Merge branch 'master' of
This commit is contained in:
@ -162,3 +162,6 @@ TabWidth: 4
# The way to use tab characters in the resulting file. Possible values: Never, ForIndentation, Always.
UseTab: ForIndentation
# Do not reflow comments
ReflowComments: false
@ -22,5 +22,5 @@ script:
- cd glslang && cmake . && make -j2 && cd ..
- cd SPIRV-Tools && cmake . && make -j2 && cd ..
- make -j2
- PATH=$PATH:./glslang/StandAlone:./SPIRV-Tools/tools
- PATH=./glslang/StandAlone:./SPIRV-Tools/tools:$PATH
- ./ shaders
@ -63,9 +63,8 @@ void test()
int i = 0;
float h;
for (; i < 20; i = i + 1, h = h + 10.0)
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++, h += 10.0)
|||| = h;
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ void main()
idat = _28.mvp * idat;
i = i + 1;
} while (i < 16);
_52.out_data[ident] = idat;
@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ void baz(out Foo foo)
void meow(inout Foo foo)
foo.a = foo.a + vec4(10.0);
foo.b = foo.b + vec4(20.0);
foo.c = foo.c + vec4(30.0);
foo.d = foo.d + vec4(40.0);
foo.a += vec4(10.0);
foo.b += vec4(20.0);
foo.c += vec4(30.0);
foo.d += vec4(40.0);
vec4 bar(Foo foo)
@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ void main()
k = k * 2;
i = i + uint(1);
k *= 2;
} while (i < ident);
switch (k)
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ void main()
for (;;)
i = i + uint(1);
if (i > 10u)
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ void main()
for (;;)
i = i + 2u;
i += 2u;
if (i > 20u)
@ -57,14 +57,12 @@ void main()
while (k < 10)
idat = idat * 2.0;
k = k + 1;
idat *= 2.0;
uint i_1 = 0u;
for (; i_1 < 16u; i_1 = i_1 + uint(1), k = k + 1)
for (uint i_1 = 0u; i_1 < 16u; i_1++, k++)
uint j = 0u;
for (; j < 30u; j = j + uint(1))
for (uint j = 0u; j < 30u; j++)
idat = _24.mvp * idat;
@ -72,34 +70,34 @@ void main()
k = 0;
for (;;)
k = k + 1;
if (k > 10)
k = k + 2;
k += 2;
k = k + 3;
k += 3;
k = k + 10;
k += 10;
k = 0;
k = k + 1;
} while (k > 10);
int l = 0;
for (;;)
if (l == 5)
l = l + 1;
idat = idat + vec4(1.0);
l = l + 1;
idat += vec4(1.0);
_177.out_data[ident] = idat;
@ -21,8 +21,7 @@ void main()
int i = 0;
for (; i < 20; i = i + 1)
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
if (i == 10)
@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ void main()
k = _40;
if (_40 < 10)
idat = idat * 2.0;
k = k + 1;
idat *= 2.0;
@ -33,18 +33,16 @@ void main()
uint i = 0u;
for (; i < 16u; i = i + uint(1), k = k + 1)
for (uint i = 0u; i < 16u; i++, k++)
uint j = 0u;
for (; j < 30u; j = j + uint(1))
for (uint j = 0u; j < 30u; j++)
idat = _24.mvp * idat;
k = k + 1;
} while (k > 10);
_89.out_data[ident] = idat;
@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ layout(binding = 3, std140) buffer SSBO3
void main()
ssbo_0.a = ssbo_0.a + dvec4(10.0lf, 20.0lf, 30.0lf, 40.0lf);
ssbo_0.a = ssbo_0.a + dvec4(20.0lf);
ssbo_0.a += dvec4(10.0lf, 20.0lf, 30.0lf, 40.0lf);
ssbo_0.a += dvec4(20.0lf);
dvec4 a = ssbo_0.a;
dmat4 amat = ssbo_0.b;
ssbo_0.a = abs(a);
@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ void main()
k = lessThanEqual(a, a);
k = greaterThan(a, a);
k = greaterThanEqual(a, a);
ssbo_1.b.x = ssbo_1.b.x + 1.0lf;
ssbo_2.b[0].x = ssbo_2.b[0].x + 1.0lf;
ssbo_3.b[0].x = ssbo_3.b[0].x + 1.0lf;
ssbo_1.b.x += 1.0lf;
ssbo_2.b[0].x += 1.0lf;
ssbo_3.b[0].x += 1.0lf;
@ -36,17 +36,17 @@ layout(binding = 3, std140) buffer SSBO3
void main()
ssbo_0.a = ssbo_0.a + i64vec4(10l, 20l, 30l, 40l);
ssbo_1.b = ssbo_1.b + u64vec4(999999999999999999ul, 8888888888888888ul, 77777777777777777ul, 6666666666666666ul);
