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Migrating to @azure/ai-text-analytics Version 6

Note ⚠️: @azure/ai-text-analytics version 6 is currently a beta package. Certain aspects of the package's API surface and implementation may change during the course of its development, and this document is a work-in-progress and may change to reflect updates to the package. We value your feedback, and it is especially useful during the beta development cycle. Please create an issue to suggest any improvements or report any problems with this guide or with the package itself.

Major version 6 introduces a full redesign of the Azure Text Analytics client library. To leverage features of the Azure Cognitive Language Service API (version "2022-04-01-preview" and newer), the new client library is required, and application code must be updated accordingly as will be detailed below. To summarize:

  • Version 5 of the @azure/ai-text-analytics package only supports Text Analytics service API version 3.0 and 3.1, and will not support the new Azure Cognitive Language Service.
  • Version 6 (beta) of the package supports Azure Cognitive Language Service API version "2022-04-01-preview", and future releases of this major version will support newer service API versions as well. It also drops support for the old Text Analytics API.

This document provides instructions for updating your application code to the new major version 6 of the client library. In this document, the examples provided use TypeScript to provide type information, but all runtime behavior changes naturally apply to plain JavaScript as well.

Partial Migration (Side-by-Side)

To avoid migrating an application all at once, major version 6 may be installed alongside major version 5 using a dependency alias. Either version may be aliased. For example, to install the new client library under an alias, add the following to the dependencies field of package.json:

    "dependencies": {
        "@azure/ai-text-analytics": "^5.1.0",
        "@azure/ai-text-analytics-new": "npm:@azure/ai-text-analytics@6.0.0-beta.1"

With this configuration, imports from "@azure/ai-text-analytics" will import from major version 5, and imports from "@azure/ai-text-analytics-new" will import from major version 6. Of course, major version 5 could be aliased instead:

    "dependencies": {
        "@azure/ai-text-analytics": "6.0.0-beta.1",
        "@azure/ai-text-analytics-old": "npm:@azure/ai-text-analytics@^5.1.0"

Then, the two packages may be used side-by-side, and an application may be migrated partially or over time:

import { TextAnalyticsClient } from "@azure/ai-text-analytics-old";
import { TextAnalysisClient } from "@azure/ai-text-analytics";

Understanding the New Types

In the new major version 6, several types have been introduced, renamed, restructured, and removed. This section describes the differences between the two versions.


Some terminology has changed to reflect the enhanced capabilities of the newest Azure Cognitive Language Service APIs. For starters, the service changed its name from Azure Text Analytics to Azure Cognitive Language Service and added advanced capabilities for answering questions and analyzing conversations. However, major version 6 will only support the text analysis capabilities that are provided by the Azure Cognitive Language Service. As a result, we've made the following broad changes to the terminology used throughout the client:

  • Operations are now referred to as actions in all contexts and not only when batching them.
  • The actions are renamed from verb phrases to nouns, and rather than calling the corresponding individual method, a single action can be performed by passing its name as a string literal to the one method that is capable of performing single actions. For example, in major version 5, an entity recognition action is performed when calling the recognizeEntities method. In major version 6, this call is done by passing the "EntityRecognition" literal to the method that performs single actions.
  • The plural word "Actions" has been replaced with the word "Batch" to indicate a batch of actions.

Changes to Types

The following table explores several type names from the previous (v5.x) client and shows their nearest new (v6.x) equivalent. The name changes illustrate several of the above-mentioned changes in terminology. The breaking changes between each of the pairs of types are also listed. This table provides an overview, and more detail and code samples are provided in the following sections.

