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Steeltoe Sample Applications Tests


Running the Samples tests requires Python 3 and its associated package installer pip. It's recommended, but not required, that virtualenv is used to manage the Python 3 packages.

Python 3


Download and install Python 3. pip is included in the distribution.

Set PYTHON_HOME to your installation directory.

Add %PYTHON_HOME% and %PYTHON_HOME%\Scripts to your PATH.


Install Python 3 and pip.

$ sudo apt install python3 python3-pip


Install brew if needed.

Install Python 3. pip is included in the distribution.

$ brew install python3



Install virtualenv using pip.

$ pip install virtualenv


Install virtualenv using pip3.

$ sudo pip3 install virtualenv


Install virtualenv using pip3.

$ pip3 install virtualenv


Python Environment

Change to the root directory of the Sample repo. Create a virtual Python 3 environment for the project. In these instructions, the virtual environment name is pyenv, however the name is arbitrary.


$ virtualenv pyenv

Ubuntu, OS X

$ virtualenv pyenv --python=python3

Activate the Python 3 virtual environment

Activating the Python 3 virtual environment sets up your shell's path so that it can find the needed packages and tools. You only need to activate once per shell.


$ pyenv\Scripts\activate

Ubuntu, OS X

$ source pyenv/bin/activate

Install the Python 3 packages needed to run the Samples project tests.

Windows, Ubuntu, OS X

$ pip install -r pyenv.pkgs


Note: There must be a space named development associated with the credentials. Nothing is created in the development space; it's needed solely for the login process.

Create a DOS INI file named user.ini in the repository root.

In the file, add a section named behave.userdata.


If you don't specify credentials, it is assumed you are already logged in to CloudFoundry endpoint.

To specify credentials, define the following attributes:

  • cf_apiurl
  • cf_username
  • cf_password
  • cf_org

Example: CloudFoundry credentials

cf_apiurl = api.mypcf
cf_username = myusername
cf_password = mypassword
cf_org = myorg


TODO: describe *cf_domain, cf_space


Note: it's assumed your Python 3 virtual environment is activated.

Run all the tests.

$ behave

Run tests for a specific set of samples.

Example: Run tests for simple CloudFoundry configuration.

$ behave Configuration/src/AspDotNetCore/CloudFoundry

Run tests for a specific framework.

Example: Run tests for the ubuntu.14.04-x64 framework.

$ behave -t ubuntu.14.04-x64

Run tests for a specific runtime.

Example: Run tests for the win-10-x64 runtime.

$ behave -t win-10-x64


Options can be specified (in order of precedence) using command line switches or the user options file.

Command line switches take the form of: -Dname.

The user options file is the DOS INI named user.ini (created previously when defining CloudFoundry credentials).

To set a boolean option to true, specify a value equal to one of 1, yes, true, or on.

To set a boolean option to false, specify a value equals to one of 0, no, false, or off.

Specifying an option with no value results in a value of true regardless of the option type.

Example: set the option foo using a command line switch.

$ -Dfoo=bar           # set option foo to bar

Example: set the option foo using the user options file.

foo = bar

The following sections describe available options. Option defaults are defined in behave.ini.


Specifies how many attempts to try when checking for CloudFoundry artifacts to be available.

By default, 120 attempts are tried before giving up; the delay between retries is 1 second. Setting this value to a negative number results in an infinite number of attempts.


Specifies name to use for scenario spaces. If not set, generate a random name per scenario.

By default, not set.


Specifies whether to enter debugger upon an error, e.g. a scenario step failure.

By default, debugger is not enabled.


Specifies whether to teardown artifacts after the completion of a scenario.

By default, artifacts are torn down after a scenario completes. Disabling teardown can be useful in developing and debugging scenarios.


Specifies how many attempts to try when checking for local processes to be ready.

By default, 30 attempts are tried before giving up; the delay between retries is 1 second. Setting this value to a negative number results in an infinite number of attempts.


Specifies where to put test output.

By default, output is written to the test.out directory in the root directory of the repository. It may be necessary or desirable to use a directory other then the default. For example, on Windows, file length names can exceed the supported maxmium, causing tests to fail.

Example: override output directory on Windows

$ behave -Doutput=C:\MyOut


Run background processes in their own windows.

By default, output from processes run in the background is displayed in the same shell that ran behave. Background processes instead can be run in their own windows (a new Command shell on Windows, or an XTerm otherwise) by specifiying -Dwindowed so that they have a dedicated display for their output.