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Distributed Tracing in the C++ SDK

Azure has adopted W3C Distributed Tracing as a paradigm for correlating requests from clients across multiple services.

This document explains how the Azure C++ SDK implements distributed tracing, how clients integrate with distributed tracing, how services should integrate with distributed tracing and finally how the network pipeline and other functionality should integrate with distributed tracing.

Tracing Overview

The Azure SDK for C++ Tracing APIs are modeled after the opentelemetry-cpp API surface defined in the OpenTelemetry Tracing Specification. Additional architectural information about OpenTelemetry can be found in OpenTelemetry Concepts.

There are three major components which the Azure SDK components interact with:

  • TracerProvider - this is a factory which creates Tracer objects.
  • Tracer - this is a factory which creates Span objects.
  • Span - Span objects are the APIs which allow tracing an operation. Each span has a name, a type and a "status". Spans also contain "attributes" and "events" which describe an operation.

There is typically a single TracerProvider for each application, and for the Azure SDK, each service will have a Tracer implementation which creates Span objects for each service client.

A Span can be considered a "unit of work" for a service. Each service method (method which calls into the service) will have a single Span reflecting the client method which was called.

Span's are hierarchical and each span can have multiple children (each Span can only have a single parent). The typical way that this manifests itself during a service method call is:

  • Service Method "MyServiceMethod" creates a span named "MyServiceMethod" and starts an HTTP request to communicate with the service.

    • The HTTP pipeline (specifically the RequestActivityPolicy) will create a child span under the service method span named "HTTP <verb> #0". This span

    reflects the HTTP call into the service.

    • If the HTTP call needs to be retried, the existing span will be closed an a new span named HTTP <verb> #1 will be created for the retry.

Distributed Tracing Client Integration

Applications which wish to integrate Distributed Tracing are strongly encouraged to use the opentelemetry-cpp vcpkg package.

There are numerous examples on the OpenTelemetry web site which demonstrate how to integrate opentelemetry into a customer application and integrate the generated traces with Azure monitoring infrastructure such as Geneva Monitoring.

Following the examples from opentelemetry-cpp, the following can be used to establish an OpenTelemetry exporter which logs to the console or to an in-memory logger.

    auto exporter = std::make_unique<opentelemetry::exporter::memory::InMemorySpanExporter>();
    auto exporter = std::make_unique<opentelemetry::exporter::trace::OStreamSpanExporter>();

    // simple processor
    auto simple_processor = std::unique_ptr<opentelemetry::sdk::trace::SpanProcessor>(
        new opentelemetry::sdk::trace::SimpleSpanProcessor(std::move(exporter)));

    auto always_on_sampler = std::unique_ptr<opentelemetry::sdk::trace::AlwaysOnSampler>(
        new opentelemetry::sdk::trace::AlwaysOnSampler);

    auto resource_attributes = opentelemetry::sdk::resource::ResourceAttributes{
        {"", "telemetryTest"}, {"", "instance-1"}};
    auto resource = opentelemetry::sdk::resource::Resource::Create(resource_attributes);
    // Create using SDK configurations as parameter
    return opentelemetry::nostd::shared_ptr<opentelemetry::trace::TracerProvider>(
        new opentelemetry::sdk::trace::TracerProvider(
            std::move(simple_processor), resource, std::move(always_on_sampler)));

Other exporters exist to export to Jaeger, Windows ETW and others.

Once the opentelemetry::trace::TracerProvider has been created, The client needs to create a new Azure::Core::Tracing::OpenTelemetry::OpenTelemetryProvider which functions as an abstract class integration between OpenTelemetry and Azure Core:

std::shared_ptr<Azure::Core::Tracing::TracerProvider> traceProvider
      = Azure::Core::Tracing::OpenTelemetry::OpenTelemetryProvider::Create(CreateOpenTelemetryProvider());

To finish the integration with Azure clients, there are two mechanisms to integrate OpenTelemetry into a client application:

  1. Azure::Core::Context integration.
  2. Service Client Options integration.

Integrate an OpenTelemetryProvider via the ApplicationContext

To integrate OpenTelemetry for all Azure Clients in the application, the customer can call Azure::Core::Context::ApplicationContext.SetTracerProvider to establish the tracer provider for the application.


Integrate an OpenTelemetryProvider via Service ClientOptions

While using the ApplicationContext is the simplest mechanism for integration OpenTelemetry with a customer application, there may be times the customer needs more flexibility when creating service clients. To enable customers to further customize how tracing works, the application can set the Telemetry.TracingProvider field in the service client options, which will establish the tracer provider used by the service client.

auto tracerProvider(CreateOpenTelemetryProvider());
auto provider(Azure::Core::Tracing::OpenTelemetry::OpenTelemetryProvider::Create(tracerProvider));

ServiceClientOptions clientOptions;
clientOptions.Telemetry.TracingProvider = provider;
clientOptions.Telemetry.ApplicationId = "MyApplication";
ServiceClient myServiceClient(clientOptions);

Distributed Tracing Service Integration

There are two steps needed to integrate Distributed Tracing with a Service Client.

