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Configure webapp deployments using Java | Microsoft Docs Sample Java code to configure Git or FTP Azure App Service deployments using the Azure SDK for Java rloutlaw douge 833e9c78-1e50-4c23-a611-f73a2f0c2983 Azure java article 03/30/2017 routlaw;asirveda

Configure Azure App Service deployment sources from your Java applications

This sample deploys code to four applications in a single Azure App Service plan, each using a different deployment source.

Run the sample

Create an authentication file and set an environment variable AZURE_AUTH_LOCATION with the full path to the file on your computer. Then run:

git clone
cd app-service-java-configure-deployment-sources-for-web-apps
mvn clean compile exec:java

View the complete sample code on GitHub.

Authenticate with Azure

[!INCLUDE auth-include]

Create a App Service app running Apache Tomcat

// create a new Standard app service plan and create a single Java 8/Tomcat 8 app in it
WebApp app1 = azure.webApps().define(app1Name)

withJavaVersion() and withWebContainer() configure App Service to serve HTTP requests using Tomcat 8.

Deploy a Java application using FTP

// pass the PublishingProfile that contains FTP information to a helper method 
uploadFileToFtp(app1.getPublishingProfile(), "helloworld.war", 

// Use the FTP classes in the Apache Commons library to connect to Azure using 
// the information from the PublishingProfile
private static void uploadFileToFtp(PublishingProfile profile, String fileName, InputStream file) throws Exception {
        FTPClient ftpClient = new FTPClient();
        String[] ftpUrlSegments = profile.ftpUrl().split("/", 2);
        String server = ftpUrlSegments[0];
        // Tomcat will deploy WAR files uploaded to this directory.
        String path = "./site/wwwroot/webapps"; 

        // FTP the build WAR to Azure
        ftpClient.login(profile.ftpUsername(), profile.ftpPassword());
        ftpClient.storeFile(fileName, file);

This code uploads a WAR file to the /site/wwwroot/webapps directory. Tomcat deploys WAR files placed in this directory by default in App Service.

Deploy a Java application from a local Git repo

// get the publishing profile from the App Service webapp
PublishingProfile profile = app2.getPublishingProfile();

// create a new Git repo in the sample directory under src/main/resources 
Git git = Git
    .setDirectory(new File(ManageWebAppSourceControl.class.getResource("/azure-samples-appservice-helloworld/").getPath()))
// add the files in the sample app to an initial commit
git.commit().setMessage("Initial commit").call(); 

// push the commit using the Azure Git remote URL and credentials in the publishing profile
PushCommand command = git.push();
command.setCredentialsProvider(new UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider(profile.gitUsername(), profile.gitPassword()));
command.setRefSpecs(new RefSpec("master:master")); 

This code uses the JGit libraries to create a new Git repo in the src/main/resources/azure-samples-appservice-helloworld folder. The sample then adds all files in the folder to an initial commit and pushes the commit to Azure using Git deployment information from the webapp's PublishingProfile.

[!NOTE] The layout of the files in the repo must match exactly how you want the files deployed under the /site/wwwroot/ directory in Azure App Service.

Deploy an application from a public Git repo

// deploy a .NET sample app from a public GitHub repo into a new webapp
WebApp app3 = azure.webApps().define(app3Name)

The App Service runtime automatically builds and deploys the .NET project using the latest code on the master branch of the repo.

Continuous deployment from a GitHub repo

// deploy the application whenever you push a new commit or merge a pull request into your master branch
WebApp app4 = azure.webApps()
                    // Uncomment the following lines to turn on continuous deployment scenario
                    //    .withContinuouslyIntegratedGitHubRepository("username", "reponame")
                    //    .withBranch("master")
                    //    .withGitHubAccessToken("YOUR GITHUB PERSONAL TOKEN")
                    //    .attach()

The username and reponame values are the ones used in GitHub. Create a GitHub personal access token with repo read permissions and pass it to withGitHubAccessToken.

Sample explanation

The sample creates the first application using Java 8 and Tomcat 8 running in a newly created Standard App Service plan. The code then FTPs a WAR file using the information in the PublishingProfile object and Tomcat deploys it.

The second application uses in the same plan as the first and is also configured as a Java 8/Tomcat 8 application. The JGit libraries create a new Git repository in a folder that contains an unpacked Java web application in a directory structure that maps to App Service. A new commit adds the files in the folder to the new Git repo, and Git pushes the commit to Azure with a remote URL and username/password provided by the webapp's PublishingProfile.

The third application is not configured for Java and Tomcat. Instead, a .NET sample in a public GitHub repo is deployed directly from source.

The fourth application deploys the code in your master branch every time you push changes or merge a pull request into the GitHub repo's master branch.

Class used in sample Notes
WebApp Created from the azure.webApps().define()....create() fluent chain. Creates a App Service web app and any resources needed for the app. Most methods query the object for configuration details, but verb methods like restart() change the state of the webapp.
WebContainer Class with static public fields used as paramters to withWebContainer() when defining a WebApp running a Java webcontainer. Has choices for both Jetty and Tomcat versions.
PublishingProfile Obtained through a WebApp object using the getPublishingProfile() method. Contains FTP and Git deployment information, including deployment username and password (which is separate from Azure account or service principal credentials).
AppServicePlan Returned by azure.appServices().appServicePlans().getByResourceGroup(). Methods are availble to check the capacity, tier, and number of web apps running in the plan.
AppServicePricingTier Class with static public fields representing App Service tiers. Used to define a plan tier in-line during app creation with withPricingTier() or directly when defining a plan via azure.appServices().appServicePlans().define()
JavaVersion Class with static public fields representing Java versions supported by App Service. Used with withJavaVersion() during the define()...create() chain when creating a new webapp.

Next steps

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