Add sourceAddressPrefixes to the Resource section ( #164 )
It is probably missed to add the suggested line to cater multiple values in array form for the source address prefixes.
2020-08-18 16:21:43 -07:00
Final Pull Request ( #170 )
* fixed conflict merge
* ee
* bnm
* yh
* vv
* sd
* bn
* xx
* vb
* tt
* ss
* zz
* remove sub ids
* aa
* updates
* ff
* updates
* tt
* updates
* mm
* rr
* Added info Azure cli to remove legal hold & other misc updates
* Fix typos
* Moved env variables for toolkit & subscription in the code
* ss
* kk
* Adding Az.Accounts to dockerfile
* cc
* ii
* ll
* yy
* vv
* cc
* ee
* Added all azure regions to AzureBastion module
* nn
* gg
* tt
* dd
* Adding install module in the code itself
* jk
* Added condition to connect to azure & install modules for dev ops
* qaz
* wsx
* bb
* Commented env variables in debug
* ff
* HUB vnet module
* changed MSVDI to connect to shrd svcs hub
* dummy values for config files
* changed para for msvdi with shrd svcs
* do not need to lowercase regions so commented out
* added variables to file so don't need to input
* new prereq script. Not necessary to run
* readme for shared services
* updated readme
* Update
* edc
* Topological path for DevOps pipeline
* test
* Update
* Running individual modules
* Updates
* updated comments
* new modules
* Create dockflow.yml
* Updates to SharedServices & MS-VDI readme
* qq
* Added more info on password restrictions
* Update
* 56
* 985
* 12
* 67
* 45
* 12
* 678
* 12
* 456
* tt
* 12
* 12
* 1q23
* 125
* 343
* 25
* 345
* 2134
* 12
* 2
* 454
* 124
* 312
* 12
* 23
* 34
* mylife
* q3
* 12
* 24
* q1234
* 696
* qw23
* q12e4
* w5
* 213
* 2198
* qw
* 255
* 89876
* 447
* 3242
* 89
* 43234
* 2342342
* q4eq3214
* 87
* 323
* 2345
* 123456
* New version of code for github action
* updates to files
* updated av set infoo
* 789234
* 234143
* 24223412342
* Teardown test
* Copied workflow from Jack's branch
* new changes
* update to readme in shrdsvcs
* new document for github actions
* 234
* adding changes to script for cleanup
* update readme
* update readme
* sdf
* 235
* 123
* 2345
* new changes to readme
* new changes to readme
* readme
* readme
* readmeupdate
* readme
* red
* read
* readme
* 1234
* readme
* 7897894
* update readme shrd svcs
* 345
* new changes to readme
* removed the cleanup and added to different script
* new change to clean up script
* Updates to shared services readme
* update
* 234
* Added passing parameters for subscription & tenant to parameters.json for shared services
* update for networkwatcher
* removed statement in av sets
* Test GH Actions
* Test GH Actions
* Update
* Update
* Cleared values
* Update
* changes to dockerfile version.
