= SteeltoeOSS Docker Images
:toc: preamble
:toclevels: 1
GitHub repo for server images to use for local development with SteeltoeOSS.
== Building
.Build a specific image:
./build.ps1 config-server
== Running
.List the created images:
docker images
See the link:https://github.com/SteeltoeOSS/Samples/blob/main/CommonTasks.md/[docker instructions] on how to run the various docker images.
== Images
|Name |Description
| Spring Cloud Config Server
| Netflix Eureka Server
| Spring Boot Admin
| CloudFoundry UAA Server
== Debug Image Building
Via link:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32353055/how-to-start-a-stopped-docker-container-with-a-different-command/39329138#39329138[StackOverflow], here are the commands to list files in a stopped container.
1. Find the id of the stopped container
* `docker ps -a`
2. Commit the stopped container to a new image: test_image.
* `docker commit $CONTAINER_ID test_image`
3. Run the new image in a new container with a shell.
* `docker run -ti --entrypoint=sh test_image`