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Azure SDK for Python (March 2020) post 2020-03-17 python releases_sidebar azure/azure-sdk-for-python

The Azure SDK team is pleased to make available the March 2020 client library GA release.

This release includes the following:


  • Key Vault
  • Event Hubs
  • Storage DataLake


  • Text Analytics
  • Identity
  • Search

Installation Instructions

To install the latest preview version of the packages, copy and paste the following commands into a terminal:

pip install azure-appconfiguration
pip install azure-eventhub
pip install azure-eventhub-checkpointstoreblob
pip install azure-eventhub-checkpointstoreblob-aio
pip install azure-storage-blob
pip install azure-storage-file-datalake
pip install azure-storage-file-share
pip install azure-storage-queue
pip install azure-keyvault-certificates
pip install azure-keyvault-keys
pip install azure-keyvault-secrets
pip install --pre azure-identity
pip install --pre azure-ai-textanalytics
pip install --pre azure-search


If you have a bug or feature request for one of the libraries, please post an issue to GitHub.


Detailed change logs are linked to in the Quick Links below. Here are some critical call outs.

Key Vault

  • Sockets opened by a client can be closed by calling the client's close method, or using the client as a context manager

Event Hubs Changelog

  • Fixed a bug that swallowed errors when receiving events with azure.eventhub.EventHubConsumerClient #9660
  • Fixed a bug that caused get_eventhub_properties, get_partition_ids, and get_partition_properties to raise an error on Azure Stack #9920

Event Hubs CheckpointStoreBlob Changelog

  • Param api_version of BlobCheckpointStore now supports older versions of Azure Storage Service API.

Text Analytics Changelog

  • Pass "none" into country_hint to not use the default of "US" for the detect_language method
  • Parameters country_hint and language are now passed as keyword arguments


  • (Preview) DefaultAzureCredential can authenticate with the identity logged in to the Azure CLI.
  • (Preview) Initial release of Python SDK for Azure Cognitive Search

Storage File Datalake Changelog

  • This library is now Generally Available.
  • Added set_file_system_access_policy and get_file_system_access_policy APIs on FileSystemClient
  • Added upload_data API on DataLakeFileClient to support bulk upload.
  • There have been some breaking changes in the APIs which you can explore in the changelog.

Latest Releases

View all the latest versions of Python packages [here][python-latest-releases].

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