ssbo_0.a = ssbo_0.a + i64vec4(20l);
ssbo_0.a += i64vec4(10l, 20l, 30l, 40l);
ssbo_1.b += u64vec4(999999999999999999ul, 8888888888888888ul, 77777777777777777ul, 6666666666666666ul);
ssbo_0.a += i64vec4(20l);
ssbo_0.a = abs(ssbo_0.a + i64vec4(ssbo_1.b));
ssbo_0.a = ssbo_0.a + i64vec4(1l);
ssbo_1.b = ssbo_1.b + u64vec4(i64vec4(1l));
ssbo_0.a = ssbo_0.a - i64vec4(1l);
ssbo_1.b = ssbo_1.b - u64vec4(i64vec4(1l));
ssbo_0.a += i64vec4(1l);
ssbo_1.b += u64vec4(i64vec4(1l));
ssbo_0.a -= i64vec4(1l);
ssbo_1.b -= u64vec4(i64vec4(1l));
ssbo_1.b = doubleBitsToUint64(int64BitsToDouble(ssbo_0.a));
ssbo_0.a = doubleBitsToInt64(uint64BitsToDouble(ssbo_1.b));
ssbo_2.a[0] = ssbo_2.a[0] + 1l;
ssbo_3.a[0] = ssbo_3.a[0] + 2l;
ssbo_2.a[0] += 1l;
ssbo_3.a[0] += 2l;
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
#version 310 es
precision mediump float;
precision highp int;
layout(location = 0) out mediump int FragColor;
void main()
FragColor = 16;
for (mediump int i = 0; i < 25; i++)
FragColor += 10;
for (mediump int i_1 = 1, j = 4; i_1 < 30; i_1++, j += 4)
FragColor += 11;
mediump int k = 0;
for (; k < 20; k++)
FragColor += 12;
k += 3;
FragColor += k;
mediump int l;
if (k == 40)
l = 0;
for (; l < 40; l++)
FragColor += 13;
l = k;
FragColor += l;
mediump ivec2 i_2 = ivec2(0);
for (; i_2.x < 10; i_2.x += 4)
FragColor += i_2.y;
mediump int o = k;
for (mediump int m = k; m < 40; m++)
FragColor += m;
FragColor += o;
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ void main()
vec3 base = mix(grass, snow, vec3(grass_snow));
float edge = smoothstep(0.699999988079071044921875, 0.75, Normal.y);
Color = mix(dirt, base, vec3(edge));
Color = Color * Color;
Color *= Color;
float Roughness = 1.0 - (edge * grass_snow);
highp vec3 param_1 = Color;
highp vec3 param_2 = Normal;
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ void main()
vec2 param_1 = tess_coord;
mediump vec2 lod = lod_factor(param_1);
vec2 tex = pos * _31.uInvHeightmapSize;
pos = pos * _31.uScale.xy;
pos *= _31.uScale.xy;
mediump float delta_mod = exp2(lod.x);
vec2 off = _31.uInvHeightmapSize * delta_mod;
vGradNormalTex = vec4(tex + (_31.uInvHeightmapSize * 0.5), tex *;
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ void main()
vec2 param_3 = off;
vec2 param_4 = lod;
vec3 height_displacement = sample_height_displacement(param_2, param_3, param_4);
pos = pos + height_displacement.yz;
pos += height_displacement.yz;
vWorld = vec3(pos.x, height_displacement.x, pos.y);
gl_Position = _31.uMVP * vec4(vWorld, 1.0);
@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ void main()
vec2 Offset = _381.InvGroundSize_PatchScale.xy * exp2(lod.x);
float Elevation = mix(textureLod(TexHeightmap, NormalizedPos + (Offset * 0.5), lod.x).x, textureLod(TexHeightmap, NormalizedPos + (Offset * 1.0), lod.x + 1.0).x, lod.y);
vec3 WorldPos = vec3(NormalizedPos.x, Elevation, NormalizedPos.y);
WorldPos = WorldPos *;
WorldPos = WorldPos +;
WorldPos *=;
WorldPos +=;
EyeVec = WorldPos -;
TexCoord = NormalizedPos + (_381.InvGroundSize_PatchScale.xy * 0.5);
gl_Position = (((_58.g_ViewProj_Row0 * WorldPos.x) + (_58.g_ViewProj_Row1 * WorldPos.y)) + (_58.g_ViewProj_Row2 * WorldPos.z)) + _58.g_ViewProj_Row3;
@ -124,8 +124,8 @@ void main()
vec2 Offset = (_405.InvOceanSize_PatchScale.xy * exp2(lod.x)) *;
vec3 Displacement = mix(textureLod(TexDisplacement, NormalizedTex + (Offset * 0.5), lod.x).yxz, textureLod(TexDisplacement, NormalizedTex + (Offset * 1.0), lod.x + 1.0).yxz, vec3(lod.y));
