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SixLabors API docs site


latest docfx version needs to be installed. This can be installed via chocolatey

Make it work

How do I build the latest tagged docs

run build.cmd/build.ps1 from the command line. This will checkout that latest tagged commits for each of the repositories and regenerate the site in the docs folder.

How do I build the latest nightly docs

run build-dev.cmd/build-dev.ps1 from the command line. This will checkout that latest commits for each of the repositories and regenerate the site in the docs folder.

How to preview

run serve.cmd/serve.ps1 this rebuilds the site but also runs a dev server at http://localhost:8080 so you can preview the current state of the docs.

Updating the docs

To make changes make sure you rebuild (run build.cmd) before committing. TODO: automate this as a build step.