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How to use a custom domain for azure container registry
Azure Container registries has a typical login url of the format *.azurecr.io
. A customer might like to have a custom domain that associate with its own organization. The following is the guide on how to achieve that.
For this example, we suppose that you want to associate registry.contoso.com
with a Azure Container Registry. You would need the following:
- Setup your organization's DNS zone
. To create one on Azure, you can follow this guide - SSL certificate for
, we would call itcontoso.pfx
. Put the password of the certificate to a file namedpwd.txt
. You would optionally also need your signing CA certificate's URL, such ashttp://www.contoso.com/pki/ca.cert
- An instance of Azure Container Registry service as the backend. In this example we would assume it's
Upload your cert into Azure Key Vault
Under key-vault-setup/, run the following:
(Optional) Create an Azure Key Vault, if you don't already have one:
`.\ensure-vault.ps1 -subscriptionName <subscription> -resourceGroupName <resourceGroup> -vaultName <new VaultName>`
to Azure Key Vault:`.\upload-cert.ps1 -pfxFilePath <pfxFile> -pfxPwFile <pwdFile> -secretName <new SecretName> -vaultName <vaultName>`
Deploy and configure an Nginx Docker image on a new Azure VM
Deploy via Azure Portal
Alternatively, to deploy using powershell script, docker-vm-deploy/, do the following:
Edit azuredeploy.parameters.json and populate all necessary parameters
Run the following script to create the new VM:
`.\deploy.ps1 -resourceGroupName <resourceGroup>`
Configure DNS zone
Configure the DNS zone so registry.contoso.com
points to the Azure VM you have just created. If you are using an Azure DNS Zone. You can use the following command:
New-AzureRmDnsRecordSet -Name <registry> -RecordType CNAME -ZoneName <contoso.com> -ResourceGroupName <resourceGroup> -Ttl <Ttl> -DnsRecords (New-AzureRmDnsRecordConfig -Cname <AddrToAboveVM>)
Quick verification
A simple way to test the setup is to call docker login
to quickly confirm that the requests are properly forwarded:
docker login -u <username> -p <password> registry.contoso.com