87 строки
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87 строки
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# Batch Scoring on Azure for Deep Learning Models
This tutorial demonstrates how to deploy a deep learning model to Azure for batch scoring.
### File System
├── bait/
│ ├── cluster_setup.py
│ ├── config.py
│ ├── config_template.py
│ ├── fileshare_setup.py
│ ├── job_setup.py
├── scoring_script/
│ ├── pytorch_classification/
│ │ └── score0.py
│ └── tf_mnist/
│ └── score0.py
├── training_script/
| ├── pytorch_classification/
| │ ├── train0.ipynb
| │ └── train0.py
| └── tf_mnist/
| ├── train0.ipynb
| └── train0.py
--- Files below this point will be generated in the tutorial
├── data/
│ └── pytorch_classification/
├── model/
│ ├── pytorch_classification/
│ └── tf_mnist/
└── func/
├── blobtrig/
│ ├── function.json
│ ├── host.json
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── readme.md
│ └── sample.dat
├── host.json
├── local.settings.json
└── requirements.txt
There are a few main folders to take note of in this repository:
This folder contains all the Batch AI scripts, including:
- `cluster_setup.py` - executed locally
- `fileshare_setup.py` - executed locally
- `job_setup.py` - executed by Functions V2
It also contains a `config_template.py` file, which needs to be renamed as `config.py` and filled out.
This folder contains everything needed to run your functions v2. (TODO - maybe this should be made by the user?)
This folder is where we store the model files that we will use for scoring.
This folder contains the scoring script that will use a model in the /models directory. This scoring script will be executed on nodes in the Batch AI cluster.
This folder contains the training scripts used to generate the models in the /models directory. This training script will be executed locally on a GPU enabled VM.
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