* Update
* Update readme
* Update
* Updates to docs - added SPN info
* All documentation updates - removed personal GH repo reference & referencing shared services deployment in quickstart
* Added release notes
* Update
* no change
* added password randomization
* no change
* added sentinel changes
* formatting
* sentinel change and secret changes to kv
* secret changes to kv
* sentinel changes
* dublicate code correction... No code change
* added sentinel env var
* Test Gov Deployment
* updated SS readme
* naming convention changes
* example of inputfile for master script
* updated readme
* updated docker yml fiile
* master orchestration script
* new github actions doc
* master orchestration documentation
* new env document
* updated MS-VDI parameters with ctx
* updated with ps7 requirements
* new windows virtual desktop environment
* added new artifact location parameter
* added spoke env
* doc
* new Vnet peering module
* application group module
* host pool module
* added output for script
* doc edit
* new images for docs
* updated doc
* disable resources
* docedit
* doc edit
* shared services as a spoke
* doc edit
* docedit
* doc updated
* updated for vms
Co-authored-by: RKSelvi <>
Co-authored-by: Selvi Kalaiselvi <>
Co-authored-by: Steve Downs <>
2020-06-17 13:19:50 -04:00
Update GH actions to deploy shared services & tear down ( #169 )
* 5
* 6
* 7
* aa
* jj
* Update
* ll
* ll
* mm
* vv
* cv
* df
* Added logic for the NSG flow logs com vs gov
* changes to merge conflicts
* fixed conflict merge
* ee
* bnm
* yh
* vv
* sd
* bn
* xx
* vb
* tt
* ss
* zz
* remove sub ids
* aa
* updates
* ff
* updates
* tt
* updates
* mm
* rr
* Added info Azure cli to remove legal hold & other misc updates
* Fix typos
* Moved env variables for toolkit & subscription in the code
* ss
* kk
* Adding Az.Accounts to dockerfile
* cc
* ii
* ll
* yy
* vv
* cc
* ee
* Added all azure regions to AzureBastion module
* nn
* gg
* tt
* dd
* Adding install module in the code itself
* jk
* Added condition to connect to azure & install modules for dev ops
* qaz
* wsx
* bb
* Commented env variables in debug
* ff
* HUB vnet module
* changed MSVDI to connect to shrd svcs hub
* dummy values for config files
* changed para for msvdi with shrd svcs
* do not need to lowercase regions so commented out
* added variables to file so don't need to input
* new prereq script. Not necessary to run
* readme for shared services
* updated readme
* Update
* edc
* Topological path for DevOps pipeline
* test
* Update
* Running individual modules
* Updates
* updated comments
* new modules
* Create dockflow.yml
* Updates to SharedServices & MS-VDI readme
* qq
* Added more info on password restrictions
* Update
* 56
* 985
* 12
* 67
* 45
* 12
* 678
* 12
* 456
* tt
* 12
* 12
* 1q23
* 125
* 343
* 25
* 345
* 2134
* 12
* 2
* 454
* 124
* 312
* 12
* 23
* 34
* mylife
* q3
* 12
* 24
* q1234
* 696
* qw23
* q12e4
* w5
* 213
* 2198
* qw
* 255
* 89876
* 447
* 3242
* 89
* 43234
* 2342342
* q4eq3214
* 87
* 323
* 2345
* 123456
* New version of code for github action
* updates to files
* updated av set infoo
* 789234
* 234143
* 24223412342
* Teardown test
* Copied workflow from Jack's branch
* new changes
* update to readme in shrdsvcs
* new document for github actions
* 234
* adding changes to script for cleanup
* update readme
* update readme
* sdf
* 235
* 123
* 2345
* new changes to readme
* new changes to readme
* readme
* readme
* readmeupdate
* readme
* red
* read
* readme
* 1234
* readme
* 7897894
* update readme shrd svcs
* 345
* new changes to readme
* removed the cleanup and added to different script
* new change to clean up script
* Updates to shared services readme
* update
* 234
* Added passing parameters for subscription & tenant to parameters.json for shared services
* update for networkwatcher
* removed statement in av sets
* Test GH Actions
* Test GH Actions
* Update
* Update
* Cleared values
* Update
* changes to dockerfile version.
