This feature will enable developers to send push notifications from their node.js applications simultaneously to hundreds of thousands or mobile clients across IOS and Windows 8. Each message has a tag associated with it. When clients subscribe, they can choose which tags are of interest. Each message published is associated with a tag. Notification Hubs will ensure all messages are broadcasted to subscribers of that tag.
Types of messages
- Template: Template messages are a collection of key/value pairs which are agnostic to a specific push mechanism and which notification hubs will send to all platforms.
- Targeted: Targeted messages target a specific platform / push mechanism.
Windows notification template references
- Tile:
- Toast:
- Badge:
Sample snippets
Below is a quick snippet for how to use the new api. In the snippet below a new Notification Hub is created, configuring credentials for both apns and wns. Two messages are then sent with different tags to both IOS and Windows 8 devices.
var azure = require('azure');
var credentials = {
wns: {packageSid:"...", clientSecret:"..."},
apns: {keyData:"...", certData:"...") }
var hub='myhub';
//conn is either a service level or entity level connection string
//hub is the hub to use for the app
var nhs = azure.createNotificationHubService(conn);
//to create a new hub
nhs.createNotificationHub(hub, credentials, function(err, response){..});
//send using wns wit a payload object
image1src: '',
image1alt: 'A dog',
text1: 'This is a dog',
text2: 'The dog is nice',
text3: 'The dog bites',
text4: 'Beware of dog'
function (error, result) {
currentAccessToken = error ? error.newAccessToken : result.newAccessToken;
//send using wns with flat params in order based on the definition as defined in the wns schema docs.
nhs.wns.sendTileSquarePeekImageAndText01(hub, tag, '', 'A dog', 'This is a dog', 'The dog is nice', 'The dog bites', 'Beware of dog',
function(error, result) {
currentAccessToken = error ? error.newAccessToken : result.newAccessToken;
// send using apns
var msg = nhs.apns.createPayload();
msg.alert = "You got your emails";
msg.badge = 9;
msg.sound = 'bingbong.aiff';
nhs.apns.send(hub,'tag2', apnsPayload, function(err, response) {...});
//send using a template
var msg = {} = "foo" = "bar";
nh.send(hub, "tag3", msg, function(err, response) {...});
returns NotificationHubService
- conn - connection string
createNotificationHub(name, credentials)
- name - hub name
- credentials - A hash containing wns and apns properties with the credentials.
send(hub, tag, xmlString, headers, callback)
- hub - hub to send message on
- tag - tag for the payload
- xmlString - xml payload for the message
- headers - wns headers
- callback - callback with err and response
send(hub, tag, payload, headers, callback)
- hub - hub to send message on
- tag - tag for the payload
- payload - xml string payload for the message
- headers - wns headers
- callback - callback with err and response
sendXYZ convenience methods
Additional convenience methods will be provided for each Toast/Tile type
- sendTileSquareBlock
- sendTileSquareText01
- sendTileSquareText02
- sendTileSquareText03
- sendTileSquareText04
- sendTileWideText01
- sendTileWideText02
- sendTileWideText03
- sendTileWideText04
- sendTileWideText05
- sendTileWideText06
- sendTileWideText07
- sendTileWideText08
- sendTileWideText09
- sendTileWideText10
- sendTileWideText11
- sendTileSquareImage
- sendTileSquarePeekImageAndText01
- sendTileSquarePeekImageAndText02
- sendTileSquarePeekImageAndText03
- sendTileSquarePeekImageAndText04
- sendTileWideImage
- sendTileWideImageCollection
- sendTileWideImageAndText01
- sendTileWideImageAndText02
- sendTileWideBlockAndText01
- sendTileWideBlockAndText02
- sendTileWideSmallImageAndText01
- sendTileWideSmallImageAndText02
- sendTileWideSmallImageAndText03
- sendTileWideSmallImageAndText04
- sendTileWideSmallImageAndText05
- sendTileWidePeekImageCollection01
- sendTileWidePeekImageCollection02
- sendTileWidePeekImageCollection03
- sendTileWidePeekImageCollection04
- sendTileWidePeekImageCollection05
- sendTileWidePeekImageCollection06
- sendTileWidePeekImageAndText01
- sendTileWidePeekImageAndText02
- sendTileWidePeekImage01
- sendTileWidePeekImage02
- sendTileWidePeekImage03
- sendTileWidePeekImage04
- sendTileWidePeekImage05
- sendTileWidePeekImage06
- sendToastText01
- sendToastText02
- sendToastText03
- sendToastText04
- sendToastImageAndText01
- sendToastImageAndText02
- sendToastImageAndText03
- sendToastImageAndText04
- sendBadge
Each of the methods that send tile and toast notifications have two altenative parameter signatures:
sendXYZ(hub, tag, payload, [options], [callback])
sendXYZ(hub, tag, channel, string1, string2, ..., [options], [callback])
For the string param versions all parameters must be passed in the proper order per the binding schemas specified below:
- Tile:
- Toast:
For badge, the syntax is fixed.
sendBadge(channel, value, [options], [callback])
The value can be either a simple string or number, in which case it can assume values specified here, or it can be an object with 2 properties:
- value [required] - one of the values specified here
- version [optional] - badge schema version (by default 1).