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Using Azure KeyVault for Credentials with Batch Shipyard

The focus of this article is to explain how to use Azure KeyVault for managing credentials config files and/or individual keys and passwords for use with Batch Shipyard.

Introduction and Concepts

The credentials.yaml file contains access keys and passwords for various resources, including Azure Batch, Azure Storage and Docker Private Registries. This file should be secured using proper file mode permissions or ACLs. However, it may be more appropriate to host these credentials or even the entire config file itself in a repository with secure, controlled access. There are benefits to this approach such as securing keys without a physical file, centralized repository of secrets, etc.

Azure KeyVault is a managed service that handles storing sensitive information such as keys and secrets in a secure manner. Batch Shipyard can interact with provisioned Key Vaults to store and retrieve credentials required for Batch Shipyard to operate. Azure KeyVault broadly manages three different types of objects: keys, arbitrary data (secrets), and certificates. For credential management with regard to Batch Shipyard, only secret objects are utilized.

Additionally, Azure KeyVault requires valid Azure Active Directory (AAD) credentials to manage and access data in a KeyVault. This complicates setup, but is necessary for proper Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) which is useful for managing sensitive data such as secrets.


The following setup sections will guide you through setting up Azure Active Directory and KeyVault for use with Batch Shipyard.

Azure Active Directory Setup with Service Principal Key-based Authentication

If you will use your login for accessing your Azure subscription (e.g., your login to Azure Portal loads your subscription) as credentials to access your KeyVault in your subscription, then you can skip this section and proceed to the Azure KeyVault Setup below. If not, or if you prefer to use an Active Directory Service Principal, then please continue following the directions below.

If you prefer to use asymmetric X.509 certificate-based authentication, then please see the next section. You can also augment the Key-based Authentication with Certificate authentication by following the Certificate guide immediately after the Key-based authentication guide.

Step 0: Get or Create a Directory

First, you will need to create a directory if you do not have any existing directories (you should have a default directory) or if you are a user of a directory that does not allow you to register an Application. You will need to use the Classic Azure Portal to create a directory, however, it is recommended to use the default directory that is associated with your subscription if possible.

Step 1: Retrieve the Directory ID

Retrieve the Directory ID of the Active Directory from the Azure Portal. Click on Azure Active Directory on the left menu and then Properties. You will see the Directory ID displayed on the next blade on the right.


Click the copy button (or highlight the ID and copy the text). This is the argument to pass to the option --aad-directory-id or set as the environment variable SHIPYARD_AAD_DIRECTORY_ID.

If you are retrieving this information from the Classic Azure Portal, then the Directory ID is referred to as the Tenant ID.

Step 2: Register an Application

Next we will need to register an application to use with AAD. Under the Azure Active Directory blade, click on App registrations. Then click on the Add button at the top of the next blade. Finally fill in the fields for the Create blade.


Ensure that the Application Type is set as Web app / API. The Redirect URI does not have to exist, you can fill in anything you'd like here. Once completed, hit the Create button at the bottom.

Step 3: Retrieve the Application ID

Retrieve the Application ID for the application you just registered by refreshing the App registrations blade. You will see the Application ID on the top right of the blade.


Copy the Application ID. This is the argument to pass to the option --aad-application-id or set as the environment variable SHIPYARD_AAD_APPLICATION_ID.

If you are retrieving this information from the Classic Azure Portal, then the Application ID is referred to as the Client ID.

Step 4: Add an Authentication Key

While on the Application blade, to the right you should see the Settings blade (if not, click the All settings -> button). Click on Keys under API ACCESS to add an authentication key.


Add a description for the key and select an appropriate expiration interval. Click on the Save button at the top left of the blade. After you save the key, the key VALUE will be displayed. Copy this value and ensure this value is stored somewhere safe. This is the argument to pass to the option --aad-auth-key or set as the environment variable SHIPYARD_AAD_AUTH_KEY. Once you navigate away from this blade, the value of the key cannot be retrieved again.

Azure Active Directory Setup with Service Principal Certificate-based Authentication

The following describes how to set up Azure Active Directory with asymmetric X.509 certificate-based authentication. You will need either Azure CLI or Azure CLI 2.0 to perform the actions in this section. Other tools such as Azure PowerShell can also be used with the analogs found in the Azure PowerShell cmdlets.

