
5.7 KiB

Mqtt_Message Requirements


Mqtt_Message is the library that encapsulates an MQTT message

##Exposed API


extern MQTT_MESSAGE_HANDLE mqttmessage_createMessage(PACKET_ID packetId, const char* topicName, QOS_VALUE qosValue, const BYTE* appMsg, size_t appMsgLength, bool duplicateMsg, bool retainMsg);
extern void mqttmessage_destroyMessage(MQTT_MESSAGE_HANDLE handle);
extern MQTT_MESSAGE_HANDLE mqttmessage_clone(MQTT_MESSAGE_HANDLE handle);

extern PACKET_ID mqttmessage_getPacketId(MQTT_MESSAGE_HANDLE handle);
extern const char* mqttmessage_getTopicName(MQTT_MESSAGE_HANDLE handle);
extern QOS_VALUE mqttmessage_getQosType(MQTT_MESSAGE_HANDLE handle);
extern bool mqttmessage_getIsDuplicateMsg(MQTT_MESSAGE_HANDLE handle);
extern bool mqttmessage_getIsRetained(MQTT_MESSAGE_HANDLE handle);
extern int mqttmessage_setIsDuplicateMsg(MQTT_MESSAGE_HANDLE handle, bool duplicateMsg);
extern int mqttmessage_setIsRetained(MQTT_MESSAGE_HANDLE handle, bool retainMsg);
extern const BYTE* mqttmessage_getApplicationMsg(MQTT_MESSAGE_HANDLE handle, size_t* msgLen);


MQTT_MESSAGE_HANDLE mqttmessage_createMessage(PACKET_ID packetId, const char* topicName, QOS_VALUE qosValue, const BYTE* appMsg, size_t appMsgLength, bool duplicateMsg, bool retainMsg)

SRS_MQTTMESSAGE_07_001: [If the parameters topicName is NULL, appMsg is NULL, or appMsgLength is zero then mqttmessage_createMessage shall return NULL.]
SRS_MQTTMESSAGE_07_002: [mqttmessage_createMessage shall allocate and copy the topicName and appMsg parameters.]
SRS_MQTTMESSAGE_07_003: [If any memory allocation fails mqttmessage_createMessage shall free any allocated memory and return NULL.]
SRS_MQTTMESSAGE_07_004: [If mqttmessage_createMessage succeeds the it shall return a NON-NULL MQTT_MESSAGE_HANDLE value.]


extern void mqttmessage_destroyMessage(MQTT_MESSAGE_HANDLE handle)

SRS_MQTTMESSAGE_07_005: [If the handle parameter is NULL then mqttmessage_destroyMessage shall do nothing]
SRS_MQTTMESSAGE_07_006: [mqttmessage_destroyMessage shall free all resources associated with the MQTT_MESSAGE_HANDLE value]


extern MQTT_MESSAGE_HANDLE mqttmessage_clone(MQTT_MESSAGE_HANDLE handle)

SRS_MQTTMESSAGE_07_007: [If handle parameter is NULL then mqttmessage_clone shall return NULL.]
SRS_MQTTMESSAGE_07_008: [mqttmessage_clone shall create a new MQTT_MESSAGE_HANDLE with data content identical of the handle value.]
SRS_MQTTMESSAGE_07_009: [If any memory allocation fails mqttmessage_clone shall free any allocated memory and return NULL.]


extern PACKET_ID mqttmessage_getPacketId(MQTT_MESSAGE_HANDLE handle)

SRS_MQTTMESSAGE_07_010: [If handle is NULL then mqttmessage_getPacketId shall return 0.]
SRS_MQTTMESSAGE_07_011: [mqttmessage_getPacketId shall return the packetId value contained in MQTT_MESSAGE_HANDLE handle.]


extern const char* mqttmessage_getTopicName(MQTT_MESSAGE_HANDLE handle)

SRS_MQTTMESSAGE_07_012: [If handle is NULL then mqttmessage_getTopicName shall return a NULL string.]
SRS_MQTTMESSAGE_07_013: [mqttmessage_getTopicName shall return the topicName contained in MQTT_MESSAGE_HANDLE handle.]


extern QOS_VALUE mqttmessage_getQosType(MQTT_MESSAGE_HANDLE handle)

SRS_MQTTMESSAGE_07_014: [If handle is NULL then mqttmessage_getQosType shall return the default DELIVER_AT_MOST_ONCE value.]
SRS_MQTTMESSAGE_07_015: [mqttmessage_getQosType shall return the QOS Type value contained in MQTT_MESSAGE_HANDLE handle.]


extern bool mqttmessage_getIsDuplicateMsg(MQTT_MESSAGE_HANDLE handle)

SRS_MQTTMESSAGE_07_016: [If handle is NULL then mqttmessage_getIsDuplicateMsg shall return false.]
SRS_MQTTMESSAGE_07_017: [mqttmessage_getIsDuplicateMsg shall return the isDuplicateMsg value contained in MQTT_MESSAGE_HANDLE handle.]


extern bool mqttmessage_getIsRetained(MQTT_MESSAGE_HANDLE handle)

SRS_MQTTMESSAGE_07_018: [If handle is NULL then mqttmessage_getIsRetained shall return false.]
SRS_MQTTMESSAGE_07_019: [mqttmessage_getIsRetained shall return the isRetained value contained in MQTT_MESSAGE_HANDLE handle.]


extern const BYTE* mqttmessage_getApplicationMsg(MQTT_MESSAGE_HANDLE handle, size_t* msgLen)

SRS_MQTTMESSAGE_07_020: [If handle is NULL or if msgLen is 0 then mqttmessage_getApplicationMsg shall return NULL.]
SRS_MQTTMESSAGE_07_021: [mqttmessage_getApplicationMsg shall return the applicationMsg value contained in MQTT_MESSAGE_HANDLE handle and the length of the appMsg in the msgLen parameter.]


extern int mqttmessage_setIsDuplicateMsg(MQTT_MESSAGE_HANDLE handle, bool duplicateMsg);

SRS_MQTTMESSAGE_07_022: [If handle is NULL then mqttmessage_setIsDuplicateMsg shall return a non-zero value.]
SRS_MQTTMESSAGE_07_023: [mqttmessage_setIsDuplicateMsg shall store the duplicateMsg value in the MQTT_MESSAGE_HANDLE handle.]


extern int mqttmessage_setIsRetained(MQTT_MESSAGE_HANDLE handle, bool retainMsg);

SRS_MQTTMESSAGE_07_024: [If handle is NULL then mqttmessage_setIsRetained shall return a non-zero value.]
SRS_MQTTMESSAGE_07_025: [mqttmessage_setIsRetained shall store the retainMsg value in the MQTT_MESSAGE_HANDLE handle.]