An example of integrating Barracuda with OpenCVForUnity.
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EnoxSoftware 975aed374c v1.0.0 2022-02-13 05:31:45 +09:00
Assets v1.0.0 2022-02-13 05:31:45 +09:00 v1.0.0 2022-02-13 05:31:45 +09:00
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Barracuda With OpenCVForUnity Example


  • Windows / Android (Pixel3a) / iOS (iPhoneSE2)
  • Unity >= 2020.3.19f1+
  • Scripting backend MONO / IL2CPP
  • [Barracuda] 2.1.0-preview+
  • OpenCV for Unity 2.4.7+



  1. Download the latest release unitypackage. BarracudaWithOpenCVForUnityExample.unitypackage
  2. Create a new project. (BarracudaWithOpenCVForUnityExample)
  3. Install Barracuda from Package Manager.
  4. Install Keijiro's package.
  5. Import OpenCVForUnity.
    • Setup the OpenCVForUnity. (Tools > OpenCV for Unity > Set Plugin Import Settings)
  6. Import the BarracudaWithOpenCVForUnityExample.unitypackage.
  7. Change the "Player Settings (Androd)" Inspector as follows.
    • Graphics APIs : Vulkan (Remove "OpenGLES 3" from the Graphics APIs list)
  8. Change the "Player Settings (iOS)" Inspector as follows.
    • Camera Usage Description : "Required for camera support."
  9. Add the "Assets/BarracudaWithOpenCVForUnityExample/*.unity" files to the "Scenes In Build" list in the "Build Settings" window.
  10. Build and Deploy to Android and iOS.

How to install Keijiro's package

This package uses the scoped registry feature to resolve package dependencies. Please add the following sections to the manifest file (Packages/manifest.json).

To the scopedRegistries section:

  "name": "Keijiro",
  "url": "",
  "scopes": [ "jp.keijiro" ]

To the dependencies section:

"jp.keijiro.mediapipe.blazeface": "1.1.1"

After changes, the manifest file should look like below:

  "scopedRegistries": [
      "name": "Keijiro",
      "url": "",
      "scopes": [ "jp.keijiro" ]
  "dependencies": {
    "jp.keijiro.mediapipe.blazeface": "1.1.1",


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