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Release History
1.0.0b3 (2024-08-26)
Features Added
- The 'HDInsightContainersMgmtClient' client had operation group 'cluster_pool_upgrade_histories' added in the current version
- The 'HDInsightContainersMgmtClient' client had operation group 'cluster_upgrade_histories' added in the current version
- The 'HDInsightContainersMgmtClient' client had operation group 'cluster_libraries' added in the current version
- The 'ClustersOperations' method 'begin_upgrade_manual_rollback' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterLibrariesOperations' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterPoolUpgradeHistoriesOperations' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterUpgradeHistoriesOperations' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterAvailableUpgradeType' had property 'PATCH_VERSION_UPGRADE' added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterPoolComputeProfile' had property 'availability_zones' added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterPoolProfile' had property 'public_ip_tag' added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterPoolResourcePropertiesClusterPoolProfile' had property 'public_ip_tag' added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterPoolResourcePropertiesComputeProfile' had property 'availability_zones' added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterProfile' had property 'managed_identity_profile' added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterUpgradeType' had property 'PATCH_VERSION_UPGRADE' added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ComputeProfile' had property 'availability_zones' added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'SshProfile' had property 'vm_size' added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'UpdatableClusterProfile' had property 'secrets_profile' added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'UpdatableClusterProfile' had property 'trino_profile' added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'Category' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterAksPatchUpgradeHistoryProperties' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterAvailableInPlaceUpgradeProperties' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterAvailableUpgradePatchVersionUpgradeProperties' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterHotfixUpgradeHistoryProperties' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterHotfixUpgradeRollbackHistoryProperties' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterInPlaceUpgradeHistoryProperties' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterInPlaceUpgradeProperties' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterLibrary' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterLibraryList' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterLibraryManagementOperation' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterLibraryManagementOperationProperties' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterLibraryProperties' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterPatchVersionUpgradeHistoryProperties' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterPatchVersionUpgradeProperties' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterPatchVersionUpgradeRollbackHistoryProperties' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterPoolAksPatchUpgradeHistoryProperties' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterPoolNodeOsUpgradeHistoryProperties' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterPoolUpgradeHistory' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterPoolUpgradeHistoryListResult' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterPoolUpgradeHistoryProperties' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterPoolUpgradeHistoryType' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterPoolUpgradeHistoryUpgradeResultType' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterUpgradeHistory' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterUpgradeHistoryListResult' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterUpgradeHistoryProperties' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterUpgradeHistorySeverityType' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterUpgradeHistoryType' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterUpgradeHistoryUpgradeResultType' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterUpgradeRollback' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterUpgradeRollbackProperties' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'IpTag' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'LibraryManagementAction' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ManagedIdentityProfile' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ManagedIdentitySpec' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ManagedIdentityType' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'MavenLibraryProperties' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'PyPiLibraryProperties' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'Status' was added in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'Type' was added in the current version
Breaking Changes
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterAvailableUpgradeHotfixUpgradeProperties' had its instance variable 'description' deleted or renamed in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterAvailableUpgradeHotfixUpgradeProperties' had its instance variable 'source_oss_version' deleted or renamed in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterAvailableUpgradeHotfixUpgradeProperties' had its instance variable 'source_cluster_version' deleted or renamed in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterAvailableUpgradeHotfixUpgradeProperties' had its instance variable 'source_build_number' deleted or renamed in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterAvailableUpgradeHotfixUpgradeProperties' had its instance variable 'target_oss_version' deleted or renamed in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterAvailableUpgradeHotfixUpgradeProperties' had its instance variable 'target_cluster_version' deleted or renamed in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterAvailableUpgradeHotfixUpgradeProperties' had its instance variable 'target_build_number' deleted or renamed in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterAvailableUpgradeHotfixUpgradeProperties' had its instance