
18 KiB

How to Avoid the ReceiverDisconnectedException

In version 2.3.2 and above, the connector by default uses epoch receivers from the Event Hubs Java client. The epoch receiver allows only one receiver to be open per consumer group-partition combo for an Event Hubs instance. Let's say we have receiverA with an epoch of 0 which is open within the consumer group foo on partition 0. Now, if we open a new receiver, receiverB, for the same consumer group and partition with an epoch of 0 (or higher), then receiverA will be disconnected and get the ReceiverDisconnectedException.

There are several scenarios in which the connector tries to open more than one epoch receiver for a particular <Event Hubs instance, consumer group, partition> combination. In this document, we elaborate on some of those scenarios and discuss how you can avoid them. 

One scenario which causes this exception is when your code generates multiple concurrent tasks that read events from a particular partition in an Event Hubs instance using the same consumer group. This situation happens if you define multiple streams reading from an Event Hubs instance using the same consumer group. Since each stream generates a set of tasks to read events from each partition, if you use the same consumer group in more than one stream it results in having multiple tasks that use the same <Event Hubs instance, consumer group, partition> combination. You can avoid this situation by using a unique consumer group for each stream you create on an Event Hubs instance.

Your code may also generate multiple concurrent tasks using the same <Event Hubs instance, consumer group, partition> combination for a single stream. This situation happens if the code execution results in re-computing the input stream from the Event Hubs instance. The Stream Recomputation section below explains what may cause stream re-computation in more detail and proposes ways to avoid such cases.

Another situation that could result in seeing the ReceiverDisconnectedException is when batches dispatch receiving tasks for the same <Event Hubs instance, consumer group, partition> combination to different executor nodes in a cluster. The Receivers Move Between Executor Nodes section below describes this situation and suggests how you can reduce the chance of being in such a situation.

Table of Contents

Stream Recomputation

Sometimes a Spark application recomputes a single input stream multiple times. If the stream source is an Event Hubs instance, this recomputation can eventually cause opening multiple receivers per consumer group-partition combo and result in getting the ReceiverDisconnectedException. Therefore, it is important to make sure that the application that reads events from an Event Hubs instance does not recompute the input stream multiple times.

RDD Actions

In Spark, RDD operations are either Transformations or Actions. In abstract, transformations create a new dataset and actions return a value. Spark has a lazy execution model for transformations, which means those operations are being executed only when there is an action on the result dataset. Therefore, a transformed RDD may be recomputed each time an action is being ran on it. However, you can avoid this recomputation by persisting an RDD in memory using the persist or cache method. Please refer to RDD Operations for more details. Note that persisting an RDD in memory only helps if all actions are being executed on the same executor node.

Write to Multiple Data Sinks

You can write the output of a streaming query to multiple sinks by simply using the DataFrame/Dataset multiple times. However, each write may cause the recomputation of the DataFrame/Dataset. In order to avoid this recomputation, similar to the RDD case you can persist or cache the DataFrame/Dataset before writing it to multiple locations. Please refer to Using Foreach and ForeachBatch for more information.

Spark Speculation

One of Spark scheduling configuration options is spark.speculation. Briefly, if speculation is enabled, Spark relaunches tasks that are running slower than other tasks in a stage. Therefore, if you are defining a streaming query with an Event Hubs source while enabling the spark.speculation config, you may end up in a situation where multiple tasks try to read events from the same <Event Hubs instance, consumer group, partition> combination concurrently.

Quick Check for Multiple Readers

A quick way to check if your application uses multiple readers is to compare the rate of Incoming and Outgoing messages to/from the underlying Event Hubs instance. You have access to both Messages and Throughput metrics in the Overview page of the Event Hubs instance on Azure Portal.

Assume you have only Spark application (with a single stream reader) that reads events from an Event Hubs instance. In this case, you should see the number(or total bytes) of Outgoing messages matching the number (or total bytes) of Incoming messages. If you find out the rate of Outgoing messages is N times the rate of Incoming messages, it indicates that your application is recomputing the input stream N times. This is a strong signal to update the application code to eliminate input stream recomputations (usually by using persist or cache method).

