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Release History
1.0.0 (2024-08-15)
- GA release
Features Added
- Added sample code for all Inference types
- Added tests for all Inference types
- Rename param endpoint to endpointParam
- Rename const baseUrl to endpointUrl
Breaking Changes
Client Changes
- POST call replaced with PUT (this change is taken care of automatically by the SDK)
- Adding TokenCredential remove KeyCredential
- Credential through DefaultAzureCredential and Managed Identities
Request changes:
- Renamed 'createdDateTime' into 'createdAt'
- Patients 'info' renamed into Patients 'details'
- Unique ID (String) required to be added in the request parameters as a unique job id
- Renamed 'RadiologyInsightsResultOutput' into 'RadiologyInsightsJobOutput' with the status being a 'JobStatusOutput' in stead of a string
- Retired 'RepeatabilityResultOutput'
Response changes:
for RadiologyInsightsJobOutput
- Renamed 'createdDateTime' into 'createdAt'
- Renamed 'expirationDateTime' into 'expiresAt'
- Renamed 'lastUpdateDateTime' into 'updatedAt'
for ElementOutput
- added field 'kind' as a string
for ContactPointOutput
- 'system' field is now a 'ContactPointSystemOutput' and no longer a string
- 'use' field is now a 'ContactPointUseOutput' and no longer a string
for DomainResourceOutputParent
- 'status' field is now a 'ObservationStatusCodeTypeOutput' and no longer a string, limited to 4 options (registered | preliminary | final | amended)
for ConditionOutput
- 'status' field is now a 'ResearchStudyStatusCodeTypeOutput' and no longer a string
for FollowupRecommendationInferenceOutput
- Renamed 'effectiveDateTime' field into 'effectiveAt'
for RecommendationFindingOutput
- 'recommendationFindingStatus' field is now a RecommendationFindingStatusTypeOutput and no longer a string
- 'extension' field added
for ProcedureRecommendationOutputParent
- 'extension' field added
for FollowupCommunication
- Renamed 'dateTime' field into 'communicatedAt'
- 'recipient' field is now a 'MedicalProfessionalTypeOutput' and no longer a string[]
1.0.0-beta.1 (2024-03-05)
Other Changes
- Public Preview release
- Test example for Critical Result
The package of @azure-rest/health-insights-radiologyinsights is using our next generation design principles.
- First release of package, see README for details.
- To understand the detail of the change, please refer to Changelog.
- To migrate the existing applications to the latest version, please refer to Migration Guide.
- To learn more, please refer to our documentation Quick Start.