variable 'component_name' deleted or renamed in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterAvailableUpgradeHotfixUpgradeProperties' had its instance variable 'severity' deleted or renamed in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterAvailableUpgradeHotfixUpgradeProperties' had its instance variable 'extended_properties' deleted or renamed in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterAvailableUpgradeHotfixUpgradeProperties' had its instance variable 'created_time' deleted or renamed in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterHotfixUpgradeProperties' had its instance variable 'target_oss_version' deleted or renamed in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterHotfixUpgradeProperties' had its instance variable 'target_cluster_version' deleted or renamed in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterHotfixUpgradeProperties' had its instance variable 'target_build_number' deleted or renamed in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'ClusterHotfixUpgradeProperties' had its instance variable 'component_name' deleted or renamed in the current version
- The model or publicly exposed class 'KafkaProfile' had its instance variable 'cluster_identity' deleted or renamed in the current version
1.0.0b2 (2024-04-07)
Features Added
- Added operation ClusterPoolsOperations.begin_upgrade
- Added operation ClustersOperations.begin_upgrade
- Added operation group ClusterAvailableUpgradesOperations
- Added operation group ClusterPoolAvailableUpgradesOperations
- Model Cluster has a new parameter properties
- Model ClusterPatch has a new parameter properties
- Model ClusterPool has a new parameter properties
- Model ClusterPoolNetworkProfile has a new parameter api_server_authorized_ip_ranges
- Model ClusterPoolNetworkProfile has a new parameter enable_private_api_server
- Model ClusterPoolNetworkProfile has a new parameter outbound_type
- Model ClusterPoolResourcePropertiesNetworkProfile has a new parameter api_server_authorized_ip_ranges
- Model ClusterPoolResourcePropertiesNetworkProfile has a new parameter enable_private_api_server
- Model ClusterPoolResourcePropertiesNetworkProfile has a new parameter outbound_type
- Model ClusterPoolVersion has a new parameter properties
- Model ClusterProfile has a new parameter cluster_access_profile
- Model ClusterProfile has a new parameter ranger_plugin_profile
- Model ClusterProfile has a new parameter ranger_profile
- Model ClusterResizeData has a new parameter properties
- Model ClusterVersion has a new parameter properties
- Model ConnectivityProfileWeb has a new parameter private_fqdn
- Model FlinkHiveCatalogOption has a new parameter metastore_db_connection_authentication_mode
- Model FlinkJobProperties has a new parameter run_id
- Model FlinkProfile has a new parameter deployment_mode
- Model FlinkProfile has a new parameter job_spec
- Model HiveCatalogOption has a new parameter metastore_db_connection_authentication_mode
- Model ServiceConfigResult has a new parameter properties
- Model SparkMetastoreSpec has a new parameter db_connection_authentication_mode
- Model SshConnectivityEndpoint has a new parameter private_ssh_endpoint
- Model TrinoCoordinator has a new parameter debug
- Model TrinoWorker has a new parameter debug
- Model UpdatableClusterProfile has a new parameter ranger_plugin_profile
- Model UpdatableClusterProfile has a new parameter ranger_profile
- Model WebConnectivityEndpoint has a new parameter private_fqdn
- Operation ClusterJobsOperations.list has a new optional parameter filter
Breaking Changes
- Model Cluster no longer has parameter cluster_profile
- Model Cluster no longer has parameter cluster_type
- Model Cluster no longer has parameter compute_profile
- Model Cluster no longer has parameter deployment_id
- Model Cluster no longer has parameter provisioning_state
- Model Cluster no longer has parameter status
- Model ClusterInstanceViewResult has a new required parameter properties
- Model ClusterInstanceViewResult no longer has parameter service_statuses
- Model ClusterInstanceViewResult no longer has parameter status
- Model ClusterPatch no longer has parameter cluster_profile
- Model ClusterPatch no longer has parameter id
- Model ClusterPatch no longer has parameter location
- Model ClusterPatch no longer has parameter name
- Model ClusterPatch no longer has parameter system_data
- Model ClusterPatch no longer has parameter type
- Model ClusterPool no longer has parameter aks_cluster_profile
- Model ClusterPool no longer has parameter aks_managed_resource_group_name
- Model ClusterPool no longer has parameter cluster_pool_profile
- Model ClusterPool no longer has parameter compute_profile
- Model ClusterPool no longer has parameter deployment_id
- Model ClusterPool no longer has parameter log_analytics_profile
- Model ClusterPool no longer has parameter managed_resource_group_name
- Model ClusterPool no longer has parameter network_profile
- Model ClusterPool no longer has parameter provisioning_state
- Model ClusterPool no longer has parameter status
- Model ClusterPoolVersion no longer has parameter aks_version
- Model ClusterPoolVersion no longer has parameter cluster_pool_version
- Model ClusterPoolVersion no longer has parameter is_preview
- Model ClusterResizeData no longer has parameter target_worker_node_count
- Model ClusterVersion no longer has parameter cluster_pool_version
- Model ClusterVersion no longer has parameter cluster_type
- Model ClusterVersion no longer has parameter cluster_version
- Model ClusterVersion no longer has parameter components
- Model ClusterVersion no longer has parameter is_preview
- Model ClusterVersion no longer has parameter oss_version
- Model ServiceConfigResult no longer has parameter component_name
- Model ServiceConfigResult no longer has parameter content
- Model ServiceConfigResult no longer has parameter custom_keys
- Model ServiceConfigResult no longer has parameter default_keys
- Model ServiceConfigResult no longer has parameter file_name
- Model ServiceConfigResult no longer has parameter path
- Model ServiceConfigResult no longer has parameter service_name
- Model ServiceConfigResult no longer has parameter type
- Model TrinoCoordinator no longer has parameter enable
- Model TrinoCoordinator no longer has parameter port
- Model TrinoCoordinator no longer has parameter suspend
- Model TrinoWorker no longer has parameter enable
- Model TrinoWorker no longer has parameter port
- Model TrinoWorker no longer has parameter suspend
1.0.0b1 (2023-08-18)
- Initial Release