Step 0: Login to Azure subscription and get Directory ID

Log in to your Azure subscription with Azure CLI:

# Azure CLI
azure login
azure account set "<subscription name or id>"
# Azure CLI 2.0
az login
az account set --subscription "<subscription name or id>"

If using Azure CLI, ensure that azure is running in ARM mode. Azure CLI 2.0 only operates in ARM mode.

Retrieve the Directory ID with the following command:

# Azure CLI
azure account show
# Azure CLI 2.0
az account show

You will see a line starting with Tenant ID (Azure CLI) or a JSON with a property of tenantId (Azure CLI 2.0). This is the Directory ID. This is the argument to pass to the option --aad-directory-id or set as the environment variable SHIPYARD_AAD_DIRECTORY_ID.

Step 1: Create X.509 Certificate with Asymmetric Keys

Execute the following openssl command, replacing the -days and -subj parameters with the appropriate values:

openssl req -x509 -days 3650 -newkey rsa:2048 -out cert.pem -nodes -subj '/CN=mykeyvault'

This command will create two files: cert.pem and privkey.pem. The cert.pem file contains the X.509 certificate with public key. This certificate will be attached to the Active Directory Application.

The privkey.pem file contains the RSA private key that will be used to authenticate with Azure Active Directory for the Service Principal. This file path is the argument to pass to the option --aad-cert-private-key or set as the environment variable SHIPYARD_AAD_CERT_PRIVATE_KEY.

You will also need to get the SHA1 thumbprint of the certificate created. This can be done with the following command:

openssl x509 -in cert.pem -fingerprint -noout | sed 's/SHA1 Fingerprint=//g' | sed 's/://g'

This value output is the argument to pass to the option --aad-cert-thumbprint or set as the environment variable SHIPYARD_AAD_CERT_THUMBPRINT.

Step 2: Create an Active Directory Application and Service Principal with Certificate

Execute the following command to create the AAD application and Service Principal together with the Certificate data, replacing the -n or --display-name value depending upon the CLI used with the name of the application as desired. If using Azure CLI 2.0, there are additional parameters to be modified, including --homepage and --identifier-uris.

# Azure CLI
azure ad sp create -n mykeyvault --cert-value "$(tail -n+2 cert.pem | head -n-1 | tr -d '\n')"
# Azure CLI 2.0, this will only create the Application. Follow the
# Service Principal creation steps next.
az ad app create --display-name mykeyvault --homepage http://mykeyvault --identifier-uris http://mykeyvault --key-type AsymmetricX509Cert --key-value "$(tail -n+2 cert.pem | head -n-1 | tr -d '\n')"

You can specify an optional --end-date parameter to change the validity period of the certificate for both Azure CLI and Azure CLI 2.0.

This action will output something similar to the following if using Azure CLI:

data:    Object Id:               abcdef01-2345-6789-abcd-ef0123456789
data:    Display Name:            mykeyvault
data:    Service Principal Names:
data:                             01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef
data:                             http://mykeyvault

or, if using Azure CLI 2.0 the output will be similar to the following:

  "appId": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef",
  "appPermissions": null,
  "availableToOtherTenants": false,
  "displayName": "mykeyvault",
  "homepage": "http://mykeyvault",
  "identifierUris": [
  "objectId": "abcdef01-2345-6789-abcd-ef0123456789",
  "objectType": "Application",
  "replyUrls": []

Note the ID under Service Principal Names: (Azure CLI) or appId (Azure CLI 2.0). This is the Application ID. This is the argument to pass to the option --aad-application-id or set as the environment variable SHIPYARD_AAD_APPLICATION_ID.

If using Azure CLI 2.0, we will need to create a Service Principal for the Application since it is not created together in the prior command. For the --id parameter, you can use either the appId or the objectId found in the prior JSON output:

# Azure CLI 2.0 only
az ad sp create --id abcdef01-2345-6789-abcd-ef0123456789

You will see some JSON output where under servicePrincipalNames, you should see the appId in addition to the uri similar to the following:

  "appId": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef",
  "displayName": "mykeyvault",
  "objectId": "abcdef01-2345-6789-abcd-ef0123456789",
  "objectType": "ServicePrincipal",
  "servicePrincipalNames": [

Take note of this objectId returned (which is different than the Application objectId prior), as this will be used in the next step.