* Update
* Update readme
* Update
* Updates to docs - added SPN info
* All documentation updates - removed personal GH repo reference & referencing shared services deployment in quickstart
* Added release notes
* Update
* Merge
* Readding docs updates after merge conflict
* Update GH actions workflow file
* Update
* Removed duplicated folder
* Clean up
* Remove ms-vdi for GH action wf & added teardown
* no change
* added password randomization
* no change
* added sentinel changes
* formatting
* sentinel change and secret changes to kv
* secret changes to kv
* sentinel changes
* dublicate code correction... No code change
* added sentinel env var
* Test Gov Deployment
* updated SS readme
* Merge changes for Azure Sentinel addition & auto-generate password
* naming convention changes
* Test
Co-authored-by: jvalley19 <>
2020-06-17 12:45:37 -04:00
Updated GitHub actions workflow file ( #168 )
* ww
* ee
* rr
* pp
* aa
* Added storageblobURL to resources
* Added StorageblobURL to resources and env variable
* added storageblobURL
* added storageblobURL
* Commented out the Azure Provider feature Bastion
* added condition for resources gov vs com
* changed old GUID for Az Policy
* New change for gov. But need to adjust for com
* changed linux agent version number
* 1
* 2
* 3
* 4
* added logic for the ethernet
* added the ADDS module back after fixing script
* Updated modules IIS, SQLServerAlwaysOn,VM Scale sets for storagebloburl
* 5
* 6
* 7
* aa
* jj
* Update
* ll
* ll
* mm
* vv
* cv
* df
* Added logic for the NSG flow logs com vs gov
* changes to merge conflicts
* fixed conflict merge
* ee
* bnm
* yh
* vv
* sd
* bn
* xx
* vb
* tt
* ss
* zz
* remove sub ids
* aa
* updates
* ff
* updates
* tt
* updates
* mm
* rr
* Added info Azure cli to remove legal hold & other misc updates
* Fix typos
* Moved env variables for toolkit & subscription in the code
* ss
* kk
* Adding Az.Accounts to dockerfile
* cc
* ii
* ll
* yy
* vv
* cc
* ee
* Added all azure regions to AzureBastion module
* nn
* gg
* tt
* dd
* Adding install module in the code itself
* jk
* Added condition to connect to azure & install modules for dev ops
* qaz
* wsx
* bb
* Commented env variables in debug
* ff
* HUB vnet module
* changed MSVDI to connect to shrd svcs hub
* dummy values for config files
* changed para for msvdi with shrd svcs
* do not need to lowercase regions so commented out
* added variables to file so don't need to input
* new prereq script. Not necessary to run
* readme for shared services
* updated readme
* Update
* edc
* Topological path for DevOps pipeline
* test
* Update
* Running individual modules
* Updates
* updated comments
* new modules
* Create dockflow.yml
* Updates to SharedServices & MS-VDI readme
* qq
* Added more info on password restrictions
* Update
* 56
* 985
* 12
* 67
* 45
* 12
* 678
* 12
* 456
* tt
* 12
* 12
* 1q23
* 125
* 343
* 25
* 345
* 2134
* 12
* 2
* 454
* 124
* 312
* 12
* 23
* 34
* mylife
* q3
* 12
* 24
* q1234
* 696
* qw23
* q12e4
* w5
* 213
* 2198
* qw
* 255
* 89876
* 447
* 3242
* 89
* 43234
* 2342342
* q4eq3214
* 87
* 323
* 2345
* 123456
* New version of code for github action
* updates to files
* updated av set infoo
* 789234
* 234143
* 24223412342
* Teardown test
* Copied workflow from Jack's branch
* new changes
* update to readme in shrdsvcs
* new document for github actions
* 234
* adding changes to script for cleanup
* update readme
* update readme
* sdf
* 235
* 123
* 2345
* new changes to readme
* new changes to readme
* readme
* readme
* readmeupdate
* readme
* red
* read
* readme
* 1234
* readme
* 7897894
* update readme shrd svcs
* 345
* new changes to readme
* removed the cleanup and added to different script
* new change to clean up script
* Updates to shared services readme
* update
* 234
* Added passing parameters for subscription & tenant to parameters.json for shared services
* update for networkwatcher
* removed statement in av sets
* Test GH Actions
* Test GH Actions
* Update
* Update
* Cleared values
* Update
* changes to dockerfile version.
