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Microsoft Azure Container Service Engine - Builds Docker Enabled Clusters


This cluster definition examples demonstrate how to create a customized Docker Enabled Cluster on Microsoft Azure.


  • ACS Engine - shows you how to use the ACS engine to generate custom Docker enabled container clusters
  • Cluster Definition - describes the components of the cluster definition file
  • DC/OS Walkthrough - shows how to create a DC/OS enabled Docker cluster on Azure
  • Kubernetes Walkthrough - shows how to create a Kubernetes enabled Docker cluster on Azure
  • Swarm Walkthrough - shows how to create a Swarm enabled Docker cluster on Azure
  • Custom VNET - shows how to use a custom VNET
  • Attached Disks - shows how to attach up to 4 disks per node
  • Managed Disks (under private preview) - shows how to use managed disks
  • Large Clusters - shows how to create cluster sizes of up to 1200 nodes
  • Windows Clusters - shows how to create windows or mixed Microsoft Windows and Linux Docker clusters on Microsoft Azure