Step 3: Create a Role for the Service Principal

Execute the following command to create a role for the service principal. You will need the Object Id (Azure CLI) or objectId (Azure CLI 2.0 with az ad sp create command) as displayed in the previous step for use with the parameter --objectId with Azure CLI or --assignee with Azure CLI 2.0. Replace the -o (Azure CLI) or --role (Azure CLI 2.0) role name with one of Owner, Contributor, or Reader (if this Service Principal will only read from KeyVault). You will also need to scope your assignment using your subscription and any resource providers to reduce permission scope (if you wish) with the -c (Azure CLI) or --scope (Azure CLI 2.0) parameter.

# Azure CLI
azure role assignment create --objectId abcdef01-2345-6789-abcd-ef0123456789 -o Contributor -c /subscriptions/11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555/
# Azure CLI 2.0
az role assignment create --assignee abcdef01-2345-6789-abcd-ef0123456789 --role Contributor --scope /subscriptions/11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555/

You should receive a message output that the role assignment has been completed successfully in Azure CLI or a JSON blob for Azure CLI 2.0.

You can now assign this Service Principal with Certificate-based authentication to an Azure KeyVault as per instructions below.

[Optional] Set Certificate Data for Existing Service Principal

If you followed the prior section for creating a Service Principal with Key-based authentication, you can augment the Service Principal with Certificate-based authentication by executing the following command, replacing the -o (Azure CLI) or --id (Azure CLI 2.0) parameter with the Object Id of the AAD Application:

# Azure CLI
azure ad app set -o abcdef01-2345-6789-abcd-ef0123456789 --cert-value "$(tail -n+2 cert.pem | head -n-1 | tr -d '\n')"
# Azure CLI 2.0
az ad app update --id abcdef01-2345-6789-abcd-ef0123456789 --key-type AsymmetricX509Cert --key-value "$(tail -n+2 cert.pem | head -n-1 | tr -d '\n')"

You can specify an optional --end-date parameter to change the validity period of the certificate for both Azure CLI and Azure CLI 2.0.

Azure KeyVault Setup

The following describes how to set up a new KeyVault for use with Batch Shipyard.

Step 0: Add a KeyVault

First we need to add a new KeyVault to our subscription. In the Azure Portal, click on More services > on the left menu and type key in the search box. This should bring up a service Key vaults. Click on Key vaults (you can also optionally favorite this item so it shows up in your left menu by default).


Begin creating a KeyVault by clicking the Add button on the top left in the blade that follows.


Step 1: Create the KeyVault

In the Create Key Vault blade, fill in the Name, select the Subscription to use, set the Resource Group and Location of the KeyVault to be created.


Then select Access policies. If you are using not using an Active Directory Service Principal, then skip to the next step, but follow the instructions for the specific Active Directory User. If you are using an Active Directory Service Principal, then hit the Add new button, then Select principal. In the next blade, type the name of the Application added in the prior section to Active Directory. Select this application by clicking on it and the Select button on the bottom of the blade.

Step 2: Set Secret Permissions

From the Configure from template (optional) pulldown, select either Key & Secret Management or Secret Management, then click the OK button.


Finally, hit the Create button on the Create Key Vault blade to create your KeyVault.

Step 3: Retrieve KeyVault DNS Name

After you receive notification that the KeyVault has been created, navigate to the KeyVault and select Properties under SETTINGS. The DNS NAME will be displayed for the KeyVault.


Copy the DNS NAME. This is the argument to pass to the option --keyvault-uri or set as the environment variable SHIPYARD_KEYVAULT_URI.

Interacting with Batch Shipyard with AAD and Azure KeyVault

Once all of the setup steps have been completed, you can now begin interacting with Batch Shipyard with Azure KeyVault using Azure Active Directory credentials.

Authenticating with AAD and Azure KeyVault

You will need to provide one of the following:

  1. an AAD Service Principal with an authentication key
  2. an AAD Service Principal with a RSA private key and X.509 certificate thumbprint
  3. an AAD User/Password

in order to authenticate for access to your KeyVault. These options are mutually exclusive. In addition to one of these authentication options, you must provide the KeyVault URI as a parameter.

You can either provide the required parameters through CLI options, environment variables, or the credentials.yaml file.

Please see the configuration guide for the appropriate properties to populate that correlate with the following options below. Note that the keyvault add command must use a credentials.yaml file that does not have KeyVault and AAD credentials. For this command, you will need to use CLI options or environment variables.