Examples of Having Multiple Readers Unintentionally

Multiple Actions

The code below is an example where a single read stream is being used by multiple RDD actions without caching:

import org.apache.spark.eventhubs._
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.Trigger

// EventHubs connection string
val endpoint = "Endpoint=sb://SAMPLE;SharedAccessKeyName=KEY_NAME;SharedAccessKey=KEY;"
val eventHub = "EVENTHUBS_NAME"
val consumerGroup = "CONSUMER_GROUP"
val connectionString = ConnectionStringBuilder(endpoint)

// Eventhubs configuration
val ehConf = EventHubsConf(connectionString)

// read stream
val ehStream = spark.readStream

  .trigger(Trigger.ProcessingTime("5 seconds"))
  .foreachBatch { (ehStreamDF,_) => 

def handleEhDataFrame(ehStreamDF : DataFrame) : Unit = {
  val totalSize = => s.length).reduce((a, b) => a + b)
  val eventCount = ehStreamDF.count
  println("Batch contained " + eventCount + " events with total size of " + totalSize)

As you can see in the graph below which shows the rate of Incoming vs Outgoing messages in the Event Hubs entity, the number of Outgoing messages is almost twice the number of Incoming messages. This pattern indicates that the above code reads events from the Event Hubs entity twice: Once when it computes the reduce action, and once when it computes the count action.

Incoming vs Outgoing Messages without persist

Multiple Sinks

The code below shows how writing the output of a streaming query to multiple sinks creates multiple readers:

import org.apache.spark.eventhubs._
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.Trigger

// EventHub connection string
val endpoint = "Endpoint=sb://SAMPLE;SharedAccessKeyName=KEY_NAME;SharedAccessKey=KEY;"
val src_eventHub = "SRC_EVENTHUBS_NAME"
val dst_eventHub = "DST_EVENTHUBS_NAME"
val consumerGroup = "CONSUMER_GROUP"
val src_connectionString = ConnectionStringBuilder(endpoint)
val dst_connectionString = ConnectionStringBuilder(endpoint)

// Eventhub configuration
val src_ehConf = EventHubsConf(src_connectionString)
val dst_ehConf = EventHubsConf(dst_connectionString)

// read stream
val ehStream = spark.readStream
  .select($"body" cast "string")
// eventhub write stream
val wst1 = ehStream.writeStream
  .option("checkpointLocation", "/checkpointDir") 
  .trigger(Trigger.ProcessingTime("10 seconds"))

// console write stream
val wst2 = ehStream.writeStream
  .option("truncate", false)
  .trigger(Trigger.ProcessingTime("10 seconds"))


You can see in the graph below from the source Event Hubs entity that the number of Outgoing messages is almost twice the number of Incoming messages which indicates the existence of two separate readers in our application.

Incoming vs Outgoing Messages for two srite stream using a single input stream

Persist Data to Prevent Recomputation

As we have mentioned before, one way to avoid recomputations is to persist (or cache) the generated DataFrame/Dataset from the input stream before performing your desired tasks and unpersist it afterward. Please remember this avoids recomputation only if all actions are being scheduled on the same executor node. The code below shows how you can run multiple actions on a DataFrame without recomputing the input stream:

import org.apache.spark.eventhubs._
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.Trigger

// EventHubs connection string
val endpoint = "Endpoint=sb://SAMPLE;SharedAccessKeyName=KEY_NAME;SharedAccessKey=KEY;"
val eventHub = "EVENTHUBS_NAME"
val consumerGroup = "CONSUMER_GROUP"
val connectionString = ConnectionStringBuilder(endpoint)

// Eventhubs configuration
val ehConf = EventHubsConf(connectionString)

// read stream
val ehStream = spark.readStream

  .trigger(Trigger.ProcessingTime("5 seconds"))
  .foreachBatch { (ehStreamDF,_) => 

def handleEhDataFrame(ehStreamDF : DataFrame) : Unit = {
  val totalSize = => s.length).reduce((a, b) => a + b)
  val eventCount = ehStreamDF.count
  println("Batch contained " + eventCount + " events with total size of " + totalSize)

The graph below from the Event Hubs entity shows the number of Incoming and Outgoing messages are almost the same, which means the application reads events only once despite executing two actions on the generated DataFrame.

Incoming vs Outgoing Messages using persist

Receivers Move Between Executor Nodes

The Spark Event Hubs connector executes an input stream by dividing it into batches. Each batch generates a set of tasks where each task receives events from one partition. These tasks are being scheduled on the available executor nodes in the cluster.