Previous (v5.x) Type Name Current (v6.x) Equivalent Symbol Type Change description
TextAnalyticsClient TextAnalysisClient Class This class replaces the former and has no methods in common with it. See the section on TextAnalysisClient below.
AnalysisPollOperationState, AnalyzeActionsOperationState AnalyzeBatchOperationState Interface This interface replaces both of the former ones
OperationMetadata and AnalyzeActionsOperationMetadata AnalyzeBatchOperationMetadata Interface This interface replaces both of the former ones but still uses the same field names. However, all fields specific to the analyze batch operation are now read-only
AnalyzeActionsPollerLike AnalyzeBatchPoller Interface This interface replaces the former one. See the entries for AnalyzeBatchOperationState and PagedAnalyzeBatchResult for more details
AnalyzeActionsResult AnalyzeBatchResult Interface The old one contained a field for each kind of action and those fields contained arrays of results. On the other hand, the new interface is a union of a set of interfaces where each one represents the result of a particular action with kind as a common field to act as a discriminator between different results
AnalyzeHealthcareEntitiesErrorResult HealthcareErrorResult Interface
AnalyzeHealthcareEntitiesResult HealthcareResult Interface
AnalyzeHealthcareEntitiesSuccessResult HealthcareSuccessResult Interface
AnalyzeSentimentAction and AnalyzeSentimentOptions SentimentAnalysisAction Interface
AnalyzeSentimentErrorResult SentimentAnalysisErrorResult Interface
AnalyzeSentimentActionErrorResult, ExtractKeyPhrasesActionErrorResult, ExtractSummaryActionErrorResult, MultiCategoryClassifyActionErrorResult, RecognizeCategorizedEntitiesActionErrorResult, RecognizeLinkedEntitiesActionErrorResult, RecognizePiiEntitiesActionErrorResult, RecongizeCustomEntitiesActionErrorResult, and SingleCategoryClassifyActionErrorResult BatchActionErrorResult Interface The old types were strucurally similar and the new type replaces them all
AnalyzeSentimentActionResult SentimentAnalysisBatchResult Interface The new interface is part of the union of AnalyzeBatchResult
AnalyzeSentimentActionSuccessResult, ExtractKeyPhrasesActionSuccessResult, ExtractSummaryActionSuccessResult, MultiCategoryClassifyActionSuccessResult, RecognizeCategorizedEntitiesActionSuccessResult, RecognizeLinkedEntitiesActionSuccessResult, RecognizePiiEntitiesActionSuccessResult, RecongizeCustomEntitiesActionSuccessResult, and SingleCategoryClassifyActionSuccessResult BatchActionSuccessResult Interface The old types were strucurally similar and the new type replaces them all. Furthermore, the results field is now read-only
AnalyzeSentimentResult SentimentAnalysisResult Interface
AnalyzeSentimentResultArray, DetectLanguageResultArray, ExtractKeyPhrasesResultArray, ExtractSummaryResultArray, RecognizeCategorizedEntitiesResultArray, RecognizeLinkedEntitiesResultArray, and RecognizePiiEntitiesResultArray SentimentAnalysisResult[], LanguageDetectionResult[], KeyPhraseExtractionResult[], ExtractiveSummarizationResult[], EntityRecognitionResult[], EntityLinkingResult[], and PiiEntityRecognitionResult[] Interface The old types used to have statistics and modelVersion fields attached but the type has been deleted in the new client
SingleCategoryClassifyResultArray, MultiCategoryClassifyResultArray, and RecognizeCustomEntitiesResultArray CustomSingleLabelClassificationResult, CustomMultiLabelClassificationResult[], and CustomEntityRecognitionResult[] The old types used to have statistics, projectName, and deploymentName fields attached but the type has been deleted in the new client
AnalyzeSentimentSuccessResult SentimentAnalysisSuccessResult Interface All fields are now marked as read-only
BeginAnalyzeActionsOptions BeginAnalyzeBatchOptions Interface resumeFrom has been deleted in the new interface
CustomTextAnalyticsAction ActionCustom Interface disableServiceLogs has been added in the new interface and actionName has been moved to AnalyzeBatchActionCommon
DetectLanguageErrorResult LanguageDetectionErrorResult Interface
DetectLanguageInput LanguageDetectionInput Interface
DetectLanguageOptions LanguageDetectionAction Interface
DetectLanguageResult LanguageDetectionResult Interface
DetectLanguageSuccessResult LanguageDetectionSuccessResult Interface
EntityAssertion LanguageDetectionSuccessResult Interface
ExtractKeyPhrasesAction and ExtractKeyPhrasesOptions KeyPhraseExtractionAction Interface
ExtractKeyPhrasesActionResult KeyPhraseExtractionBatchResult Interface
ExtractKeyPhrasesErrorResult KeyPhraseExtractionErrorResult Interface
ExtractKeyPhrasesResult KeyPhraseExtractionResult Interface
ExtractKeyPhrasesSuccessResult KeyPhraseExtractionSuccessResult Interface keyPhrases is now read-only