* Update
* Update readme
* Update
* Updates to docs - added SPN info
* All documentation updates - removed personal GH repo reference & referencing shared services deployment in quickstart
* Added release notes
* Update
* Merge
* Readding docs updates after merge conflict
* Update GH actions workflow file
* Update
Co-authored-by: jvalley19 <>
2020-05-01 10:58:42 -04:00
Docs update ( #167 )
* bb
* nn
* qq
* ww
* ee
* rr
* pp
* aa
* Added storageblobURL to resources
* Added StorageblobURL to resources and env variable
* added storageblobURL
* added storageblobURL
* Commented out the Azure Provider feature Bastion
* added condition for resources gov vs com
* changed old GUID for Az Policy
* New change for gov. But need to adjust for com
* changed linux agent version number
* 1
* 2
* 3
* 4
* added logic for the ethernet
* added the ADDS module back after fixing script
* Updated modules IIS, SQLServerAlwaysOn,VM Scale sets for storagebloburl
* 5
* 6
* 7
* aa
* jj
* Update
* ll
* ll
* mm
* vv
* cv
* df
* Added logic for the NSG flow logs com vs gov
* changes to merge conflicts
* fixed conflict merge
* ee
* bnm
* yh
* vv
* sd
* bn
* xx
* vb
* tt
* ss
* zz
* remove sub ids
* aa
* updates
* ff
* updates
* tt
* updates
* mm
* rr
* Added info Azure cli to remove legal hold & other misc updates
* Fix typos
* Moved env variables for toolkit & subscription in the code
* ss
* kk
* Adding Az.Accounts to dockerfile
* cc
* ii
* ll
* yy
* vv
* cc
* ee
* Added all azure regions to AzureBastion module
* nn
* gg
* tt
* dd
* Adding install module in the code itself
* jk
* Added condition to connect to azure & install modules for dev ops
* qaz
* wsx
* bb
* Commented env variables in debug
* ff
* HUB vnet module
* changed MSVDI to connect to shrd svcs hub
* dummy values for config files
* changed para for msvdi with shrd svcs
* do not need to lowercase regions so commented out
* added variables to file so don't need to input
* new prereq script. Not necessary to run
* readme for shared services
* updated readme
* Update
* edc
* Topological path for DevOps pipeline
* test
* Update
* Running individual modules
* Updates
* updated comments
* new modules
* Create dockflow.yml
* Updates to SharedServices & MS-VDI readme
* qq
* Added more info on password restrictions
* Update
* 56
* 985
* 12
* 67
* 45
* 12
* 678
* 12
* 456
* tt
* 12
* 12
* 1q23
* 125
* 343
* 25
* 345
* 2134
* 12
* 2
* 454
* 124
* 312
* 12
* 23
* 34
* mylife
* q3
* 12
* 24
* q1234
* 696
* qw23
* q12e4
* w5
* 213
* 2198
* qw
* 255
* 89876
* 447
* 3242
* 89
* 43234
* 2342342
* q4eq3214
* 87
* 323
* 2345
* 123456
* New version of code for github action
* updates to files
* updated av set infoo
* 789234
* 234143
* 24223412342
* Teardown test
* Copied workflow from Jack's branch
* new changes
* update to readme in shrdsvcs
* new document for github actions
* 234
* adding changes to script for cleanup
* update readme
* update readme
* sdf
* 235
* 123
* 2345
* new changes to readme
* new changes to readme
* readme
* readme
* readmeupdate
* readme
* red
* read
* readme
* 1234
* readme
* 7897894
* update readme shrd svcs
* 345
* new changes to readme
* removed the cleanup and added to different script
* new change to clean up script
* Updates to shared services readme
* update
* 234
* Added passing parameters for subscription & tenant to parameters.json for shared services
* update for networkwatcher
* removed statement in av sets
* Test GH Actions
* Test GH Actions
* Update
* Update
* Cleared values
* Update
* changes to dockerfile version.
* Update
* Update readme
* Update
* Updates to docs - added SPN info
* All documentation updates - removed personal GH repo reference & referencing shared services deployment in quickstart
* Added release notes
* Update
* Merge
* Readding docs updates after merge conflict
Co-authored-by: jvalley19 <>
2020-04-30 17:06:01 -04:00
Modified Shared Services environment & added new MS-VDI environment - In support for this new environment changes have been made to support all Azure environments ( #163 )
* Update dockerimage.yml
* Removed build.yml file
* Run toolkit container
* update
* fix
* mm
* bb
* nn
* qq
* ww
* ee
* rr
* pp
* aa
* Added storageblobURL to resources
* Added StorageblobURL to resources and env variable
* added storageblobURL
* added storageblobURL
* Commented out the Azure Provider feature Bastion
* added condition for resources gov vs com
* changed old GUID for Az Policy
