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fabric_string_result requirements


fabric_string_result is a module that encapsulates a string result so that it can be wrapped in the COM interface IFabricStringResult.


fabric_string_result copies the string and whenever queried it returns a pointer to the copy.

Exposed API


    MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, FABRIC_STRING_RESULT_HANDLE, fabric_string_result_create, const wchar_t*, string_result);
    MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, void, fabric_string_result_destroy, FABRIC_STRING_RESULT_HANDLE, fabric_string_result);
    MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, LPCWSTR, fabric_string_result_get_String, FABRIC_STRING_RESULT_HANDLE, fabric_string_result);


MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, FABRIC_STRING_RESULT_HANDLE, fabric_string_result_create, const wchar_t*, string_result);

fabric_string_result_create creates a new fabric string result handle.

SRS_FABRIC_STRING_RESULT_01_008: [ If string_result is NULL, fabric_string_result_create shall fail and return NULL. ]

SRS_FABRIC_STRING_RESULT_01_001: [ fabric_string_result_create shall allocate a new fabric string result instance and on success return a non-NULL pointer to it. ]

SRS_FABRIC_STRING_RESULT_01_002: [ fabric_string_result_create shall copy the string_result string so it can be returned by get_String. ]

SRS_FABRIC_STRING_RESULT_01_003: [ If any error occurs, fabric_string_result_create shall fail and return NULL. ]


MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, void, fabric_string_result_destroy, FABRIC_STRING_RESULT_HANDLE, fabric_string_result);

fabric_string_result_destroy frees all resources associated with a fabric string result handle.

SRS_FABRIC_STRING_RESULT_01_004: [ If fabric_string_result is NULL, fabric_string_result_destroy shall return. ]

SRS_FABRIC_STRING_RESULT_01_005: [ Otherwise, fabric_string_result_destroy shall free the memory associated with the fabric string result instance. ]


MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, LPCWSTR, fabric_string_result_get_String, FABRIC_STRING_RESULT_HANDLE, fabric_string_result);

fabric_string_result_get_String get the result string held by `fabric_string_result'.

SRS_FABRIC_STRING_RESULT_01_006: [ If fabric_string_result is NULL, fabric_string_result_get_String shall fail and return NULL. ]

SRS_FABRIC_STRING_RESULT_01_007: [ Otherwise, fabric_string_result_get_String shall return a pointer to the string copied in fabric_string_result_create. ]