  1. Add a DiagnosticTracingFactory object to the ServiceClient object
  2. Update each service method as follows:
    1. Add a call to the CreateSpan method on the diagnostic tracing factory. This will create a new span for the client operation.
    2. Call SetStatus on the created span when the service method successfully completes.
    3. Wrap the client method code with a try/catch handler which catches exceptions and call AddEvent with the value of the exception.

Add a DiagnosticTracingFactory to the serviceClient class

To add a new DiagnosticTracingFactory to the client, simply add the class as a member:

  Azure::Core::Tracing::_internal::TracingContextFactory m_tracingFactory;

And construct the new tracing factory in the service constructor:

  explicit ServiceClient(ServiceClientOptions const& clientOptions = ServiceClientOptions{})
      : m_tracingFactory(clientOptions, "Azure.Core.OpenTelemetry.Test.Service", PackageVersion::ToString())

Update Each Service Method

There are three methods of interest when updating the service method:

  1. DiagnosticTracingFactory::CreateSpan - this creates and returns a Span and Context object for the service method. The returned Context object must be used for subsequent service operations.
  2. Span::AddEvent(std::exception&) - This registers the exception with the distributed tracing infrastructure.
  3. Span::SetStatus - This sets the status of the operation in the trace.
Azure::Response<std::string> ServiceMethod(
     std::string const&,
     Azure::Core::Context const& context = Azure::Core::Context{})
   // Create a new context and span for this request.
   auto contextAndSpan = m_tracingFactory.CreateSpan("ServiceMethod", context);

   // contextAndSpan.Context is the new context for the operation.
   // contextAndSpan.Span is the new span for the operation.

     // <Call Into Service via an HTTP pipeline>
     Azure::Core::Http::Request requestToSend(
         HttpMethod::Get, Azure::Core::Url("<Service URL>"));

     std::unique_ptr<Azure::Core::Http::RawResponse> response
         = m_pipeline->Send(requestToSend, contextAndSpan.Context);
     return Azure::Response<std::string>("", std::move(response));
   catch (std::exception const& ex)
     // Register that the exception has happened and that the span is now in error.

   // When contextAndSpan.second goes out of scope, it ends the span, which will record it.

Implementation Details

Distributed Tracing components

In order to maintain flexibility, the opentelemetry-cpp APIs are implemented in a separate package - azure-core-tracing-opentelemetry. This is consistent with how opentelemetry is distributed for the other Azure SDKs.

The Azure Core API surface interacts with a set of pure virtual base classes (aka "interfaces") in the Azure::Core::Tracing and Azure::Core::Tracing::_internal namespace. These allow a level of separation between the Azure Core API surface and the OpenTelemetry API surface - an alternative tracing mechanism needs to provide APIs consistent with the Azure::Core::Tracing APIs.

The azure-core-tracing-openetelemetry-cpp package implements a set of APIs in the Azure::Core::Tracing::OpenTelemetry and Azure::Core::Tracing::OpenTelemetry::_detail namespace. These provide an Azure Core compatable API surface for distributed tracing.

The core service client interface is the DiagnosticTracingFactory class which implements two APIs: CreateSpan and CreateSpanFromContext. CreateSpan is intended to be used by service methods which have direct access to a DiagnosticTracingFactory object, CreateSpanFromContext in intended to be used from code which does NOT have direct access to the DiagnosticTracingFactory.

The final significant piece of the distributed tracing infrastructure is the RequestActivityPolicy - this policy MUST be inserted into the HTTP pipeline AFTER the RetryPolicy. It is responsible for creating the span associated with the HTTP request, it will also propagate the W3C distributed tracing headers from the span into the HTTP request.

Generated traces

The Azure standards for distributed tracing are define in Azure Distributed Tracing Conventions. The actual tracing elements generated by Azure services are defined in Azure Tracing Conventions YAML.

In summary, these are the traces and attributes which should be generated for azure services:


The distributed tracing standards define the following traces:

Public APIs

All public APIs MUST create a span which will describes the API. The name of the span MUST be the API name.

HTTP Calls

Each HTTP request sent to the service MUST create a span describing the request to the service. The name of the span MUST be of the form HTTP <HTTP VERB> #<HTTP RETRY>.


Generated traces have the following attributes:

Attribute Name Semantics Where Used
az.namespace Namespace of the azure service request All spans.
http.method HTTP Method ("GET", "PUT", etc) HTTP Spans.
http.url URL being retrieved (sanitized) HTTP Spans.
http.status_code HTTP status code returned by the service HTTP Spans.
http.user_agent The value of the User-Agent HTTP header sent to the service HTTP Spans.
requestId The value of the x-ms-client-request-id header sent by the client HTTP Spans.
serviceRequestId The value of the x-ms-request-id sent by the server HTTP Spans.