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kube-advisor is a diagnostic tool for Kubernetes clusters. At the moment, it returns pods that are missing resource and request limits.


Running in a Kubernetes cluster without RBAC enabled

Just run the pod by itself:

# kubectl run --rm -i -t kube-advisor --image=mcr.microsoft.com/aks/kubeadvisor --restart=Never

Running in a Kubernetes cluster with RBAC enabled

Create the service account and cluster role binding

# kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/kube-advisor/master/sa.yaml?token=ABLLDqUpCcBLHrAoMNOCwSahn4b-hwKKks5bl-0QwA%3D%3D

Run the pod

# kubectl run --rm -i -t kube-advisor --image=mcr.microsoft.com/aks/kubeadvisor --restart=Never --overrides="{ \"apiVersion\": \"v1\", \"spec\": { \"serviceAccountName\": \"kube-advisor\" } }"

If desired, delete the service account and cluster role binding

# kubectl delete -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/kube-advisor/master/sa.yaml?token=ABLLDqUpCcBLHrAoMNOCwSahn4b-hwKKks5bl-0QwA%3D%3D