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title: Azure SDK for JavaScript (August 2020)
layout: post
tags: javascript typescript
sidebar: releases_sidebar
repository: azure/azure-sdk-for-js
The Azure SDK team is pleased to make available the August 2020 client library release.
#### GA
- Identity
- Azure Key Vault
#### Updates
- Core libraries
- Azure Event Hubs
- Azure Form Recognizer
#### Preview
- Azure Service Bus
## Installation Instructions
To install the packages, copy and paste the below into a terminal.
$> npm install @azure/identity
$> npm install @azure/eventhubs-checkpointstore-blob
$> npm install @azure/ai-form-recognizer
$> npm install @azure/keyvault-keys
$> npm install @azure/keyvault-secrets
$> npm install @azure/keyvault-certificates
$> npm install @azure/service-bus@next
## Feedback
If you have a bug or feature request for one of the libraries, please post an issue at the [azure-sdk-for-js repository](
## Changelog
Detailed changelogs are linked from the [Quick Links](#quick-links) below. Here are some of the highlights:
### Identity
#### Identity [Changelog](
We are happy to announce that the features we had introduced in the preview updates for Identity over the past few months are now stable and out of preview!
##### New Features
- With 1.1.0, new developer credentials are now available: `VisualStudioCodeCredential` and `AzureCliCredential`.
- `VisualStudioCodeCredential` allows developers to authenticate using the credentials available after logging in through the Azure Account extension in Visual Studio Code.
- `AzureCliCredential` allows developers to log into Azure using the login credentials after an "az login" call.
- Both `VisualStudioCodeCredential` and `AzureCliCredential` may be used directly or indirectly as part of `DefaultAzureCredential`.
- Added the ability to configure the Managed Identity with a user-assigned client ID via a new option available in the `DefaultAzureCredential` constructor options: `managedIdentityClientId`.
- A list of known authorities is now available via a new top-level constant: `AzureAuthorityHosts`.
- Introduced the `CredentialUnavailable` error, which allows developers to differentiate between a credential not being available and an error happening during authentication.
### Azure Form Recognizer
We hav yet another preview with some API changes for a generally improved experience and which targets the service version 2.0
#### Form Recognizer [Changelog](
##### Breaking Changes
- Renamed the `includeSubFolders` property of the `TrainSourceFilter` type to `includeSubfolders`.
- Renamed the `documentName` property of the `TrainingDocumentInfo` type to just `name`.
- Removed the `containingLine` property of the `FormWord` type.
- Renamed `CustomFormField` to `CustomFormModelField` for similarity to other language SDKs.
- Removed the redundant `expirationDateTimeTicks` property from the `CopyAuthorization` type, as the `expiresOn` property exists.
- Moved the optional `contentType` parameter of the `FormRecognizerClient` recognition methods (`recognizeContent`, `recognizeCustomForms`, `recognizeReceipts`, and their URL-based variants) to the associated options bag for these methods.
- Removed exports of several internal types, including most internal poller operation states and some unused types. All client poller implementations now return a smaller subset of fields.
##### New Features
- Switched from using the service endpoint version `2.0-preview` to the now generally-available version `2.0`.
### Azure Key Vault Keys, Secrets and Certificates
We are happy to announce that the features we had introduced as a preview a few months ago are now stable and out of preview!
#### Changelogs
- [Key Vault Keys](
- [Key Vault Secrets](
- [Key Vault Certificates](
##### New Features on Keys, Secrets and Certificates
- Added a `serviceVersion` property to the `CertificateClient`, `SecretClient`, `KeyClient` and `CryptographyClient` optional parameters to control the version of the Key Vault service being used by the clients.
- It defaults to the latest supported API version, which currently is `7.1`.
- The other supported service version at the moment is `7.0`.
- Added `recoverableDays` as an optional property to `KeyProperties`, `SecretProperties` and `CertificateProperties`, which denotes the number of days in which the Key, Secret or Certificate can be recovered after deletion.
- This is only applicable for Azure Key Vaults with the `soft-delete` setting enabled.
##### New Features on Key Vault Keys
- Added `import` to the list of possible values for `KeyOperation`.
##### Major Fixes on Key Vault Keys
- Fixed [bug 10352](, which caused the cryptography operations on `RSA-HSM` keys to fail.
### Azure Service Bus
We have another preview for you containing API changes for a generally improved user experience.
#### Service Bus [Changelog](
##### Breaking Changes from Last Preview
- `receiveMode` parameter in the `createReceiver()`, `createSessionReceiver()` and `createDeadletterReceiver()` methods has been moved into the options bag, now setting the `"peekLock"` mode by default.
- OLD: `createReceiver(<queue-name>, "peekLock")` and `createReceiver(<queue-name>, "receiveAndDelete")`
- NEW: `createReceiver(<queue-name>)` and `createReceiver(<queue-name>, {receiveMode: "receiveAndDelete"})`
- Added Async iterable iterators with pagination support for all the listing methods like `getQueues()`, `getTopics()`, `getQueuesRuntimeInfo()`, etc. and renamed them to use the `list` verb (becoming `listQueues()`, `listTopics()`, `listQueuesRuntimeProperties()`, etc. respectively).
- Please refer to the examples in the `samples` folder - [listingEntities](
- `receiveMessages()`'s optional `maxWaitTimeInMs` parameter now controls how long to wait for the _first_ message, rather than how long to wait for an entire set of messages. This change allows for a faster return of messages to your application.
- `userProperties` attribute under the `ServiceBusMessage`(and `ReceivedMessage`, `ReceivedMessageWithLock`) has been renamed to `properties`. The same change has been made to the `userProperties` attribute in the correlation-rule filter.
- The terms `RuntimeInfo` and `Description` have been replaced with `RuntimeProperties` and `Properties` to better align with guidelines around the kind of suffixes we use for naming methods and interfaces.
##### New Features
- User agent details can now be added to the outgoing requests by passing the user-agent prefixes to the `ServiceBusClient` and the `ServiceBusManagementClient` through options.
Example user-agent string if the prefix `SampleApp` is provided to `ServiceBusManagementClient`:
`SampleApp azsdk-js-azureservicebus/7.0.0-preview.5 core-http/1.1.5 Node/v12.16.0 OS/(x64-Windows_NT-10.0.18363)`
- Added `deadLetterErrorDescription` and `deadLetterReason` properties on the received messages. Previously, they were under the `properties` in the message.
OLD: `["DeadLetterReason"]` and `["DeadLetterErrorDescription"]`
NEW: `message.deadLetterReason` and `message.deadLetterErrorDescription`
- Added tracing support to the methods under `ServiceBusManagementClient`.
## Latest Releases
View all the latest versions of JavaScript packages [here][js-latest-releases].
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