For an AAD Service Principal with Key-based authentication, you will need to provide the following options to your shipyard invocation:

--aad-directory-id <DIRECTORY-ID> --aad-application-id <APPLICATION-ID> --aad-auth-key <AUTH-KEY>

or as environment variables:


For an AAD Service Principal with Certificate-based authentication, you will need to provide the following options to your shipyard invocation:

--aad-directory-id <DIRECTORY-ID> --aad-application-id <APPLICATION-ID> --aad-cert-private-key <RSA-PRIVATE-KEY-FILE> --aad-cert-thumbprint <CERT-SHA1-THUMBPRINT>

or as environment variables:


To retrieve the SHA1 thumbprint for the X.509 certificate (not the RSA private key) associated with your Service Principal, you can run the following openssl command against your certificate file:

openssl x509 -in cert.pem -fingerprint -noout | sed 's/SHA1 Fingerprint=//g' | sed 's/://g'

To use an AAD User/Password to authenticate for access to your KeyVault, you would need to add the following options to your shipyard invocation.

--aad-user <USER> --aad-password <PASSWORD>

or as environment variables:


Finally, regardless of which authentication mechanism you have set up, you will need to provide the Azure KeyVault URI (i.e., the DNS name of the KeyVault resource) as an option:

--keyvault-uri <DNS-NAME>

or as an environment variable:


Storing Credentials in KeyVault

You can manually create a secret in your KeyVault using Azure Portal, but it is recommended to use the Batch Shipyard CLI to store your credentials.yaml file. This ensures that the file is stored properly and can allow for potentially very large credential files as compression is applied to the file prior to placing the secret in KeyVault. To create a credentials secret, pass all of the required AAD and KeyVault URI options to keyvault add. Note that you cannot use AAD/KeyVault credential options in a credentials.yaml file to authenticate with KeyVault to store the same config file. You must use CLI options or environment variables to pass the appropriate Azure Keyvault and AAD credentials to shipyard for this command. For example:

# add the appropriate AAD and KeyVault URI options or environment variables
# to the below invocation. These AAD/KeyVault authentication options cannot
# be present in credentials.yaml.
shipyard keyvault add mycreds --credentials credentials.yaml

Would create a secret named mycreds in the Azure KeyVault as specified by the --keyvault-uri option. The value of the secret would be the contents of the credentials.yaml file. You should see console output similar to the following:

2017-01-06 07:44:13.885 DEBUG - storing secret in keyvault with name mycreds
2017-01-06 07:44:14.201 INFO - keyvault secret id for name mycreds:

It is important to note the secret id output in the final line:

This secret id is required for retrieving your credentials.yaml contents for later invocations that require these particular credentials to interact with Batch Shipyard. How to pass this secret id will be explained in the next section.

You can also store individual keys as secrets in your KeyVault and reference them within your credentials.yaml file. For example:


This excerpt of the credentials.yaml file does not have a valid account_key property. However, instead there is a property account_key_keyvault_secret_id which points to a KeyVault secret id. Batch Shipyard will attempt to fetch this secret from KeyVault using the provided AAD credentials passed as options to the invocation and then populate the account_key property from the value of the secret.

These *_keyvault_secret_id properties can be used in lieu of batch account keys, storage account keys, and private Docker Registry passwords. You will need to populate the associated KeyVault with these secrets manually and set the properties in the credentials.yaml file with the corresponding secret ids. Please see the configuration guide for more information.

Finally, Batch Shipyard does support nested KeyVault secrets. In other words, the credentials.yaml file can be a secret in KeyVault and there can be *_keyvault_secret_id properties within the config file stored in KeyVault which subsequently will be fetched automatically.

Fetching Credentials from KeyVault

To specify a credentials.yaml as a secret in KeyVault, you can omit the --credentials option (or specify a --configdir option without a credentials.yaml file on disk in the path pointed to by --configdir) and instead specify the option:

--keyvault-credentials-secret-id <SECRET-ID>

or as an environment variable:


If you have a physical credentials.yaml file on disk, but with *_keyvault_secret_id properties then you must not specify the above option as Batch Shipyard will parse the credentials file and perform the lookup and secret retrieval automatically.

More Documentation

You can perform many Azure Active Directory setup steps through the Azure CLI. This document explains how to create a Service Principal among other topics. To create an Azure KeyVault with the Azure CLI, this document explains the steps involved. Additionally, it shows how to authorize an AAD Application for use with KeyVault.

Securing your KeyVault can be handled through the Azure Portal or through the Azure CLI. This document explains concepts and how to secure your KeyVault. A general overview of Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and how to manage access to various resources can be found in this document.

For further Batch Shipyard documentation, please see this page for a full explanation of each property in the configuration files. Please see this page for a full explanation of all commands and options for shipyard.