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How to Contribute to Azure Mission-Critical


The structure of the Azure Mission-Critical repository is broken down into three overarching directories:

  • /docs/ contains the majority of Azure Mission-Critical documentation, covering the architectural framework and design approach as well as detailed documentation to accompany the reference implementation.
  • /src/ contains all source code and technical artifacts for the reference implementation along with low level implementation documentation.
  • /.ado/pipelines contains the Azure DevOps pipelines to build and deploy the core reference implementation.

Content Changes and Pull Requests

To add or edit content within the Azure Mission-Critical repository, please take a fork of the repository to iterate on changes before subsequently opening a Pull Request (PR) to get your forked branch merged into the main branch for the Mission-Critical repository. Your PR will be reviewed by the core engineering team for the Azure Mission-Critical project, and once approved, your content accessible to everybody.

Important! Please make sure that your PR is focused on a specific area of Mission-Critical to facilitate a targeted review, as this will speed up the process to get your changes merged into our repository.

Documentation Conventions

  • Overarching topics concerning the Mission-Critical architecture, design principles, design decisions, and cross-component integration are documented as separate markdown documents within the /docs/ directory.

  • Each source code component within the reference implementation has it's own README.md file which explains how that particular component works, how it is supposed to be used, and how it may interact with other aspects of the Mission-Critical solution.

    • Within the main branch, each README.md file must accurately represent the state of the associated component which will serve as a core aspect of PR reviews. Any modifications to source components must therefore be reflected in the documentation as well.