While the most common way to install the Telerik UI for Blazor components is to use the [Telerik private NuGet feed]({%slug installation/nuget%}), you can also use a wizard installer, or a [zip archive]({%slug installation/zip%}).
* Linux (`.sh` + `.tar.gz`). Pass `-s <path to the archive>` when running the script. Other arguments are `-d` for the location where the archive will be extracted (defaults to `${HOME}/telerik-blazor"`) and `-SkipNETCoreInstall` to skip the installation of .NET Core (note that the framework is required).
* The [necessary `.nupkg` files]({%slug getting-started/what-you-need%}) so you can setup a [local feed in Visual Studio](#set-up-a-local-nuget-feed-in-visual-studio). You can find them in the `packages` folder under the installation folder.
* An offline version of our [demos](https://demos.telerik.com/blazor-ui/) that you can run and inspect in your IDE. You can find them in the `demos` folder in the installation. @[template](/_contentTemplates/common/get-started.md#demos-project-net-version)
* Our [Visual Studio Extensions]({%slug getting-started-vs-integration-overview%}).
* We also have [extensions for VS Code]({%slug getting-started-vs-code-integration-overview%}) and you can install them from its own marketplace (<ahref="https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=TelerikInc.blazortemplatewizard"target="_blank">direct link</a>).
Once the download completes, run the downloaded file and follow the instructions.
>important The default installation path on Windows is `C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\Telerik UI for Blazor <VERSION>\`. If you are **not** administrator of your machine, you might want to choose installation path to which you have full access (for example, the Documents or Desktop folder). Thus, you will be able to successfully run and explore the offline version of our live demos that comes with the installer.
MacOS requires that installer packages are signed. The UI for Blazor installation `.pkg` package is signed and the MacOS system should not block the installation. Nevertheless, in rare cases MacOS may still block the Telerik Installer.
There are several approaches you can try:
* Make sure that the "identified developers" downloads are enabled:
1. Open **System Preferences**
2. Go to **Security & Privacy** and select the **General** tab
3. In the bottom half of the window under **Allow apps downloaded from**: option select the **App Store and identified developers**
4. Apply the option and then give the installer another try
* Install the file manually with either of these approaches:
* Right-click on the `.pkg` and select "Open". This should bring up an install dialog, but with an option to **Open the file anyway**.
* Right-click on the `.pkg` and select "Open With", and choose **Installer**.
* Or, get around Apple's security precautions by removing the quarantine Extended Attribute on the `.pkg` file by executing `xattr -d com.apple.quarantine /path/to/file`
* You can, alternatively, obtain all the files you need from the [ZIP archive we provide]({%slug installation/zip%}) which does not require an installation.