ExtractSummaryAction ExtractiveSummarizationAction Interface
ExtractSummaryActionResult ExtractiveSummarizationBatchResult Interface
ExtractSummaryResult SummarizationExtractionResult Interface
ExtractSummarySuccessResult SummarizationExtractionSuccessResult Interface sentences is now read-only
HealthcareEntityRelation HealthcareEntityRelation Interface all fields are now read-only
HealthcareEntityRelationRole HealthcareEntityRelationRole Interface all fields are now read-only
KnownSummarySentencesOrderBy ExtractiveSummarizationOrderingCriteria Interface
MultiCategoryClassifyAction CustomMultiLabelClassificationAction Interface
MultiCategoryClassifyActionResult CustomMultiLabelClassificationBatchResult Interface
MultiCategoryClassifyErrorResult CustomMultiLabelClassificationErrorResult Interface
MultiCategoryClassifyResult CustomMultiLabelClassificationResult Interface
MultiCategoryClassifySuccessResult CustomMultiLabelClassificationSuccessResult Interface classifications is now read-only
Opinion Opinion Interface all fields are now read-only
PagedAnalyzeActionsResult PagedAnalyzeBatchResult Interface all fields are now read-only
PagedAsyncIterableAnalyzeActionsResult PagedAsyncIterableIterator<AnalyzeBatchResult> Interface The type of a page of results is now an array of AnalyzeBatchResult
PiiEntity Entity Interface
RecognizeCategorizedEntitiesAction and RecognizeCategorizedEntitiesOptions EntityRecognitionAction Interface
RecognizeCategorizedEntitiesActionResult EntityRecognitionBatchResult Interface
RecognizeCategorizedEntitiesErrorResult EntityRecognitionErrorResult Interface
RecognizeCategorizedEntitiesResult EntityRecognitionResult Interface
RecognizeCategorizedEntitiesSuccessResult EntityRecognitionSuccessResult Interface entities is now read-only
RecognizeCustomEntitiesAction CustomEntityRecognitionAction Interface
RecognizeCustomEntitiesActionResult CustomEntityRecognitionBatchResult Interface
RecognizeCustomEntitiesErrorResult CustomEntityRecognitionErrorResult Interface
RecognizeCustomEntitiesResult CustomEntityRecognitionResult Interface
RecognizeCustomEntitiesSuccessResult CustomEntityRecognitionSuccessResult Interface entities is now read-only
RecognizeLinkedEntitiesAction and RecognizeLinkedEntitiesOptions EntityLinkingAction Interface
RecognizeLinkedEntitiesActionResult EntityLinkingBatchResult Interface
RecognizeLinkedEntitiesErrorResult EntityLinkingErrorResult Interface
RecognizeLinkedEntitiesResult EntityLinkingResult Interface
RecognizeLinkedEntitiesSuccessResult EntityLinkingSuccessResult Interface
RecognizePiiEntitiesAction and RecognizePiiEntitiesOptions PiiEntityRecognitionAction Interface
RecognizePiiEntitiesActionResult PiiEntityRecognitionBatchResult Interface
RecognizePiiEntitiesErrorResult PiiEntityRecognitionErrorResult Interface
RecognizePiiEntitiesResult PiiEntityRecognitionResult Interface
RecognizePiiEntitiesSuccessResult PiiEntityRecognitionSuccessResult Interface redactedText is now read-only
SentenceSentiment SentenceSentiment Interface all fields are now read-only
SingleCategoryClassifyAction CustomSingleLabelClassificationAction Interface
SingleCategoryClassifyActionResult CustomSingleLabelClassificationBatchResult Interface
SingleCategoryClassifyActionSuccessResult CustomSingleLabelClassificationSuccessResult Interface classification has been renamed to classifications and is now an array
StringIndexType StringIndexType Type Alias It was a union and has been updated to be a string
TargetConfidenceScoreLabel TargetConfidenceScores Type Alias
TargetSentiment TargetSentiment Interface All fields are now read-only
TextAnalyticsAction ActionPrebuilt & AnalyzeBatchActionCommon Interface
TextAnalyticsActionErrorResult BatchActionErrorResult Interface
TextAnalyticsActions AnalyzeBatchAction[] Interface The old one contained a field for each kind of action and those fields contained arrays of actions. On the other hand, the new interface is a union of a set of interfaces where each one represents a particular action with kind as a common field to act as a discriminator between different ones
TextAnalyticsActionState BatchActionState Interface The new interface adds kind and statistics and all fields are marked as read-only
TextAnalyticsActionSuccessState BatchActionSuccessResult Interface The new interface adds a read-only results field
TextAnalyticsClientOptions TextAnalysisClientOptions Interface The new interface adds a new apiVersion field
TextAnalyticsError TextAnalysisError Interface
TextAnalyticsErrorResult TextAnalysisErrorResult Interface
TextAnalyticsOperationOptions ActionPrebuilt & TextAnalysisOperationOptions Interface
TextAnalyticsOperationStatus OperationStatus Type Alias
TextAnalyticsSuccessResult TextAnalysisSuccessResult Interface
TokenSentimentValue TokenSentimentLabel Type Alias

