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Deploy this Project

How to deploy this example in your own Azure account(s). This project uses random suffixes used to meet globally unique names requirements for Storage Accounts and Key Vaults. For details, see example output below.

Disclaimer - not for production

This code is NOT meant to be used for production. While great efforts were taken for code quality and best practices, certain decisions were made for convenience. For example, this demo uses resource groups to separate environments. In practice, however, Azure subscriptions are a better choice per Microsoft's Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF).

Table of Contents


  1. Security Principals - User vs Service (CI/CD)
  2. Azure Subscription
  3. Azure Active Directory Tenant
  4. Azure DevOps Organization

Terraform - Infrastructure as Code

  1. Login to Azure
  2. Configure Environment
  3. Initialize Terraform
    3a) From local computer (recommended)
    3b) Configure Azure Backend for Terraform (optional)
  4. Create Deployment Plan
  5. Deploy Infrastructure

Just the Commands

Make sure you read the full document because the pre-configuration of permissions is more complex. But once you've done it properly, deploying this project is simple:

export AZDO_ORG_SERVICE_URL="<your-demo-org-name>"
terraform init -backend=false
terraform plan -out demo.tfplan
terraform apply demo.tfplan


If you have a Visual Studio subscription, use that for this demo so that the elevated service principals required have NO access to your actual Azure environments.

1) Security Principals - User vs Service (CI/CD)

  • User Principal 🙋‍♀️
    If you want to deploy locally, you do NOT need a service principal. You still need owner permissions, but a simple az login is enough to deploy the resources. Further Instructions →

  • Headless Service Principal 🤖
    If you are using this project sample for its Azure Pipelines, you will also need to initiate an Azure Remote Backend. Further Instructions →

For details, please read Azure Security Principals official documentation.

2) Azure Subscription

  • User or Service Principal
    with elevated Owner permissions, required to create Key Vault Access Policies

3) Azure Active Directory Tenant

⚠️ Please consider carefully which Azure Active Directory (AAD) tenant you will use and read the Terraform documentation carefully about configuring the required elevated privileges. If possible, use a non-production AAD tenant.

  • Azure AD Tenant (non-production)
    If you have a non-production tenant, use it because the following service principal is very privileged.

  • User or Service Principal
    with elevated privileges so that it can manage Azure Active Directory. Follow these steps per Terraform documentation to properly configure your Service Principal.

  • Required Permissions on AD

    • Directory Role: Azure AD Provider on Terraform recommends assigning the Global Administrator role to the security principal (user or service) in order to manage users, groups and applications.

    • API Permissions: if instead of using a role, you can also add the grant access to the following permissions for Azure Active Directory Graph API, not the Microsoft Graph API:

      • Application.ReadWrite.All
      • Directory.ReadWrite.All

      See Terraform documentation on configuring service principals for full instructions.

4) Azure DevOps Organization

  • DevOps Organization
    Create a new organization just for this demo.

  • Personal Access Token (PAT)
    Create a PAT and give it full access to the newly created Azure DevOps organization.

Terraform - Infrastructure as Code

1) Login to Azure

Make sure you are authenticated to Azure.

2) Configure Environment

The Azure DevOps Provider in Terraform expects the following environment variables to be set.

To make this easier, create a .env file using the included .env.sample as a template and fill in your values:

export AZDO_ORG_SERVICE_URL="<your-demo-org-name>"

Then load the variables into your shell:

source ./.env

3) Initialize Terraform

Assuming you are logged in with az login, just run

terraform init -backend=false

Then continue to Create Deployment Plan →

3b) Create and Configure Azure Backend for Terraform (optional)

If you're configuring for a headless CI/CD agent or just want to try using remote backend for terraform state, please follow these additional steps. It is preferred to use the Azure CLI. See ./backends for full commands.

Configure Backend

Create an backend.hcl file, using backend.hcl.sample as a template, filling in the placeholders iwth your values. hcl stands for HashiCorp Language.


Finally run init with our new backend config.

terraform init -backend-config=./backend.hcl

4) Create Deployment Plan

See what resources Terraform will create and save plan to a file

terraform plan -out demo.tfplan

5) Deploy Infrastructure

If you are satisfied with the plan (it does not unexpectedly change or destroy resources), then deploy it with

terraform apply demo.tfplan

Please see azure-pipelines/ for additional technical implementation details.

Example Output

If it works, you will see something like the output below, which you can also find in the Pipeline Build Results for this project.

aad_groups = [
arm_environments = [
    "key_vault" = "fruits-dev-8zfj-kv"
    "resource_group" = "fruits-dev-8zfj-rg"
    "storage_account" = "fruitsdev8zfj"
    "key_vault" = "fruits-prod-8zfj-kv"
    "resource_group" = "fruits-prod-8zfj-rg"
    "storage_account" = "fruitsprod8zfj"
    "key_vault" = "infra-shared-8zfj-kv"
    "resource_group" = "infra-shared-8zfj-rg"
    "storage_account" = "infrashared8zfj"
    "key_vault" = "veggies-dev-8zfj-kv"
    "resource_group" = "veggies-dev-8zfj-rg"
    "storage_account" = "veggiesdev8zfj"
    "key_vault" = "veggies-prod-8zfj-kv"
    "resource_group" = "veggies-prod-8zfj-rg"
    "storage_account" = "veggiesprod8zfj"
azure_devops_projects = [
    "description" = "Demo using AAD groups"
    "features" = tomap({
      "artifacts" = "disabled"
      "boards" = "disabled"
      "pipelines" = "enabled"
      "repositories" = "enabled"
      "testplans" = "disabled"
    "name" = "project-fruits"
    "visibility" = "private"
    "description" = "Central IT managed stuff"
    "features" = tomap({
      "artifacts" = "disabled"
      "boards" = "disabled"
      "pipelines" = "enabled"
      "repositories" = "enabled"
      "testplans" = "disabled"
    "name" = "central-it"
    "visibility" = "private"
    "description" = "Demo using AAD groups"
    "features" = tomap({
      "artifacts" = "disabled"
      "boards" = "disabled"
      "pipelines" = "enabled"
      "repositories" = "enabled"
      "testplans" = "disabled"
    "name" = "project-veggies"
    "visibility" = "private"
azure_devops_service_connections = [
    "fruits_dev" = {
      "connection_name" = "fruits-dev-8zfj-rg-connection"
      "scope" = tostring(null)
    "fruits_prod" = {
      "connection_name" = "fruits-prod-8zfj-rg-connection"
      "scope" = tostring(null)
    "infra_shared" = {
      "connection_name" = "infra-shared-8zfj-rg-connection"
      "scope" = tostring(null)
    "veggies_dev" = {
      "connection_name" = "veggies-dev-8zfj-rg-connection"
      "scope" = tostring(null)
    "veggies_prod" = {
      "connection_name" = "veggies-prod-8zfj-rg-connection"
      "scope" = tostring(null)
service_principals = [