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Kubernetes cluster with Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

This template provisions an AKS / Azure Kubernetes service (also known as a Managed Kubernetes Cluster).

Terraform resource types


Name Description Default
resource_group_name_prefix Prefix of the resource group name that's combined with a random ID so name is unique in your Azure subscription. rg
resource_group_location Location of the resource group. eastus
agent_count Initial number of nodes which should exist in this Node Pool. Value must be between 1 and 1000. 3
ssh_public_key File containing the an ssh_key block. ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
dns_prefix DNS prefix specified when creating the managed cluster. k8stest
cluster_name Name of the Managed Kubernetes Cluster to create. k8stest
log_analytics_workspace_name Prefix of the name of the Log Analytics Workspace. Random value is appended to ensure uniqueness across Azure. testLogAnalyticsWorkspaceName
log_analytics_workspace_location Azure location where the resource exists. eastus
log_analytics_workspace_sku SKU of the Log Analytics Workspace. PerGB2018
aks_service_principal_app_id Service principal app ID.
aks_service_principal_client_secret Service principal password.
aks_service_principal_object_id Service principal object ID.


To see how to run this example, see Create a Kubernetes cluster with Azure Kubernetes Service using Terraform.