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# terraform-azurerm-manageddisk
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## Deploys 1 Un-Encrypted Managed Disk
This Terraform module deploys a managed disk ([overview here](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/managed-disks/)) in Azure according to one of four available scenarios. Which scenario applies depends on the parameters that you provide.
1. Empty disk
This is the default scenario. It is selected by providing none of ```source_uri```, ```source_resource_id``` or ```image_reference_id```. It will also be selected if more than one of them is provided.
1. Copy an existing VHD
This can be either a specialized OS disk image or a data disk. The scenario is selected by providing ```source_uri```.
1. Copy an existing managed disk
The scenario is selected by providing ```source_resource_id```.
1. Import an existing image - a generalized OS disk image
This scenario is selected by providing ```image_reference_id```.
The size of the new managed disk must be specified for an empty disk. The available sizes are documented [here](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/managed-disks/). For other scenarios, specifying the size can resize the disk larger, but not smaller than the source.
## Here are examples of the four scenarios
### Scenario 1: Empty Disk
resource "azurerm_resource_group" "diskRg" {
name = "managedDiskRg"
location = "west us"
module "emptyDisk" {
# required - change to filespec if testing locally, e.g. "./terraform-azurerm-manageddisk"
source = "Azure/manageddisk/azurerm"
# optional - but unless overridden all disks will have the same name
managed_disk_name = "myEmptyManagedDisk"
# required
resource_group_name = "${azurerm_resource_group.diskRg.name}"
# required for a new empty disk
disk_size_gb = 1
# optional - defaults to location of resource group if not provided
location = "west us"
# optional - defaults to Premium_LRS. These are the only two options.
storage_account_type = "Standard_LRS"
output "empty_disk_id" {
description = "The id of the newly created managed disk"
value = "${module.emptyDisk.managed_disk_id}"
### Scenario 2: Copy a VHD
module "copyVHD" {
source = "Azure/manageddisk/azurerm"
managed_disk_name = "myVHDCopy"
resource_group_name = "${azurerm_resource_group.diskRg.name}"
# required - if provided instructs the module to copy the VHD
source_uri = "https://00mq7xv.blob.core.windows.net/vhds/my.vhd"
# optional for a copy. Defaults to the size of the source if not provided. If provided must be >= size of source.
disk_size_gb = xx
### Scenario 3: Copy an Existing Managed Disk
module "copyDisk" {
source = "./terraform-azurerm-manageddisk"
managed_disk_name = "myExistingDiskCopy"
resource_group_name = "${azurerm_resource_group.diskRg.name}"
# required - if provided instructs the module to copy the managed disk
source_resource_id = "/subscriptions/myAzureSubscriptionID/resourceGroups/myResourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/nameOfDisk"
# optional
disk_size_gb = xx
### Scenario 4: Copy an Image
In this case, a platform image.
data "azurerm_platform_image" "ubuntu1604" {
location = "${azurerm_resource_group.diskRg.location}"
publisher = "Canonical"
offer = "UbuntuServer"
sku = "16.04-LTS"
module "fromImage" {
source = "./terraform-azurerm-manageddisk"
managed_disk_name = "myPlatformImageDisk"
resource_group_name = "${azurerm_resource_group.diskRg.name}"
# required - if provided instructs the module to copy the image
image_reference_id = "${data.azurerm_platform_image.ubuntu1604.id}"
## Test
### Configurations
- [Configure Terraform for Azure](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/linux/terraform-install-configure)
We provide 2 ways to build, run, and test the module on a local development machine. [Native (Mac/Linux)](#native-maclinux) or [Docker](#docker).
### Native(Mac/Linux)
#### Prerequisites
- [Ruby **(~> 2.3)**](https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/downloads/)
- [Bundler **(~> 1.15)**](https://bundler.io/)
- [Terraform **(~> 0.11.7)**](https://www.terraform.io/downloads.html)
- [Golang **(~> 1.10.3)**](https://golang.org/dl/)
#### Environment setup
We provide simple script to quickly set up module development environment:
$ curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/terramodtest/master/tool/env_setup.sh | sudo bash
#### Run test
Then simply run it in local shell:
$ cd $GOPATH/src/{directory_name}/
$ bundle install
$ rake build
$ rake e2e
### Docker
We provide a Dockerfile to build a new image based `FROM` the `microsoft/terraform-test` Docker hub image which adds additional tools / packages specific for this module (see Custom Image section). Alternatively use only the `microsoft/terraform-test` Docker hub image [by using these instructions](https://github.com/Azure/terraform-test).
#### Prerequisites
- [Docker](https://www.docker.com/community-edition#/download)
#### Custom Image
This builds the custom image:
This runs the build and unit tests:
$ docker run --rm azure-manageddisk /bin/bash -c "bundle install && rake build"
This runs the end to end tests:
$ docker run --rm azure-manageddisk /bin/bash -c "bundle install && rake e2e"
This runs the full tests:
$ docker run --rm azure-manageddisk /bin/bash -c "bundle install && rake full"
## Authors
Originally created by [Greg Oliver](http://github.com/sebastus)
## License
## Contributing
This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions require you to agree to a
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