vec3 WorldPos = vec3(NormalizedPos.x, 0.0, NormalizedPos.y) + Displacement;
WorldPos = WorldPos *;
WorldPos = WorldPos +;
WorldPos *=;
WorldPos +=;
EyeVec = WorldPos -;
TexCoord = vec4(NormalizedTex, NormalizedTex * _405.NormalTexCoordScale.xy) + ((_405.InvOceanSize_PatchScale.xyxy * 0.5) * _405.NormalTexCoordScale.zwzw);
gl_Position = (((_58.g_ViewProj_Row0 * WorldPos.x) + (_58.g_ViewProj_Row1 * WorldPos.y)) + (_58.g_ViewProj_Row2 * WorldPos.z)) + _58.g_ViewProj_Row3;
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
#version 310 es
precision mediump float;
layout(location = 0) out int FragColor;
void main()
FragColor = 16;
// Basic loop variable.
for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++)
FragColor += 10;
// Multiple loop variables.
for (int i = 1, j = 4; i < 30; i++, j += 4)
FragColor += 11;
// A potential loop variables, but we access it outside the loop,
// so cannot be one.
int k = 0;
for (; k < 20; k++)
FragColor += 12;
k += 3;
FragColor += k;
// Potential loop variables, but the dominator is not trivial.
int l;
if (k == 40)
for (l = 0; l < 40; l++)
FragColor += 13;
l = k;
FragColor += l;
// Vectors cannot be loop variables
for (ivec2 i = ivec2(0); i.x < 10; i.x += 4)
FragColor += i.y;
// Check that static expressions can be used before the loop header.
int m = 0;
m = k;
int o = m;
for (; m < 40; m++)
FragColor += m;
FragColor += o;
@ -56,6 +56,24 @@ public:
uint32_t find_common_dominator(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) const;
const std::vector<uint32_t> &get_preceding_edges(uint32_t block) const
return preceding_edges[block];
const std::vector<uint32_t> &get_succeeding_edges(uint32_t block) const
return succeeding_edges[block];
template <typename Op>
void walk_from(uint32_t block, const Op &op) const
for (auto b : succeeding_edges[block])
walk_from(b, op);
Compiler &compiler;
const SPIRFunction &func;
@ -445,6 +445,11 @@ struct SPIRBlock : IVariant
// All access to these variables are dominated by this block,
// so before branching anywhere we need to make sure that we declare these variables.
std::vector<uint32_t> dominated_variables;
// These are variables which should be declared in a for loop header, if we
// fail to use a classic for-loop,
// we remove these variables, and fall back to regular variables outside the loop.
std::vector<uint32_t> loop_variables;
struct SPIRFunction : IVariant
@ -553,6 +558,15 @@ struct SPIRVariable : IVariant
bool remapped_variable = false;
uint32_t remapped_components = 0;
// The block which dominates all access to this variable.
uint32_t dominator = 0;
// If true, this variable is a loop variable, when accessing the variable
// outside a loop,
// we should statically forward it.
bool loop_variable = false;
// Set to true while we're inside the for loop.
bool loop_variable_enable = false;
SPIRFunction::Parameter *parameter = nullptr;
@ -2909,15 +2909,33 @@ void Compiler::analyze_variable_scope(SPIRFunction &entry)
// Compute the control flow graph for this function.
CFG cfg(*this, entry);
unordered_map<uint32_t, uint32_t> potential_loop_variables;
// For each variable which is statically accessed.
for (auto &var : handler.accessed_variables_to_block)
DominatorBuilder builder(cfg);
auto &blocks = var.second;
auto &type = expression_type(var.first);
// Figure out which block is dominating all accesses of those variables.
for (auto &block : blocks)
// If we're accessing a variable inside a continue block, this variable might be a loop variable.
// We can only use loop variables with scalars, as we cannot track static expressions for vectors.
if (is_continue(block) && type.vecsize == 1 && type.columns == 1)
// The variable is used in multiple continue blocks, this is not a loop
// candidate, signal that by setting block to -1u.
auto &potential = potential_loop_variables[var.first];
if (potential == 0)
potential = block;
potential = -1u;
@ -2929,6 +2947,87 @@ void Compiler::analyze_variable_scope(SPIRFunction &entry)
auto &block = this->get<SPIRBlock>(dominating_block);
get<SPIRVariable>(var.first).dominator = dominating_block;
// Now, try to analyze whether or not these variables are actually loop variables.
for (auto &loop_variable : potential_loop_variables)
auto &var = get<SPIRVariable>(loop_variable.first);
auto dominator = var.dominator;
auto block = loop_variable.second;
// The variable was accessed in multiple continue blocks, ignore.
if (block == -1u || block == 0)
// Dead code.
if (dominator == 0)
uint32_t header = 0;
// Find the loop header for this block.
for (auto b : loop_blocks)
auto &potential_header = get<SPIRBlock>(b);
if (potential_header.continue_block == block)
header = b;
auto &header_block = get<SPIRBlock>(header);
// Now, there are two conditions we need to meet for the variable to be a loop variable.
// 1. The dominating block must have a branch-free path to the loop header,
// this way we statically know which expression should be part of the loop variable initializer.
// Walk from the dominator, if there is one straight edge connecting
// dominator and loop header, we statically know the loop initializer.
bool static_loop_init = true;
while (dominator != header)
auto &succ = cfg.get_succeeding_edges(dominator);
if (succ.size() != 1)
static_loop_init = false;
auto &pred = cfg.get_preceding_edges(succ.front());
if (pred.size() != 1 || pred.front() != dominator)
static_loop_init = false;
dominator = succ.front();
if (!static_loop_init)
// The second condition we need to meet is that no access after the loop
// merge can occur. Walk the CFG to see if we find anything.
auto &blocks = handler.accessed_variables_to_block[loop_variable.first];
cfg.walk_from(header_block.merge_block, [&](uint32_t walk_block) {
// We found a block which accesses the variable outside the loop.
if (blocks.find(walk_block) != end(blocks))
static_loop_init = false;
if (!static_loop_init)
// We have a loop variable.
// Need to sort here as variables come from an unordered container, and pushing stuff in wrong order
// will break reproducability in regression runs.
sort(begin(header_block.loop_variables), end(header_block.loop_variables));
get<SPIRVariable>(loop_variable.first).loop_variable = true;
@ -1565,7 +1565,9 @@ string CompilerGLSL::to_expression(uint32_t id)
case TypeVariable:
auto &var = get<SPIRVariable>(id);
if (var.statically_assigned)
// If we try to use a loop variable before the loop header, we have to redirect it to the static expression,
// the variable has not been declared yet.
if (var.statically_assigned || (var.loop_variable && !var.loop_variable_enable))
return to_expression(var.static_expression);
else if (var.deferred_declaration)
@ -3426,6 +3428,33 @@ bool CompilerGLSL::skip_argument(uint32_t id) const
return false;
bool CompilerGLSL::optimize_read_modify_write(const string &lhs, const string &rhs)
// Do this with strings because we have a very clear pattern we can check for and it avoids
// adding lots of special cases to the code emission.
if (rhs.size() < lhs.size() + 3)
return false;
auto index = rhs.find(lhs);
if (index != 0)
return false;
// TODO: Shift operators, but it's not important for now.
auto op = rhs.find_first_of("+-/*%|&^", lhs.size() + 1);
if (op != lhs.size() + 1)
return false;
char bop = rhs[op];
auto expr = rhs.substr(lhs.size() + 3);
// Try to find increments and decrements. Makes it look neater as += 1, -= 1 is fairly rare to see in real code.
// Find some common patterns which are equivalent.
if ((bop == '+' || bop == '-') && (expr == "1" || expr == "uint(1)" || expr == "1u" || expr == "int(1u)"))
statement(lhs, bop, bop, ";");
statement(lhs, " ", bop, "= ", expr, ";");
return true;
void CompilerGLSL::emit_instruction(const Instruction &instruction)
auto ops = stream(instruction);
@ -3492,6 +3521,8 @@ void CompilerGLSL::emit_instruction(const Instruction &instruction)
if (var && var->statically_assigned)
var->static_expression = ops[1];
else if (var && var->loop_variable && !var->loop_variable_enable)
var->static_expression = ops[1];
auto lhs = to_expression(ops[0]);
@ -3501,6 +3532,11 @@ void CompilerGLSL::emit_instruction(const Instruction &instruction)
// For this case, we don't need to invalidate anything and emit any opcode.
if (lhs != rhs)
// Tries to optimize assignments like "<lhs> = <lhs> op expr".
// While this is purely cosmetic, this is important for legacy ESSL where loop
// variable increments must be in either i++ or i += const-expr.
// Without this, we end up with i = i + 1, which is correct GLSL, but not correct GLES 2.0.
if (!optimize_read_modify_write(lhs, rhs))
statement(lhs, " = ", rhs, ";");
@ -4922,7 +4958,9 @@ string CompilerGLSL::variable_decl(const SPIRVariable &variable)
// Ignore the pointer type since GLSL doesn't have pointers.
auto &type = get<SPIRType>(variable.basetype);
auto res = join(to_qualifiers_glsl(variable.self), variable_decl(type, to_name(variable.self)));
if (variable.initializer)
if (variable.loop_variable)
res += join(" = ", to_expression(variable.static_expression));
else if (variable.initializer)
res += join(" = ", to_expression(variable.initializer));
return res;
@ -5347,6 +5385,47 @@ void CompilerGLSL::emit_function(SPIRFunction &func, uint64_t return_flags)
current_function = &func;
auto &entry_block = get<SPIRBlock>(func.entry_block);
if (!func.analyzed_variable_scope)
if (options.cfg_analysis)
// Check if we can actually use the loop variables we found in analyze_variable_scope.
// To use multiple initializers, we need the same type and qualifiers.
for (auto block : func.blocks)
auto &b = get<SPIRBlock>(block);
if (b.loop_variables.size() < 2)
uint64_t flags = get_decoration_mask(b.loop_variables.front());
uint32_t type = get<SPIRVariable>(b.loop_variables.front()).basetype;
bool invalid_initializers = false;
for (auto loop_variable : b.loop_variables)
if (flags != get_decoration_mask(loop_variable) ||
type != get<SPIRVariable>(b.loop_variables.front()).basetype)
invalid_initializers = true;
if (invalid_initializers)
for (auto loop_variable : b.loop_variables)
get<SPIRVariable>(loop_variable).loop_variable = false;
entry_block.dominated_variables = func.local_variables;
func.analyzed_variable_scope = true;
for (auto &v : func.local_variables)
@ -5367,24 +5446,19 @@ void CompilerGLSL::emit_function(SPIRFunction &func, uint64_t return_flags)
// HACK: SPIRV likes to use samplers and images as local variables, but GLSL does not allow
// this. For these types (non-lvalue), we enforce forwarding through a shadowed variable.
// HACK: SPIRV likes to use samplers and images as local variables, but GLSL does not allow this.
// For these types (non-lvalue), we enforce forwarding through a shadowed variable.
// This means that when we OpStore to these variables, we just write in the expression ID directly.
// This breaks any kind of branching, since the variable must be statically assigned.
// Branching on samplers and images would be pretty much impossible to fake in GLSL.
var.statically_assigned = true;
auto &entry_block = get<SPIRBlock>(func.entry_block);
var.loop_variable_enable = false;
if (!func.analyzed_variable_scope)
if (options.cfg_analysis)
entry_block.dominated_variables = func.local_variables;
func.analyzed_variable_scope = true;
// Loop variables are never declared outside their for-loop, so block any implicit declaration.
if (var.loop_variable)
var.deferred_declaration = false;
entry_block.loop_dominator = SPIRBlock::NoDominator;
@ -5614,6 +5688,36 @@ string CompilerGLSL::emit_continue_block(uint32_t continue_block)
return merge(statements);
string CompilerGLSL::emit_for_loop_initializers(const SPIRBlock &block)
if (block.loop_variables.empty())
return "";
if (block.loop_variables.size() == 1)
return variable_decl(get<SPIRVariable>(block.loop_variables.front()));
auto &var = get<SPIRVariable>(block.loop_variables.front());
auto &type = get<SPIRType>(var.basetype);
// Don't remap the type here as we have multiple names,
// doesn't make sense to remap types for loop variables anyways.
// It is assumed here that all relevant qualifiers are equal for all loop variables.
string expr = join(to_qualifiers_glsl(var.self), type_to_glsl(type), " ");
for (auto &loop_var : block.loop_variables)
auto &v = get<SPIRVariable>(loop_var);
expr += join(to_name(loop_var), " = ", to_expression(v.static_expression));
if (&loop_var != &block.loop_variables.back())
expr += ", ";
return expr;
bool CompilerGLSL::attempt_emit_loop_header(SPIRBlock &block, SPIRBlock::Method method)
SPIRBlock::ContinueBlockType continue_type = continue_block_type(get<SPIRBlock>(block.continue_block));
@ -5635,8 +5739,8 @@ bool CompilerGLSL::attempt_emit_loop_header(SPIRBlock &block, SPIRBlock::Method
switch (continue_type)
case SPIRBlock::ForLoop:
statement("for (; ", to_expression(block.condition), "; ", emit_continue_block(block.continue_block),
statement("for (", emit_for_loop_initializers(block), "; ", to_expression(block.condition), "; ",
emit_continue_block(block.continue_block), ")");
case SPIRBlock::WhileLoop:
@ -5682,8 +5786,8 @@ bool CompilerGLSL::attempt_emit_loop_header(SPIRBlock &block, SPIRBlock::Method
switch (continue_type)
case SPIRBlock::ForLoop:
statement("for (; ", to_expression(child.condition), "; ", emit_continue_block(block.continue_block),
statement("for (", emit_for_loop_initializers(block), "; ", to_expression(child.condition), "; ",
emit_continue_block(block.continue_block), ")");
case SPIRBlock::WhileLoop:
@ -5727,6 +5831,7 @@ void CompilerGLSL::emit_block_chain(SPIRBlock &block)
bool select_branch_to_true_block = false;
bool skip_direct_branch = false;
bool emitted_for_loop_header = false;
// If we need to force temporaries for certain IDs due to continue blocks, do it before starting loop header.
for (auto &tmp : block.declare_temporary)
@ -5740,15 +5845,19 @@ void CompilerGLSL::emit_block_chain(SPIRBlock &block)
if (block.continue_block)
continue_type = continue_block_type(get<SPIRBlock>(block.continue_block));
// If we have loop variables, stop masking out access to the variable now.
for (auto var : block.loop_variables)
get<SPIRVariable>(var).loop_variable_enable = true;
// This is the older loop behavior in glslang which branches to loop body directly from the loop header.
if (block_is_loop_candidate(block, SPIRBlock::MergeToSelectForLoop))
if (attempt_emit_loop_header(block, SPIRBlock::MergeToSelectForLoop))
// The body of while, is actually just the true block, so always branch there
// unconditionally.
// The body of while, is actually just the true block, so always branch there unconditionally.
select_branch_to_true_block = true;
emitted_for_loop_header = true;
// This is the newer loop behavior in glslang which branches from Loop header directly to
@ -5757,7 +5866,10 @@ void CompilerGLSL::emit_block_chain(SPIRBlock &block)
if (attempt_emit_loop_header(block, SPIRBlock::MergeToDirectForLoop))
skip_direct_branch = true;
emitted_for_loop_header = true;
else if (continue_type == SPIRBlock::DoWhileLoop)
@ -5785,6 +5897,16 @@ void CompilerGLSL::emit_block_chain(SPIRBlock &block)
// If we didn't successfully emit a loop header and we had loop variable candidates, we have a problem
// as writes to said loop variables might have been masked out, we need a recompile.
if (!emitted_for_loop_header && !block.loop_variables.empty())
force_recompile = true;
for (auto var : block.loop_variables)
get<SPIRVariable>(var).loop_variable = false;
bool emit_next_block = true;
@ -388,6 +388,10 @@ protected:
void check_function_call_constraints(const uint32_t *args, uint32_t length);
void handle_invalid_expression(uint32_t id);
void find_static_extensions();
std::string emit_for_loop_initializers(const SPIRBlock &block);
bool optimize_read_modify_write(const std::string &lhs, const std::string &rhs);
@ -137,6 +137,14 @@ def regression_check(shader, glsl, update, keep):
shutil.move(glsl, reference)
print('Generated GLSL in {} does not match reference {}!'.format(glsl, reference))
with open(glsl, 'r') as f:
# Otherwise, fail the test. Keep the shader file around so we can inspect.
if not keep:
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