Migrating from TextAnalyticsClient to TextAnalysisClient

The TextAnalysisClient class, used for all text analysis actions, has replaced TextAnalyticsClient (which has been removed). The constructor signature is the same, but one new option has been introduced to the client constructor, apiVersion, which allows the application to specify the version of the Azure Cognitive Language Service API to use (the default is the most recent version at the time of the library release, e.g. 2022-04-01-preview for @azure/ai-text-analytics@6.0.0-beta.1).

The previous TextAnalyticsClient class and new TextAnalysisClient class have no methods in common. The new class only has three methods in total. They are:

  • analyze, which replaces all of the following:
    • recognizeEntities
    • recognizePiiEntities
    • extractKeyPhrases
    • detectLanguage
    • analyzeSentiment
    • recognizeLinkedEntities
  • beginAnalyzeBatch, which replaces beginAnalyzeActions and beginAnalyzeHealthcareEntities.
  • restoreAnalyzeBatchPoller, which is new, and provides customers with the ability to restore a poller for a batch analysis operation from a serialized poller state.

All of these methods can produce AnalyzeResult, AnalyzeBatchResult[], and AnalyzeBatchPoller types respectively. Please see the section above about these types for more information.

Action specification

In major version 5, there is one method per action for actions that are not long-running operations. For example, the recognizeEntities method perfoms entity recognition. In major version 6, there is only one method, analyze, that can perform one such action at a time. Compare the following samples using recognizeEntities and analyze:

Previous (5.1.0):

const client = new TextAnalyticsClient(...);
const documents = [...];

// Previously, there was one method per action for most actions
const result = await client.recognizeEntities(documents);

Current (6.0.0-beta.1):

const client = new TextAnalysisClient(...);
const documents = [...];

// Now, an action can be performed by passing its name
const result = await client.analyze("EntityRecognition", documents);

On the other hand, the way to consume the results of such actions didn't change. Furthermore, in major version 5, long-running operations actions can be batched and performed using the beginAnalyzeActions method. In major version 6, the same can be done using the beginAnalyzeBatch method but with the following two major differences:

  • Healthcare analysis is now supported. In major version 5, healthcare analysis is performed exclusively using the beginAnalyzeHealthcareEntities method. In major version 6, it is supported exclusively as an action in beginAnalyzeBatch.
  • Each action and their result is identified by a kind field in a list. In major version 5, specifying an action list of entity recognition and entity linking is done as { recognizeEntities: [ { ... } ], recognizeLinkedEntities: [ { ... } ] }. In major version 6, the same is done as [ { kind: "EntityRecognition", ... }, { kind: "EntityLinking", ... } ].