The Spark Event Hubs connector creates and caches a receiver for each <Event Hubs instance, consumer group, partition> combination on the executor node that runs the task to read events from that specific combination. These receivers are epoch receivers by default. Whenever a task that is supposed to read events from a <Event Hubs instance, consumer group, partition> is being scheduled on an executor node, it first retrieves the corresponding receiver for the combination from the cache. Then, it checks if the receiver's cursor is at the right location (i.e. the latest event offset read by this receiver is exactly before the next offset requested to be read). If the receiver's cursor falls behind, it means that another node has created and used a receiver for the same <Event Hubs instance, consumer group, partition>, therefore the cached receiver on this node is disconnected (since it's an epoch receiver) and a new receiver must be recreated. This results in recreating the receiver and updating the cache on this node, which consequently disconnects the currently open receiver on the other node.

Example of Receiver Recreation

Let's consider the following example to elaborate on this scenario. Assume we have a stream that tries to read from an Event Hubs instance with only 2 partitions (partitions 0 and 1) using the consumer group CG. This stream creates a sequence of batches to read events from the Event Hubs instance and each batch creates 2 tasks, one per partition. For simplicity, we name the task that is responsible to read events from partition k in batch i, task i.k, and assume each task reads 10 events from its corresponding partition. We run this stream on a cluster with two executor nodes, executor A and executor B. This cluster, for some unknown reason, schedules the tasks to read from partition 0 on executor A for batches with odd number ids (1, 3, 5, ...) and schedules the tasks to read from partition 0 on executor B for batches with even number ids (2, 4, 6, ...). 

Now, we focus on tasks that read events from partition 0 (tasks i.0):

  • Batch 1 sends task 1.0 to executor A to read events from offset 0 to 9. The executor A creates a receiver for the (CG, 0) combo and caches it locally. The receiver cursor is at offset 9.

  • Batch 2 sends task 2.0 to executor B to read events from offset 10 to 19. The executor B creates a receiver for the (CG, 0) combo and caches it locally. The receiver cursor is at offset 19. Note that this new receiver creation results in disconnecting the existing receiver from executor A.

  • Batch 3 sends task 3.0 to executor A to read events from offset 20 to 29. The executor A retrieves the receiver for the (CG, 0) combo from its cache. However, when it checks the receiver's cursor, it finds out the cursor (at offset 9) falls behind the offset for the current request (offset 20), which means the cached receiver has been disconnected by another receiver. Therefore, it recreates the receiver and updates its cache. Again, the receiver recreation on executor A disconnects the other open receiver to the (CG, 0) combo from executor B.

  • Batch 4 sends task 4.0 to executor B to read events from offset 30 to 39. The executor B retrieves the receiver for the (CG, 0) combo from its cache. However, when it checks the receiver's cursor, it finds out the cursor (at offset 19) falls behind the offset for the current request (offset 30), which means the cached receiver has been disconnected by another receiver. Therefore, it recreates the receiver and updates its cache.

  • The same behavior goes on and on, ...

Reducing Receiver Movements

This situation would be avoided if all tasks that read events from the same <Event Hubs instance, consumer group, partition> combination are being scheduled on the same executor node. In such a case, the executor node reuses the cached receiver, and the connector doesn't have to recreate the receiver. Sparks scheduler decides where to schedule a task based on its locality level. Generally speaking, Spark tries to schedule tasks locally as much as possible, but if the wait is getting too long it schedules the tasks on nodes with less locality level. You can set "how long to wait to launch a data-local task before giving up and launching it on a less-local node" by using the spark.locality.wait configuration option. In this case, increasing the spark locality can help to reduce/avoid recreating receivers. The spark locality can be increased by assigning a higher value to the spark.locality.wait property (for instance, increase the value to 15s instead of the default value 3s). Please refer to Spark Scheduling Configuration for more information.

Please note that increasing the locality level doesn't guarantee that all tasks being executed at the PROCESS_LOCAL level. This happens because based on the cluster workload some executor nodes might be busy and the scheduler couldn't send a task to those nodes even after an extended period of waiting. Therefore, another way to reduce the chance of receiver movement between different executor nodes is to increase the number of executor nodes on the cluster.

Finally, another option is to use non-epoch receivers instead of epoch receivers by setting the UseExclusiveReceiver to false (you can do so by using the setUseExclusiveReceiver(b: Boolean) API in EventHubsConf). If you decide to use the non-epoch receiver please be aware of its limitation of allowing up to 5 concurrent receivers (please refer to Event Hubs quotas and limitations for more information).