "10.0.0.XX",
"publicIpAddress": "XX.YY.ZZ.AA"
"subnet": [
"address": "",
"prefix": "24"
"ipv6": {
"ipAddress": []
"macAddress": "XXXXXX"
Very nifty indeed!
Other Applications: You can also use the above idea to detect whether the VM above is running in Azure and if so whether it is a Data Science VM. Machines outside Azure will either return a faled to connect error or an output not matching above JSON. VMs that are not based of the Data Science VM image will show a different offer, publisher etc.