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TypeSpec end to end scenarios

Scenario definitions

It is crucial having simple and smooth processes that allow developer to easily:

Aside from the developer process, we have a few goals on managing repo package version

  • Should adopt a centralized package version control to avoid chaos
  • Centralized package version control should give flexibility, freedom of relative independent emitter versions

Four main user scenarios to support

1. TypeSpec project scaffolding

flowchart TD
classDef highlight fill:#ffd700
classDef grey fill:#CCCCCC,color:#555555;
User((::)) --> |Develop in rest-api repo|A[Clone rest-api repo]
User((::)) --> |Develop in custom service repo|B1[1.2 `tsp init`]
A --> B[1.1 Create folder structure per spec ]
B --> C["1.2 `tsp init`<br>delete package.json in project folder"]
C --> D[...iterate on *.tsp specs]
D ---> |Loop|F
D --> E["1.3 generate swagger examples
(need a new script)"]
E --> F["tsp compile . (generate swaggers)"]
F --> G1[Copy specs files into rest-api repo]
G1 --> G2[Optionally: Adopt shift-left pipeline]
G2--> G
F --> G[create a spec PR]
class A,G,D,F grey
Remaining Tasks
Step Step Detail Assignee Implemented Verified
1.1 Folder layout doc Ray Chen [X] [X]
1.2 tsp init.
additional info may be collected for SDK
Allen Zhang [X] [ ]
1.3 Example generation instructions Ray Chen [ ] [ ]
Details & Open questions

2. SDK code generation

flowchart TD
classDef highlight fill:#ffd700
classDef grey fill:#CCCCCC,color:#555555;
A["clone Rest-API and SDK repo locally"] --> B
B["2.1 pre-requsite dependencies installation
(each language would have a installation script)"] --> G
subgraph G["run `2.2 TypeSpec-Project-Prcoess.ps1`"]
F["2.2.1 create/update tsp-location.yaml"]
C["2.2.2 call TypeSpec-Project-Sync.ps1"]
D["2.2.3 call TypeSpec-Project-Generate.ps1"]
G-->E["code build"]
class A,E grey
class C,D,F highlight
  • 2.1 Optional: Scripts should exist under \eng\scripts\ folder on all repos.

  • 2.2 TypeSpec-Project-Process.ps1

    • What does this script do?
      • fetch tspconfig.yaml from remote if it doesnt exist locally
      • parse tspconfig.yaml
      • create an sdk project folder if none exists
      • create/update tsp-location.yaml
      • call TypeSpec-Project-Sync.ps1
      • call TypeSpec-Project-Generate.ps1
    • input:
      • typespecProjectDirectory (required) either a folder of tspconfig.yaml or a remoteUrl of tspconfig.yaml
      • commitSha (optional)
      • repoUrl (optional)
    • output: n/a
  • 2.2.2 TypeSpec-Project-Sync.ps1

    • What does this script do?
      • fetch specs from remote spec repo or use a local spec repo
      • copy specs to temp location under the sdk project folder
      • support a local spec repo if one exists (TODO)
    • input:
      • projectDirectory (required)
      • localSpecRepoPath (optional)
    • output: n/a
  • 2.2.3 TypeSpec-Project-Generate.ps1

    • What does this script do?
      • create scaffolding for new project (use the folder created by 2.2)
      • generate sdk code
    • input:
      • projectDirectory (required)
      • typespecAdditionalOptions (emitter options) (optional)
  • Function Generate-{Language}-New-Project-Scaffolding

    • What does this function do?
      • Create the folders and the files under SDK project folder, such as creating test folder, sln files that would vary between language repos. Eventually, this project scaffolding would be integrated into language emitter.
      • Create or update the files outside of the SDK project folder (CI.yml or pom.xml for java, etc.)
      • This function is called by generate script(2.4)
    • input: projectDirectory (required)
Remaining Tasks
Step Step Detail Assignee Implemented Verified
2.1 Dependencies scripts SDK owner [ ] []
2.2 TypeSpec-Project-Process.ps1 EngSys [ ]
2.2.2 TypeSpec-Project-Sync.ps1 EngSys [ ]
2.2.3 TypeSpec-Project-Generate.ps1 EngSys [ ] Generate-{Language}-New-Project-Scaffolding SDK owner [ ]
2.3 Language script to call common script SDK owner [] []
2.4 Update dotnet build target Michael, Crystal [] []

