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Stream partitions offset checkpointing, aka saving the position of the stream

The library provides a mechanism to restart the stream from a recent checkpoint, to be resilient to restarts and crashes. For each partition, the library saves the current offset, a value pointing to the current stream position.

When the option is enabled, offsets are saved periodically in a storage table or blob, with the frequency configured. As an example, the stream position can be saved in Azure blobs, or in Cassandra, every 15 seconds and/or every 500 messages.

Currently at-least-once behavior is not supported, because the position is saved concurrently (although delayed), so it's possible that the position saved is ahead of your logic processing each event. We plan to support at-least-once, guaranteeing that the position saved is always equal or behind the one already processed.

To store checkpoints in Azure blobs the configuration looks like the following:


  [... other settings ...]
  checkpointing {
    frequency = 15s
    countThreshold = 1000
    timeThreshold = 30s
    storage {
      rwTimeout = 5s
      namespace = "iothub-react-checkpoints"
      backendType = "AzureBlob"
      azureblob {
        lease = 15s
        useEmulator = false
        protocol = "https"
        account = "..."
        key = "..."

To store checkpoints in Cassandra, the configuration looks like the following:


  [... other settings ...]
  checkpointing {
    frequency = 15s
    countThreshold = 1000
    timeThreshold = 30s
    storage {
      rwTimeout = 5s
      namespace = "iothub_react_checkpoints"
      backendType = "Cassandra"
      cassandra {
        cluster = "localhost:9042"
        replicationFactor = 1
        username = "..."
        password = "..."

We plan to allow plugging in custom storage backends, by implementing a simple interface to read and write the stream position. Let us know if you are interested!

The checkpointing feature is not enabled by default, so the library will not save the stream offsets automatically. To use checkpointing, use the saveOffsets option when creating the stream:

val options = SourceOptions()

    .map(m  jsonParser.readValue(m.contentAsString, classOf[Temperature]))
    .filter(_.value > 100)

Checkpointing behavior


The following table describes the impact of the settings within the iothub-react.checkpointing configuration block. For further information, you can also check the reference.conf file.

Setting Type Example Description
frequency duration 15s How often to check if the offset in memory should be saved to storage. The check is scheduled after at least one message has been received, for each partition individually.
countThreshold int 1000 How many messages to stream before saving the position. The setting is applied to each partition individually. The value should be big enough to take into account buffering and batching.
timeThreshold duration 60s In case of low traffic (i.e. when not reaching countThreshold), save a stream position older than this value.
storage.rwTimeout duration 5000ms How long to wait, when writing to the storage, before triggering a storage timeout exception.
storage.namespace string "mycptable" The table/container which will contain the checkpoints data. When streaming data from multiple IoT Hubs, you can use this setting to use separate tables/containers.
storage.backendType string or class name "AzureBlob" Currently "AzureBlob" and "Cassandra" are supported. The name of the backend, or the class FQDN, to use to write to the storage. This provides a way to inject custom storage logic.


The following table describes the system behavior, based on API parameters and stored state.

Checkpointing Start point Saved position Behavior
No No No The stream starts from the beginning
No No Yes The stream starts from the beginning, unless you use fromSavedPosition
No Yes No The stream starts from the 'start point' provided
No Yes Yes The stream starts from the 'start point' provided
Yes No No The stream starts from the beginning
Yes No Yes The stream starts from the beginning, unless you use fromSavedPosition
Yes Yes No The stream starts from the 'start point' provided
Yes Yes Yes The stream starts from the saved position


  • Checkpointing: whether saving the stream offset is enabled (with saveOffsets)
  • Start point: whether the client provides a starting position (date or offset) or ask for all the events from the beginning
  • Saved position: whether there is a position saved in the storage

Edge cases

  • Azure IoT Hub stores messages up to 7 days. It's possible that the position stored doesn't exist anymore. In such case the stream will start from the first message available.
  • If the checkpoint position is ahead of the last available message, the stream will fail with an error. This can happen only with invalid configurations where two streams are sharing the same checkpoints.