To look at those changes more closely, compare the following samples:

Healthcare analysis:

Previous (5.1.0):

const client = new TextAnalyticsClient(...);
const documents = [...];

// Previously, healthcare analysis is done by calling the following method
const poller = await client.beginAnalyzeHealthcareEntities(documents);

Current (6.0.0-beta.1):

const client = new TextAnalysisClient(...);
const documents = [...];

// Now, it can be performed by passing it as a batch action
const poller = await client.beginAnalyzeBatch([{ kind: "Healthcare" }], documents);

Specifying input actions:

Previous (5.1.0):

const client = new TextAnalyticsClient(...);
const documents = [...];

// Previously, batching actions we done in a deep object
const poller = await client.beginAnalyzeActions(documents, { recognizeEntities: [ {} ], recognizeLinkedEntities: [ {} ] });

Current (6.0.0-beta.1):

const client = new TextAnalysisClient(...);
const documents = [...];

// Now, it can be done in a flat list
const poller = await client.beginAnalyzeBatch([{ kind: "EntityRecognition" }, { kind: "EntityLinking" }], documents);

Consuming action results:

Previous (5.1.0):

const actionResults = await poller.pollUntilDone();

for await (const actionResultsPage of actionResults) {
  for (const entityRecognitionActionResult of actionResultsPage.recognizeEntitiesResults) {
    if (entityRecognitionActionResult.error) {
      // handle errors
    for (const doc of entityRecognitionActionResult.results) {
      // do something

  for (const entityLinkingActionResult of actionResultsPage.recognizeLinkedEntitiesResults) {
    if (entityLinkingActionResult.error) {
      // handle errors
    for (const doc of entityLinkingActionResult.results) {
      // do something

Current (6.0.0-beta.1):

const actionResults = await poller.pollUntilDone();
for await (const actionResult of actionResults) {
  if (actionResult.error) {
    throw new Error(`Unexpected error`);
  switch (actionResult.kind) {
    case "EntityLinking": {
      for (const doc of actionResult.results) {
        // do something
    case "PiiEntityRecognition": {
      for (const doc of actionResult.results) {
        // do something

Accessing statistics and model information for analyze results

In major version 5, statistics about an action were returned as part of the results in a statistics property attached to the array of results. In major version 6, statistics is no longer attached and can be accessed instead in the http response:

Previous (5.1.0):

const client = new TextAnalyticsClient(...);
const documents = [...];

// Previously, `statistics` is part of the results array
const results = await client.analyze("EntityLinking", documents, "en", { includeStatistics: true });
const stats = results.statistics;
console.log(`- Documents count: ${stats.documentCount}`);
console.log(`- Valid documents count: ${stats.validDocumentCount}`);
console.log(`- Erroneous documents count: ${stats.erroneousDocumentCount}`);
console.log(`- Transactions count: ${stats.transactionCount}`);

Current (6.0.0-beta.1):

const client = new TextAnalysisClient(...);
const documents = [...];

// Now, it can be accessed from the http response
const results = await client.analyze("EntityLinking", documents, "en", {
  includeStatistics: true,
   * Access general statistics information about the action from the HTTP
   * response.
   onResponse: (_rawResponse, flatResponse) => {
    const stats = (flatResponse as any).results.statistics as TextDocumentBatchStatistics;
    console.log(`- Documents count: ${stats.documentCount}`);
    console.log(`- Valid documents count: ${stats.validDocumentCount}`);
    console.log(`- Erroneous documents count: ${stats.erroneousDocumentCount}`);
    console.log(`- Transactions count: ${stats.transactionCount}`);

Furthermore, in major version 5, model information about an action were returned as part of the results in a modelVersion property attached to the array of results. In major version 6, the same information can be accessed instead from the http response:

Previous (5.1.0):

const client = new TextAnalyticsClient(...);
const documents = [...];

// Previously, `statistics` is part of the results array
const results = await client.analyze("EntityLinking", documents, "en", { includeStatistics: true });
console.log(`The result of the sentiment analysis was computed using model version: ${results.modelVersion}`);

Current (6.0.0-beta.1):

const client = new TextAnalysisClient(...);
const documents = [...];

// Now, it can be accessed from the http response
const results = await client.analyze("EntityLinking", documents, "en", {
  modelVersion: "latest",
   * Access general model information about the action from the HTTP
   * response.
  onResponse: (_rawResponse, flatResponse) => {
    const modelVersion = (flatResponse as any).results.modelVersion;
      `The result of the entity linking was computed using model version: ${modelVersion}`