* New change for gov. But need to adjust for com
* changed linux agent version number
* 1
* 2
* 3
* 4
* added logic for the ethernet
* added the ADDS module back after fixing script
* Updated modules IIS, SQLServerAlwaysOn,VM Scale sets for storagebloburl
* 5
* 6
* 7
* aa
* jj
* Update
* ll
* ll
* mm
* vv
* cv
* df
* Added logic for the NSG flow logs com vs gov
* changes to merge conflicts
* fixed conflict merge
* ee
* bnm
* yh
* vv
* sd
* bn
* xx
* vb
* tt
* ss
* zz
* remove sub ids
* aa
* updates
* ff
* updates
* tt
* updates
* mm
* rr
* Added info Azure cli to remove legal hold & other misc updates
* Fix typos
* Moved env variables for toolkit & subscription in the code
* ss
* kk
* Adding Az.Accounts to dockerfile
* cc
* ii
* ll
* yy
* vv
* cc
* ee
* Added all azure regions to AzureBastion module
* nn
* gg
* tt
* dd
* Adding install module in the code itself
* jk
* Added condition to connect to azure & install modules for dev ops
* qaz
* wsx
* bb
* Commented env variables in debug
* ff
* HUB vnet module
* changed MSVDI to connect to shrd svcs hub
* dummy values for config files
* changed para for msvdi with shrd svcs
* do not need to lowercase regions so commented out
* added variables to file so don't need to input
* new prereq script. Not necessary to run
* readme for shared services
* updated readme
* Update
* edc
* Topological path for DevOps pipeline
* test
* Update
* Running individual modules
* Updates
* updated comments
* new modules
* Create dockflow.yml
* Updates to SharedServices & MS-VDI readme
* qq
* Added more info on password restrictions
* Update
* 56
* 985
* 12
* 67
* 45
* 12
* 678
* 12
* 456
* tt
* 12
* 12
* 1q23
* 125
* 343
* 25
* 345
* 2134
* 12
* 2
* 454
* 124
* 312
* 12
* 23
* 34
* mylife
* q3
* 12
* 24
* q1234
* 696
* qw23
* q12e4
* w5
* 213
* 2198
* qw
* 255
* 89876
* 447
* 3242
* 89
* 43234
* 2342342
* q4eq3214
* 87
* 323
* 2345
* 123456
* New version of code for github action
* updates to files
* updated av set infoo
* 789234
* 234143
* 24223412342
* Teardown test
* Copied workflow from Jack's branch
* new changes
* update to readme in shrdsvcs
* new document for github actions
* 234
* adding changes to script for cleanup
* update readme
* update readme
* sdf
* 235
* 123
* 2345
* new changes to readme
* new changes to readme
* readme
* readme
* readmeupdate
* readme
* red
* read
* readme
* 1234
* readme
* 7897894
* update readme shrd svcs
* 345
* new changes to readme
* removed the cleanup and added to different script
* new change to clean up script
* Updates to shared services readme
* update
* 234
* Added passing parameters for subscription & tenant to parameters.json for shared services
* update for networkwatcher
* removed statement in av sets
* Test GH Actions
* Test GH Actions
* Update
* Update
* Cleared values
* Update
* changes to dockerfile version.
* Update
* Update readme
* Update
* Updates to docs - added SPN info
Co-authored-by: jvalley19 <>
2020-04-30 09:37:04 -04:00
Removed reference to vnext in LABVMInstallHyperVURL ( #158 )
LABVMInstallHyperVURL had a reference to vnext causing the deployment to fail.
2019-12-02 08:40:01 -08:00
Tony Box
fix tag values to provide an empty object ( #154 )
2019-11-06 16:03:55 -08:00
Ed Price - MSFT
Update ( #153 )
2019-11-06 16:03:23 -08:00
Remove duplicate parameter ( #150 )
* Remove duplicate parameter
* Removed duplicate parameter
* Fixing formatting
* Formatting
* Update
* Fixing invalid default value
2019-10-17 10:18:53 -07:00
BugFix Kusto Cluster docs ( #149 )
* Fix notes
* Fix notes
* Fix notes
* Update
* Formatting
* Removing trailing comma
2019-10-10 00:30:10 -07:00
Kusto Database Module ( #148 )
* adding Kusto Database module
* formatting
2019-10-10 00:28:16 -07:00
Austin Hobbs
updated the azure deploy link to use the master branch instead of vNext which no longer exists ( #147 )
2019-10-08 17:56:36 -07:00
Kusto Cluster Module ( #145 )
* adding module
* Update
* Update
* Update
* Updating tests
2019-10-08 17:55:59 -07:00
Fixed defaultValue for secretsObject ( #142 )
* Fixed defaultValue for secretsObject
* Update deploy.json
2019-10-04 14:04:32 -07:00
Juraj Sucik
fixed typos ( #141 )
2019-10-04 14:04:02 -07:00
Thomas Aure
Fixed the documentation. ( #143 )
2019-10-04 14:03:28 -07:00
Kungumaraj Nachimuthu
Added new script to windows folder ( #144 )
2019-10-04 14:02:37 -07:00
Tony Box
Small typographical fixes to ( #140 )
Just a few fixes to the document.
