
3.0 KiB

Getting Started Script

The provided account setup script creates and configures all of the required Azure resources.

The script will create and configure the following resources:

  • Resource group
  • Storage account
  • Batch account
  • Azure Active Directory application and service principal if AAD authentication is used, default is shared key authentication

The script outputs all of the necessary information to use doAzureParallel, just copy the output into your credentials.json file created by doAzureParallel::generateCredentialsConfig().


Create Shared Key Authentication Configuration (Default)

Copy and paste the following into an Azure Cloud Shell:

wget -q &&
chmod 755 &&

A series of prompts will appear, and you can set the values you desire for each field. Default values appear in brackets [] and will be used if no value is provided.

Azure Region [westus]:
Resource Group Name [doazp]:
Storage Account Name [doazpstorage]:
Batch Account Name [doazpbatch]:

Create Service Principal Authentication Configuration

following prompts will only show up when you use AAD auth by running

wget -q &&
chmod 755 &&
/bin/bash serviceprincipal
Active Directory Application Name [doazpapp]:
Active Directory Application Credential Name [doazp]:
Service Principal Name [doazpsp]

Once the script has finished running you will see the following output:

For Shared Key Authentication (Default):

"sharedKey": {
  "batchAccount": {
    "name": "batchaccountname",
    "key": "batch account key",
    "url": ""
  "storageAccount": {
    "name": "storageaccoutname",
    "key": "storage account key",
    "endpointSuffix": ""

For Azure Active Directory Authentication:

"servicePrincipal": {
    "tenantId": "<AAD Diretory ID>",
    "clientId": "<AAD App Application ID>",
    "credential": "<AAD App Password>",
    "batchAccountResourceId": "</batch/account/resource/id>",
    "storageAccountResourceId": "</storage/account/resource/id>",
    "storageEndpointSuffix": "</storage/account/endpoint/suffix>"

Copy the entire section to your credentials.json. If you do not have a credentials.json file, you can create one in your current working directory by running doAzureParallel::generateCredentialsConfig().

Delete resource group

Copy and paste the following into an Azure Cloud Shell:

wget -q &&
chmod 755 &&
/bin/bash deleteresourcegroup

Following prompt will appear, and you can set the resource group name, and all resources contained in the resource group will be deleted.

Resource Group Name: