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Project Committee Meeting - December 10, 2020, 12:00 PM ET
ATTENDEES: Chris Sfanos (@ChrisSfanos), Juan Elosegui (@jmelosegui), Shaun Walker (@sbwalker), Chris Hammond (@ChrisHammond), Jeremy Sinclair (@snickler), Tanner Gooding (@tannergooding), Ken Cutt (@kencutt), Claire Novotny (@clairernovotny), Eriawan Kusumawardhono (@eriawan)
ABSENT: Jeff Strauss (@jstrauss), Scott Willhite (@mrswoop), John Callaway (@ovation22)
STAFF OBSERVERS: Terracia King (@terraciaking)
Board of Directors agreed to accept the Projects Committee’s recommendation and approve the following applications last month:
- Silk.NET
- Ant Design Blazor
- Finbuckle.MultiTenant
- Case Management - https://github.com/simpleidserver/CaseManagement
- relatively new project without a lot of activity
- licensing is permissive
- recommendation: do not recommend for approval, evaluate if suitable for Seed level
- FastTunnel - https://github.com/SpringHgui/FastTunnel
- relatively new project without a lot of activity
- licensing is permissive
- recommendation: do not recommend for approval, evaluate if suitable for Seed level
- Tom’s Toolbox - https://github.com/tom-englert/TomsToolbox
- relatively new project without a lot of activity
- licensing is permissive
- recommendation: do not recommend for approval, evaluate if suitable for Seed level
- NanUI for WinForms - https://github.com/NetDimension/NanUI
- project is mature however does not have much recent activity
- license is permissive but was recently changed from a non-permissive license
- recommendation: do not recommend for approval, evaluate if suitable for Seed level and inquire about license change
- Project Activity Tracker
- Url: https://dnfprojects.azurewebsites.net/net-foundation-projects
- Committee reviewed activity trends for .NET Foundation projects for the past 6 months
- it was noted that there a large number of .NET Foundation which are inactive
- @clairenovotny asked the Committee if there should be requirements for ongoing activity to stay in the Foundation?
- Press Release Plan
- @sbwalker noted that the New Project Application form asks for submitters to provide a PR Plan and asked if this information is used anywhere
- @clairenovotny indicated that it is not being used currently
- @sbwalker asked if it should be shared with the Marketing Committee
- @tannergooding suggested that the information could be optional
- @snickler suggested that the Committee create a form that would allow the project maintainers to check the types of press that would like for their project (ex. Twitter)
- Trademark Usage
- there is an organization from China on GitHub using "dotnetcore" as its name
- @clairenovotny has reached out to them to determine if they may be able to change their name
- communication is challenging due to language barriers
- some project applications are on hold until this is resolved
- @kencutt provided a status update for the HaveIBeenPwned opportunity.
- @kencutt and @ovation22 have held multiple meetings with Troy Hunt.
- Troy Hunt shared his code with @kencutt and @ovation22 a few days ago.
- They are putting together a game plan to help Troy.
- .NET6 Ecosystem Growth Working Group Next Steps
- @sbwalker held a discussion around the .NET6 Ecosystem Growth working group.
- There will be a meeting held every Thursday from 4:00pm – 6:00pm Eastern time.
- The working group will meet over the next three months.
- @snickler and @eriawan action items to send @sbwalker contacts that would like to join the working group.
- Q&A
- @sbwalker asked @clairenovotny if the Board has any expectations or goals for the Projects Committee in 2021.
- @clairenovotny suggested @sbwalker to ask the question to the Board at the December Board meeting.
- There was a brief discussion held on the new GitHub Sponsor capabilities.
The meeting adjourned at 1:00 pm ET