2019-09-28 21:32:04 -07:00
Jorge Cotillo
removed version 2.0 references and fix onpremises nsg flow logs path ( #138 )
2019-09-26 10:59:43 -07:00
Christopher Bennage
Minimal viable documentation for vnext ( #125 )
* initial commit of minimal viable docs
* update on design principles
* update to principles
* adding quickstart
* corrections
* added instructions for teardown
* draft of readme
* update lab readme
* link to release notes
* ready for review
* broken link
* cleanup
* corrections
* more feedback
2019-09-24 15:58:19 -07:00
Christopher Bennage
Module folder cleanup ( #128 )
* revmoing version from orchestration files
* removed logic for module subpath
* removed examples using "2.0" folder
* removing the '2.0' folder from modules
2019-09-24 15:35:33 -07:00
Kungumaraj Nachimuthu
Transcript Feature ( #137 )
* Transcript feature added.
* Updated comments for ConvertTo-AbsolutePath function
2019-09-24 15:17:12 -07:00
Christopher Bennage
Merge branch 'dwas01-vnext' into vnext
2019-09-24 14:25:47 -07:00
Christopher Bennage
resolving conflicts
2019-09-24 14:25:23 -07:00
Module updates
2019-09-24 14:44:51 +12:00
Module Updates tags removing akv scripts
2019-09-23 17:58:48 +12:00
application.inisights module updates
2019-09-23 17:40:31 +12:00
analysis.service module updates
2019-09-23 16:53:20 +12:00
api.managment module updates
2019-09-23 15:44:45 +12:00
Kungumaraj Nachimuthu
Fix for file function with array added. ( #136 )
2019-09-20 11:13:40 -07:00
Kungumaraj Nachimuthu
Toolkit Config Change and Validation RG Enhancement ( #134 )
* Completed the initial implementation.
* Finalized the changes and tested
* Changes based on feedback from today's review
* Changes post running tested.
* Changes to optimize the code.
2019-09-19 21:49:54 -07:00
pull update for eventhub
2019-09-18 14:34:55 +12:00
Jorge Cotillo
Merge branch 'vnext' of into vnext
2019-09-12 16:42:26 -07:00
Jorge Cotillo
Fixed virtualMachineScaleSet default name when the parameter is empty
2019-09-12 16:42:06 -07:00
Kungumaraj Nachimuthu
AKS update ( #133 )
* AKS Archetype updated. Removed hardcoded values.
* Moved KeyVault and related modules to Archetype
2019-09-11 23:34:28 -07:00
event.hub module updates
fix deploy.json
2019-09-11 04:19:19 +12:00
5a23196b99 module updates
deploy.json and fixes
2019-09-11 03:20:57 +12:00
event.hub module updates
deploy.json and fixes
2019-09-11 03:20:36 +12:00
fd36507529 module updates
deploy.json and fixes
2019-09-11 03:20:17 +12:00
582d8213c2 module updates
deploy.json and fixes
2019-09-11 03:19:54 +12:00
ce7ab74ec7 module updates
2019-09-11 02:18:27 +12:00
event.hub module updates
2019-09-11 01:45:20 +12:00
00082f9472 module updates
fixed akv secrets and module tests scripts
2019-09-11 01:45:04 +12:00
cognitive.service module updates
fixed deploy.json apiversion
2019-09-11 00:46:13 +12:00
application.insights module updates
fixed output tests
2019-09-11 00:30:35 +12:00
c2b2fd8dfc module updates
fixed output tests
2019-09-11 00:30:09 +12:00
a60a1b4855 module updates
fixes output tests
2019-09-11 00:29:45 +12:00
deec6cb85f module updates
2019-09-11 00:29:01 +12:00
POSH updated
2019-09-10 23:39:05 +12:00