3. Inner Dev loop SDK generation local scenario

flowchart TD;
  classDef highlight fill:#ffd700
  A["clone spec repo and clone sdk repo"]-->B
  B["... iterate on .tsp specs"]-->C
  C["tsp compile ."]-->D
  D["optional:copy all related files to spec repo folder if it's not there
  E["create API spec PR"]-->|loop|B
  F["docker run
  (a. call `initScript` - 2.1
  b. call `generateScript` 
  (call 2.2) )"]-->I  
  I["build code and work on test,sample,readme,etc."]-->J
  J["create sdk PR"]
  class F,G,H highlight
  • Note: docker run command is
    docker run -it --privileged -v {local_spec_repo_path}:/spec-repo -v {local_work_folder}:/work-dir -v --typespec-project={relative_typespec_project} --sdk={sdk_to_generate}
Remaining Tasks
Step Step Detail Assignee Implemented Verified
Details & Open questions

Dev Inner Loop is defined as what spec/sdk developer does locally on the dev box.

Use case and design proposals

  1. Optional: Create a TypeSpec self installer/package that will install all prerequisits such as node, npm, and TypeSpec
  2. Spec writers create recommended folder structures under local clone of azure-rest-api-specs repo.
  3. In the correct folder, run tsp init to create TypeSpec project: ARM or DP. Project will not contain package.json but rather rely on the one in the root level.
  4. Author TypeSpec files and run tsp compile . to verify no errors in the TypeSpec project. It should only run typespec-autorest given that is the only emitter enabled via init template project. Genereated swagger would be placed in the appropriate folder. It is not expected to use --emit flag to run any SDK emitters. For that, see step 5.
  5. Having a script to call OAV to generate swagger examples.
  6. Optionally, after successful compile of TypeSpec project, spec author is able to run simple docker command to generate SDK for particular lanaguages locally.
  7. Optionally, sdk developer can work on sdk sample, sdk test, readme, etc., locally.

4.Dev Outer loop

Dev Outer Loop is defined as the experience of Spec writers sherparding the TypeSpec documents thru azure-rest-api-sepcs and its other depedency repos/branches like -pr, -pr/RPSaasMain, and -pr/RPSaaSDev, to different lanaguge SDK repos.

The experience should allow as much validations can be verified/debugged locally to ensure a clean CI for simple and fast PR reviews.

Use case
  • With the correct inner loop setup, the spec writer should be able to submit all relevant files as PR to azure-rest-api-specs-pr repo or azure-rest-api-specs repo
  • CI pipeline should verify TypeSpec compliation
  • CI Pipeline should be able to generate key language SDKs (.net,java,js,python)
  • Optionally CI generated key lanauge SDKs changes can be used to directly create PR on SDK public repo
  • Optionally user can add customized code to the working branch created by CI pipeline.
4.1 Outer Dev loop azure-rest-api-specs pipeline
flowchart TD;
  classDef highlight fill:#ffd700
A["filter SDK languages to be generated
(from tspconfig.yaml)"]-->B
B["get language scripts path for `initScript` and `generateScript`
(from codegen_to_sdk_config.json)"]-->C
C["run `initScript`
subgraph D["run `generateScript`"]
I["package sdk code"]-->J
J["optional:build code and run test"]-->K
K["upload artifacts"]-->L
L["create sdk PR or update existing PR"]-->M
M["generate apiView"]
Details & Open questions
  • Step of "run initScript":

    • output: a string map of environment variables to be set in following scripts.
  • Step of "run generateScript":

4.2 Outer Dev loop SDK repo pipeline
flowchart TD;
  classDef manualStep fill:#ffd700
  classDef automationStep fill:#7de188
A["run `initScript`
subgraph B["run `generateScript`"]
C["call 2.2"]-->E
E["package sdk code"]-->F
F["build code"]-->G
G["run test"]
Details & Open questions

4. Outer loop Overall Status and tracking

CI pipeline implementation

  • 4.1 TypeSpec validation components
    • compile
    • tspconfig validation (TBA?)
    • breaking change detection (TBA?)
    • generated swagger validation
  • 4.2 TypeSpec SDK generation components
    • code generation
    • code build and test (not all languages have)
    • package generation
    • API view generation
Remaining Tasks
Step Step Detail Assignee Implemented Verified
4.1 Validation Component [ ] [ ]
4.2 SDK generation Component [ ]